The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1074: Conventional service


read2();   In the deep hall of the Puppet Division, the snow beast oil lamps specially made by the Tianmen Guannan Merchants Association are burning, emitting extremely bright light outwards, illuminating the deep space of the whole hall .

In the center of the light, the red clothes dazzlingly wash the red dust, releasing the huge puppet Dao soul behind him, and he is stretching his fingers, holding his breath and concentrating on the huge organ puppet in front of him, sketching out a rune, and after these runes are connected, Form a full-featured formation.

For the master, every rune he mastered is an unspoken secret. Under the arrangement and combination, it will produce unexpected effects. However, in the history of the vast land of China, the master It has always been a trail, and very few people really study it. Therefore, for example, the old work department Shangshu has very few runes at first.

Until Zhao Yu ascended to the throne and took control of the world, he founded the Great Xia Xuegong, and Dongguo Lezheng divided the realm of the side door and the left road, making the whole world completely enter the era of blooming flowers. The art of craftsmanship also flourished, and the roads of heaven and earth came to the same destination. As the embodiment of the law, runes are like currency that can be circulated throughout the world, and can be used in all walks of life.

Therefore, in recent times, under Zhao Yu's instruction, craftsmen have obtained a large number of coveted law runes, and as the most talented washing red dust, naturally received a qualitative improvement, so accompanied by it exudes a lot of enthusiasm Luminous slender fingers, rune lines like blood vessels, began to appear and interweave inside the organ puppet in front of the red girl.

  At the same time, in the hall, after the semi-automatic words of the young emperor fell, the old Shangshu's eyes suddenly enlarged, and he asked incredibly:

   "The old minister hasn't explained the structure of our thoughts, how did you hear about it, Your Majesty?"

   "This is very simple, because you have placed the entire structure in front of me."

   A steady response came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor raised his finger, gently tracing several hidden rune lines in the dense structure map above, and the emperor's voice continued to sound:

"Although I don't understand the so-called craftsman's way, I know the runes of the law, especially the runes I took out in my own hands. Among the densely packed structures above, there are things I am familiar with, that is, washing the red dust. The outline of the rune, if I am not wrong, it comes from the soul of the sling stone lane that I bestowed."

As soon as the young emperor said this, the expression on the old face of Shang Shu, the old Ministry of Industry, changed from consternation to sincere admiration. As the maker of the catapult puppet, Lao Shangshu clearly knew how complicated and even big the structural drawing above was. Some of the great masters of Great Xia are hard to understand, let alone Zhao Yu, who doesn't understand the basics.

   So a heartfelt admiration came from the mouth of Lao Shangshu:

   "Your Majesty's great talent really makes the old minister ashamed."

"This is actually not as exaggerated as you think. Wu Xiangui, you have to understand that the great ways go through different paths. The stronger the cultivation, the stronger the cultivation base, the more clear the laws of heaven and earth will become clearer in your eyes. Perhaps in your eyes, this The structural map above is dense and complex, but in my eyes, there are only a few lines."

The emperor's voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth as smooth as a mountain, and then the old Shangshu beside him could not speak for a long time. His complexion was obviously severely hit. After a long time, he stretched out his hand and bowed to Zhao Yu. Slowly spoke:

   "The old minister was originally complacent, but he looked like a child at the level of your majesty."

   "Old Shangshu's words are wrong!"

   Zhao Yu turned around, staring at the old Shangshu in front of him with dark eyes, and continued to speak very solemnly:

"Skills have specializations, professionals do professional things, there are endless avenues, and manpower is exhausted. For most living beings, they can understand, but it does not mean that they can create. Just like now I don’t understand. The specific details of this catapult puppet."

   As soon as Zhao Yu's flat and steady voice came out, the eyes of Lao Shangshu in front of him suddenly became vigorous again. After a smile appeared on the whole old face, he said loudly:

   "Then the old minister will briefly explain to your Majesty the structure and principle of this new puppet, which is the semi-automatic in your Majesty's mouth."

   Speaking of the three words semi-automatic, a weirdness flashed across the face of Lao Shangshu, because this new term spoken from Zhao Yu's mouth, although he was slurred, but after thinking about it, it made sense.

"Your Majesty, the veteran once said that I and mortals cannot encroach on the taboo realm of life. Therefore, with the current strength of the entire Daxia Engineering Department, weapons are still only weapons. Therefore, we who have made this clear are based on weapons. , Set your sights on satisfying your Majesty’s requirements."

   "So you thought of someone?"

"It is, Your Majesty, our human race is the spirit of all things. Under the premise that the artifacts created cannot achieve complete autonomy, we must require human intervention. To achieve the purpose of defending the entire border."

   After finishing the old Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry, he raised his hand to caress the white beard on his chest, and stared at the young emperor’s eyes. The confident flying color on his face became stronger and stronger, and he continued to speak loudly:

   "Your Majesty, it is also a huge problem to control a large number of catapult puppets by one person, but fortunately, among the soul of the catapult lane given by your majesty, I found a way, and that is the law rune."

After    finished speaking, Lao Shangshu raised his foot and took a step forward, and raised his right finger to the upward structure drawing. The old and confident voice continued to sound in the hall:

"Although the Dao soul given by your majesty cannot be directly integrated with the organ puppet, it can be integrated with the sergeant. On the other hand, if the core rune that is the same as the catapult lane soul is depicted in the puppet during construction, the two will be combined. Achieve extremely close connections.

"Most of the time that the organ sect disciples cultivate, they use their own Dao soul to nourish the puppet, so as to gradually achieve the purpose of branding the imprint of the Dao soul in the puppet. Now we have directly advanced this process to the construction period. That is what Hong Chen is doing now."

After the words of Lao Shangshu fell, Zhao Yu's eyes flashed with a strong expression of appreciation. It is true that the idea of ​​Lao Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry is undoubtedly the best solution under the current conditions. Then the soft question came from his youth. From the emperor’s mouth:

   "Wu Xiangui, do you know how many such puppet institutions can be controlled by a sergeant who has integrated Dao Soul?"

   "Return to your Majesty, because of your suddenness, so I have not yet conducted the final test, but according to the experience of the organ sect monk, the number of puppets that can be controlled depends on the cultivation level."

   At this point, Lao Shangshu took a deep breath and continued to speak with great certainty:

   "But the old minister is confident that as long as the runes in the puppets are accurately described, the average sergeant can control at least 20 or more!"

   "So good!"

A faint smile appeared on Zhao Yujun’s majestic face, and then the young emperor turned his gaze to the girl in red, who was immersed in the engraved runes, and the huge catapult puppet in front of the girl, the voice of the emperor. Outgoing:

   "In this way, Lao Shangshu wants me to establish a brand new conventional army in addition to the Radiant Army, the Night Dire Division, and the Angry Beast Army!"


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