The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1076: Young Dire Master


read2();   In the deep hall of the Puppet Division, when the densely packed runes on the sling puppet were painted with the last stroke, the dazzling light burst into the sky and swept the entire hall outward.

   This dazzling psychedelic light, like a firework that blooms outwards, celebrates the emergence of a cross-age war weapon in the vast summer of China.

After an instant, with the spread of light, the entire Puppet Division, and even the surrounding world of a large floating island small world region, instantly surged crazily toward the depths of the Puppet Division, just like being opened by a black hole with infinite suction. The big mouth of the basin directly swallowed violently.

The catapult puppets that integrate the wisdom of the Daxia Ministry of Industry, the Institution Sect and all the folk masters. The runes painted on their bodies are naturally not only as simple as just one magic circle associated with the monk, but also There is a large array of gathering spirits that can acquire energy autonomously, scaled runes that can greatly increase the power of defense, and even a wind-inducing array that increases speed.

   So many rune formations were gathered in one place, so that after Xihongchen had finished depicting the runes, it directly caused an astonishing momentum and shocked the entire puppet division.

The huge puppet division has a vast number of separate small halls, and the craftsmen in these small halls who were working hard, felt the vitality of the whole body and was absorbed like a whale swallowing water, and they suddenly raised their heads and looked at each other. At a glance, they all saw the excitement in the eyes of the other party, and shouted loudly:

   "Such a huge suction force of vitality is the Super Spirit Gathering Array that we have improved together. Could it be that the catapult puppet succeeded?"

As the suction force in the deep hall of the puppet division became stronger and stronger, all the Daxia craftsmen who worked together for it were simple and even greasy faces, smiling more and more. At the same time, in the puppet In a side hall on the west side of Si, there was also a burst of enthusiastic shouts.

A large number of desks are placed in this side hall on the west side, and after each desk, there is a young disciple who is dressed in the robes of an official school disciple, looking from a distance, The stretch of Wuyangyang is extremely spectacular.

   After a while, the deafening cheers in the west side hall gradually subsided. One of the organ sect disciples, a very young chubby man, gradually became solemn, and then sighed heavily:

"The master sister is indeed a master sister. When I am still struggling to memorize the runes, she has become the first person to portray success and created the entire history of Daxia craftsmen. You must know that the master sister got this rune. The time is the same as ours."

   After the little fat man finished speaking, he lowered his head and stared at a rune scroll placed on the desk in front of him, and the dense runes on the scroll that looked like ghostly drawn runes, and continued to cry with a bitter face.

It was only ninety years since the opening of the dynasty. Since the time of His Majesty Taizu, the practice has always been iron-blooded and high-efficiency. Therefore, after the construction plan was released, the Ministry of Engineering on the other side had already arranged for the organs' disciples to concentrate on this The runes are memorized so that they can be directly portrayed after the construction is completed to increase the construction speed.

At this time, the wailing of Little Fatty undoubtedly expressed the aspirations of a large number of disciples in the west side hall, and then beside Little Fatty, a sweet-looking girl turned her head, showing an encouraging smile, and said empathetically :

   "Little Fat Dun, take your time, don't worry, don't be affected by the masters, we still have some time now, but you have to work harder, I have already remembered the gathering of spirits."

  As soon as the girl said this, the little fat man immediately stretched out his chubby hands, covered his chubby head, and continued to speak bitterly:

   "Master gave the order to die. If you can't remember this rune formation, you can't leave this side hall, then I guess I will live here for the rest of my life!"

   "Then don't underestimate yourself, the master will praise you for your talent."

But the words of the sweet girl beside the little fat man hadn't finished, so suddenly her eyes widened and her voice stopped abruptly, because in front of the disciples, a young figure stood up abruptly, and then in everyone's Under the gaze of his eyes, he walked out of the hall slowly.

   After this figure had completely left this partial hall, all the disciples in the hall let out a cry of exclamation, and then spoke with a complicated expression:

   "Since Shengyu He Shengliang, Brother Ying, hey!"

The second brother Ying of the Institution Sect who fully remembered the runes of the magic circle, all the disciples had a complicated attitude towards him. It was also this Senior Brother Ying who was undisputedly defeated in the Great Imperial Examination a few days ago. To wash the red dust.

In the deep hall of the puppet division, a red-clothed washing red dust, staring intently at the catapult puppet that is absorbing a large amount of vitality in front of him, and as the puppet's absorption of vitality, the formation patterns on it begin to light up. .

If these formations are compared to weapons, then the vitality absorbed by the spirit gathering array is the energy that drives these weapons. At this time, when these formations light up, it means that they are in a usable state. It also indicates that the girl is here. The depiction is extremely complete.


A soft whistle came from the mouth of the red dust, and then the girl who was completely relieved raised her hand and wiped the fine sweat beads on her forehead, smiled slightly, revealing a stunningly beautiful smile, but the next breath, the girl His brows frowned slightly because of a deep wave of weakness and hunger flooding.

For Xihongchen, it is also extremely difficult to portray such a complicated rune formation. A little carelessness will fall short, so the girl forced herself into a mysterious and mysterious state of selflessness. Abandoning all the feelings of the outside world, and now after the mind relaxes, exhaustion is magnified exponentially.

Under intense fatigue, Xi Hongchen turned her lips tightly, and stepped towards the corner of the hall, ready to eat some dry food to replenish her vitality, but when she came to the corner, the girl’s eyes showed a weird look, because the old Shangshu in the corner was still sitting cross-legged. Yu Di had a dazed face, even the girl didn't even know when she came around.

This is undoubtedly an extremely weird thing, because Lao Shangshu is very passionate on weekdays, and if it is in normal times, the old man must be jumping and jumping at this time, so he looked at the strange washing red dust and spoke with some doubts. Asked:

   "Why Master Shang Shu is in a daze, but what if it happens?"

  The girl’s question fell for a while, before Lao Shangshu slowly raised his head, his eyes gradually regained his clarity, staring at the beautiful and pretty face in front of him, he slowly responded:

   "Girl, your majesty just came here."

The word    made the girl's face slightly changed, and then Lao Shangshu stretched out his hands and gently raised a wooden box, the old man continued to sound in the hall with a little hoarse voice:

   "Your Majesty kept this for you, my young Master Nightmare!"


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