The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1058: Read all the capital in one day


read2();   "It's so strange. This time, the parade of the winners of the Great Dynasty Examination has not started yet. Could it be that there have been some changes in the White Emperor Palace?"

The big sun above the vast sky of Shenzhou gradually came directly above the heads of all the people in Shenjing City, indicating that as time passed, it had already reached noon unconsciously, and after the initial excitement, more and more Many people felt the abnormality and made a soft questioning sound.

But after a while, there was still no movement inside the Meridian Gate of the White Emperor Palace. The two columns outside the gate were erect and standing with a halberd. They were like sculptures in the sun, motionless, and at the same time radiating outwards. With a formidable and reassuring strong breath.

The noise on both sides of the Baiyu Avenue gradually subsided. Only the old mothers and the Northwest girls who came to take up a good position early were still in high spirits, talking to each other about the age, appearance, and whether they were married. Wait for the message.

Among them, Yuan Bai, who is the champion and No. 1, is naturally the focus of all the girls’ conversations. I saw a plump middle-aged woman who was surrounded by groups, with one hand on her hips, the other hand lifted and opened, and she spoke loudly. , Saliva splashes:

"Girls, as the matchmaker on the Suzaku Avenue in the capital city, I have a lot of information on these young talents in the rankings. Especially you are especially concerned about the top three and the first place in the dynasty test. Detailed study."

As soon as the matchmaker said this, the girls gathered around her suddenly brightened their beautiful eyes. Compared with the little Jiabiyu of the girls in the southern water villages, the Northwest girls who occupy the most favorable position at this time have too much boldness, so Pulling the red clothes of the grandmother one after another, they spoke reluctantly:

"My dear mother, who doesn't know that you are Yuelao alive in Shenjing City? Tell us about the situation of these top three talents. We are all counting on you for this lifelong event. If it is done, you will act as a matchmaker. People don’t even talk about the light on their faces, this benefit is indispensable."

   This endless rainbow fart made the matchmaker extremely useful. Her plump face suddenly showed a very satisfying smile, raised her hand and pointed forward, and responded:

"My girls, what kind of people are the top three in this great dynasty test? They are the leaders among all the scholars in Daxia, and they can be called the stars of Wenqu, so you still want to choose them as wishful lords. I am afraid they are dreaming. "

  As soon as the words came out, the girls gathered around suddenly exploded the pot, pulling the corners of the mother's clothes and shaking them, and a clear voice came out:

   "We know that there is no blessing in this life, but it's okay to listen."

   "Okay, let you open your eyes to see. Among these people, Dragon and Phoenix will all enter the court in the future, so after today, it's hard to speak at will."

  In the end, the red-dressed mother was unable to stand up to the coquettish offensive used like tides, raised her brows, and continued to speak:

"It should be said that among the top three in this dynasty test, the looks are the most handsome and most in line with the preferences of the girls in you boudoirs. It is the son of Tanhua Lang Sima. Although I didn't see the grandmother with my own eyes, it is rumored that she is in white Gone, the complexion is like jade, so handsome, but well."

   At this point, the red-dressed mother hesitated for a while, lowered her voice slightly, and continued to speak:

"But it is said that this young man is a fool, and you may not be able to surrender, but then again, once such a talented and beautiful young man can turn his head, then I will rely on my eyesight, that is a kind of infatuation that has been desperate for a lifetime. It."

As soon as this red-dressed mother said this, she had heard that Sima Annan's face was a little sullen at the time, Yu Rui'er, and she suddenly opened her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes, showing a smile, and then the red-dressed mother not far away continued Opening:

   "After talking about Tanhualang, let's talk about the second place in the rankings. If the girls can fly on the branches and become phoenixes, then this towering tree has the greatest opportunity to be the second-placed Song."

