
read2();   the streets are agitated, the imperial palace is opened, the sky comes back, the phoenix-ranked gold list comes out of the clouds, and there is a thunder on the ground.

  The oriole has moved, the dragon has turned, the city is full of carts and horses in one day, and the gods are clustered upstairs, vying to see cranes soaring into the sky!

Today’s Shenjing City is destined to cheer for the winners of the great dynasty test. The countless people of the entire Shenjing City, and even the people from other parts of the Great Xia, have sent to them and gathered on both sides of the Central Avenue in order to see this. The face of the champion man.

   Next to Baiyu Avenue, countless young women with their own children, pointing their fingers at the top runners who are riding horses in front of them, and said with envy:

   "Son, have you seen it, if you have any promise in the future, you can become one of these people, your father and I will be worth it in this life."

   Since the predecessor of the Ying clan, the Great Trial Examination has a decisive significance for the Human Race. It is not only the last threshold before turning into a dragon, but also the embodiment of the human race’s plum blossom fragrance from the bitter cold culture.

The heads of people moved, the alleys were empty, and even in the middle of Shenjing City, the very busy Willow and Zizhu alleys on weekdays became empty. On the broad roads of the two streets, there were only a few people walking around, and these people had to turn their heads. Looking at the central road that shook the sky in the distance, he looked curious.

Near Willow Lane, a simple carriage slowly drove from the Baidi Palace and stopped by the side of the road. Then, Sun Qian, dressed in a black robe of Si Si Cheng, stepped out of the carriage. After landing, he turned around and stretched out his hand cautiously. 'S helped another slender figure in his car, and at the same time a voice came out:

   "It's because your mind is ups and downs too much, and it took a while to hold your breath. I have just used vitality to adjust for you, and we can recover after a while."

   After Sun Qian’s somewhat leaky voice fell, Miss Song, who was walking slowly beside her, showed a smile on her pale face, and responded gently:

"Sun Lang, I was too excited. When I was young, I regarded Haoer as my own child. Now that he has something to do, I am happier than anyone else, presumably the eldest brother is too. In fact, the eldest brother does not say anything, but I often ask people to ask about Haoer's current situation."

After finishing the sentence, the elder lady once again showed a bright smile sincerely, showing the joy of her mood at this time, and the tear-stained face on her face was illuminated by the warm spring sun in April. After a layer of pink, it looked extremely beautiful and moving, making Sun Qian on the side stunned at this moment.

   After a while, Sun Qian, who gradually recovered his senses, showed an unnatural color on his dark face. After a light cough, he spoke:

   "Song Er, your body bones are still slowly recovering, so you have to adjust your mind and let the housekeeper cook some calming tea."

   "The butler may not be strong enough today. He is even more excited than I am. He is probably still in a trance at this moment."

   Miss Chang’s voice was filled with joy. After she had finished speaking, she should have thought of the crazy state of the old housekeeper just now. She continued to chuckle and laughed like a silver bell, and continued to speak:

   "The old butler is such a meticulous person on weekdays. I didn't expect that there is such a side in his bones."

   "This is normal, there are not many things in life that can meet such a happy event, it should be reckless."

After    finished speaking, Sun Qian stared at the slightly empty Willow Leaf Alley ahead, narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued to speak, with a slight apologetic voice:

   "I have been busy during this period of time, until today, because of avoiding suspicion, I withdrew from the list of examiners for the hall examination. Only then have half a day of free time. I really wronged you."

   "What Sun Lang said, I'm actually very content."

  Miss Chang turned her head, looked at Sun Qian's dark, rough, and even scarred face, and continued to speak:

"You can come back, it's something I didn't even dare to dream of, and knowing that Sun Lang you are living a healthy life, even if you are not by my side for the time being, is a very happy thing. By the way, I have something worthwhile. I'm glad to show you."

After finishing the sentence, Miss Song Palace gently raised her hand and lifted the hood that had originally covered her head, revealing a shocking white hair, and this immature and white hair is in the sun. In Qian's eyes, every one was a sharp arrow that pierced his heart.

But at the next breath, Sun Qian's eyes widened when he looked at Miss Long's hair, because he saw that the roots of the latter's white hair had already appeared a little black. Although the roots of this hair were not much black, it was like a spring day. The buds emerging out of the soil are just like buds, full of vitality.

   "You, do you have black hair?"

   Sun Qian’s missing half of his teeth caused the air to leak in the sound of extreme horror. Then the eldest lady next to him smiled, and the gentle voice continued:

   "Sun Lang, Mr. Lang Zhong said that I am recovering quickly, and within a year or a half, my chronic illness will be cured!"

   "Good, good, great!"

Sun Qian grinned and burst out a very wanton smile. Then he directly stretched out his hand and hugged the eldest lady next to him directly across the rail. While the latter exclaimed, he turned around the place twice, and then An extremely determined voice came from the former's mouth:

   "When your body recovers, I will marry you."

After a quarter of an hour passed, the back door of Song Mansion in Liuye Lane, after sending the elder lady who was ups and downs asleep with a smile back to the mansion, Sun Qian, who was then Sisi Cheng, stepped out of the threshold slowly. The burly, but extremely heavy body was once again bathed in the spring sunshine.

But at the next breath, Sun Qian, who was walking towards the simple carriage, stopped, because under the warm light, stood a tall figure wearing a celestial army robe, and then a very heroic voice came from the figure. From the mouth:

   "In accordance with the order of Emperor Baidi Palace to Fuyao the Great, summoned Sun Qian to enter the palace immediately."

After    finished speaking, Wei Guogong's eldest lady Xu Qing directly raised her hand, grabbed a teleportation scroll and threw it to Sun Qian not far in front of him, and after the latter reached out and took it, her complexion gradually became serious, and she opened her mouth and said:

   "It seems that after the end of the dynasty test, some accidents did occur in the palace. May I ask the Lord of the Radiant Army, why did your majesty call me?"

   "The specific situation will be known after seeing your Majesty Sir Sein."

After Xu Qing’s faint response came out, together with Sun Qian, he directly tore open the palm-sized teleportation scroll in his hand, and then when the teleportation flower rose to the sky, Xu Qing’s voice continued to spread to Sun. Qian's ears:

"The land of the Supreme Profound Land has the latest intelligence, and the amount of information contained therein is very large. It is foreseeable that starting from tomorrow morning, the entire Daxia will enter an unprecedented state of tension. The Guanyou Division will also not list it, so Si Cheng The adults still need time to bid farewell to the sweetheart."


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