The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1075: Well done, Hong Chen


read2();  Since the Daiyu and Yuanqiao Erxian Mountains sank in Beihai and the vast land of China established itself as a realm, the conventional arms of the entire human race gradually tended to stabilize after countless years of development.

   is generally based on the human talents of force sensitivity, divided into force monks, halberds, heavy cavalry, light cavalry, sensitive repair scouts, archers, and military medical guards and finally rare magic repairs.

Of course, there will be some special armies in each era, and they will leave a strong mark on the stage of history, but these powerful armies are difficult to popularize due to various constraints, and thus become extremely precious and cannot be routinely deployed. The most important weapon of the country.

Daxia has an invincible upper four armies, including the Radiant Army and Night Dire Division, which are all made up of taboos, and also the invincible Rage Beast Army. Therefore, this young country does not lack special units that can be finalized. For a long time, a brand-new conventional arms did not appear.

   Therefore, in the depths of the Puppet Hall at this time, the old Shangshu who stood in front of Zhao Yu clearly knew what it meant to be a brand new and widely popularized conventional service!

It means that the strength of the entire Daxia sergeant will be greatly enhanced. It means that the generals of the military department and all the young people who join the Daxia army will have a brand new choice. It also means that the old Shangshu himself who created this new class of arms. It will be included in the annals of human history and will be remembered by future generations.

   is famous for all generations,

In life, especially at the age of Lao Shangshu, in addition to the glory before his death, he also cares about the reputation after death. Therefore, after hearing Zhao Yu's words, the old man's complexion suddenly became red, and even his mouth was Excited to trembling, the long white beard trembles, and he stammers and said:

   "Your Majesty, this, this brand new conventional arms is not a trifling matter!"

   "Of course I know that this matter involves a wide range of issues, and the trouble is very serious, so the key to the emergence of this unit lies in Lao Shangshu and everyone from the Ministry of Industry [Xbooktxt]."

   After Zhao Yu's response fell, the young emperor glanced at the old man who was trembling with excitement beside him, his lips slightly opened, and the voice continued:

"Although the Ministry of War is deducing a comprehensive strategic deployment when facing the Taixuan Land, one thing is certain, that is, the borderline of Daxia is extremely long. Once you create the power of the catapult puppet, it will let me And all the generals in the entire military department are satisfied, then Wu Xiangui, you might as well imagine how much demand will be for us and Daxia."

  As soon as the young emperor said this, Lao Shangshu bowed his head slightly and began to fall into thinking, then the old voice sounded:

"According to the information currently available, we can see that our entire Shenzhou Haotu is actually an island, and assuming the worst case scenario, that is, after two years, Shenzhou Haotu will completely emerge from the Taixuan Land Beihai. It means that Daxia will be directly caught in a critical situation embarrassed on all sides.

"Fortunately, there are two mountain moats, Kunlun and Huwo, in the west and north of Daxia. Therefore, what I want to focus on is the east and the south. The light half of the border has already stretched for countless miles. This sling puppet serves as one of the lines of defense, and I can't calculate the number needed for a while."

In the eyes of Lao Shangshu, there was a deep look of astonishment. The old man who was originally extremely excited suddenly felt that the courage on his shoulders became extremely heavy, and the illusory glory and the harshness that he was about to face Compared with the challenges, it is simply not worth mentioning.

Regardless of whether the catapult puppet can meet the power needed to defend the frontier, the first finished product is still being assembled until now, and the number of two years is like the shackles of the old man’s neck, making him feel unable to. Breathing, complexion purple.

   Then Zhao Yu, who was beside Lao Shangshu, saw the heavy pressure on the former, raised his right hand and patted the shoulder of the old man beside him, and then a steady voice sounded:

"Relax Wu Xiangui, you and your craftsmen have done a good job and solved the problem of autonomous defense against the enemy. The rest is like power. The construction speed can be gradually increased. I know that some time ago, etc. The Ministry of Industry has deployed a lot of new things in Dongxue Fortress, and the effect is very good. Therefore, I have confidence in you. Besides, this world has collapsed. Isn't this still a thing for me?"

The young emperor’s words were encouraging, and there was a peerless domineering, not light or heavy, but it made people want to worship, and then Lao Shangshu's head was lowered, and his hands were raised and folded on his chest, deeply. A bow, a sincere sigh:

   "It is the blessing of all the people of Daxia to have Your Majesty!"

   "I am the Lord of Great Xia and the emperor of all the people. It is the most basic responsibility on my shoulders to ensure that they can live and work in peace."

   Zhao Yujun's majestic face remained unchanged, and then he retracted his right hand on the shoulder of Lao Shangshu that was patted, and Emperor Huang Huang continued to sound:

"I will give you a few more days. At that time, I will come back to the small world of the floating island with the entire six major officials to conduct a final test on this catapult puppet. Once passed, I will directly call all the craftsmen from the entire Daxia to collectively make it. Parts, Sitian Supervisors, and the entire monks affiliated with the imperial court will carry out rune characterization. At the same time, a large number of new conventional arms will be recruited."

   At this point, Zhao Yu paused, then smiled, and the voice came out again:

"I can't wait to see this puppet institution overwhelming the sky, and the mighty turmoil has turned into a magnificent scene of torrents rolling forward. After all, for me, I have never thought of defending the country without being able to come out, no matter how powerful the Taixuan land is, The sharp sword in this hand still needs to be pierced. The forces in the Supreme Profound Land treat us as fish and try to knead them at will. Then I will not only chop off their claws, but also chop off their heads!"

   The emperor’s voice is rolling, domineering, confident, but without any fear!

Half an hour later, in the deep room of the Puppet Hall, the lights remained still, like daylight. Suddenly, a thick white light radiated from the center of the hall, especially dazzling. At the same time, the light swept outward along with the last rune. The young girl Xihongchen put down her right hand and let out a heavy sigh.

   Although it has been deduced countless times in my mind, it is the first time to truly portray this rune on a puppet, so it is not easy to wash the red dust, and it is a surprise.

Then the tall girl, with jewel-like eyes, stared at the giant puppet that began to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth crazily because of the action of the gathering formation, and her extremely beautiful face showed a very happy smile, even holding it very rarely. Clenched fists and made an inaudible cheering sound:

   "Good job, Hong Chen!"


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