As soon as   嬷嬷's words fell, the girls gathered around suddenly raised their small ears, and then they heard the voice of the former continue to be heard:

"This son of Song is a famous birthplace. This Shenjing Liuye Lane Song Mansion was also a general manager more than ten years ago. However, his family was a bit down, but at this time he is still more generous than an ordinary family. There are too many, so this young man is the seed brother of Liuye Alley. Imagine that once you marry into the Song Mansion, you will have a lot of money, and you don’t have to abide by the rules of a big family. Husband with full potential, it's so beautiful."

   The red-dressed mother just finished speaking, and the girls next to them nodded like chickens pecking rice. Then the former looked around for a week without selling off her, and the endless voice continued:

"It is said that this son of Song loves texts and does not love martial arts. He has entered the former Confucian school since he was a child, that is, the current Daxia Academy. He is the outstanding Chu of the younger generation of the Academy. Unfamiliar, he has always focused on both talents and virtue, enough to show that Song Gongzi must be impeccable, and he is not married, so he is the perfect husband-in-law candidate."

The last sentence of the red-dressed mother said very loudly, and then the girls from the city of God around her suddenly gave out a burst of sweet laughter, which was crisp and pleasant, making the children waiting by the avenue around them to look sideways, and then Yingying Someone in Yanyan rolled his eyes and said loudly:

   "Mother, let's talk about this champion, we are all waiting!"

  As soon as the words came out, the girls around immediately agreed, and then the plump matchmaker raised her hands and patted forward gently. After a soft sound, she sighed and continued to speak:

   "Yuan Zhuangyuan, the bird who flew on the phoenix tree of the Baidi Palace, don't think about it when you wait, it is destined to be hopeless."

The words of the mother fell, and the girls around just started to ask the reason, but the question has not yet been heard. At the Meridian Gate of the White Emperor Palace, there was a deafening drum, and the sound of the drum was magnificent and solemn. The ritual music sonata.

With the sound of ceremony and music, the countless people who had already been waiting on Baiyu Avenue directly raised their arms and shouted, and their vigorous voices went straight to the sky, and the roofs rang.

  At the same time, the girls who had gathered around the red-dressed grandmother just said nothing, rushing back to both sides of the avenue, widening their eyes, watching the wide golden water bridge at the end of the road, their eyes shining.

   Then, under the gaze of countless pairs of extremely expectant eyes, there were bursts of rushing horseshoes from far and near. Although there were only a dozen horses, they were actually galloping like a thousand horses.

   In the next second, accompanied by the neigh of a puffy horse, the three great summer horses, white hoofed crows directly raised their hoofs and leaped over the entire Jinshui Bridge, slamming into everyone's eyes.

   On top of the white hoofed black, three heroic, tall and tall young langs sat slenderly, and then their four hoofs fell to the ground like a horse burning with white flames, and all the people on both sides of Baiyu Avenue raised their voices:

   "Yuan Bai, Yuan Bai, Yuan Bai!"

Under the deafening cheers, Yuan Bai, the young man riding in the front, showed a faint smile. Then he controlled the white hoofed crow under him and slowly came to the side of the avenue. A tearful, crying man In front of the young young woman, under the gaze of countless people in Beijing, she raised her hand and folded her eyebrows, bent forward and bowed, and said loudly:

   "Lady, would you like to go with your husband and read all the flowers in one day?"

The entire Baiyu Avenue became silent for an instant, and Li Yue'e, who was under the gaze of countless lights, was so choked that she couldn't speak, she could only nod her head, and then Yuan Bai stretched out his hand and hugged the former onto the white hoof. , Then laughed fiercely and pinched the horse's belly, and let out a shout:

   "Go! Fortunately, it's spring and the temperature is right. If it's winter, Kuaima parade can freeze to death!"

After    finished speaking, the white-hoofed black crow headed once again let out a neigh, stepped directly on the four hooves, and took the rest of the top ten to ride along the white jade avenue.

   "This is what the mother said, why you don't have hope!"

The murmur of    came from the mouth of the red-dressed mother, and she stared into the distant back with envy.

   It is true that at this moment, Li Yue'e, who was pulled up by Yuan Bai, was the envy of countless women in the city of God.


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