The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1077: Explosion world


read2();   In the deep hall of the Puppet Division, all visions gradually subsided, and then the vitality in the small world of the floating island began to slowly fill in this area.

The vitality of heaven and earth is sometimes like water, and it also has the characteristic of flowing from thick to thin, and with the slow filling of vitality, the gate of the palace gate in the depths of the puppet division suddenly fell without warning, and then smashed On the solid ground, there was a thunderous bang.

There was a loud noise. The staff of the Ministry of Industry and the disciples of the Ministry of Industry, who had arrived here from the rest of the Puppet Department and were preparing to celebrate, looked at the deep hall that was cut off by the gate, and looked at each other, looking at each other. Looks confused.

In the hall behind the gate, hundreds of lights still shine. The northern snow beast oil candles that have been improved since the Southern Merchants Association do not have the original unpleasant smell, but instead have a light fragrance. In the meantime, Wu Xiangui, the old Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry, and the girl sat on the floor facing each other.

   On the ground between the two of them, there was a wooden box quietly placed. The wooden box was about the size of two fists, and it was imprinted with incomparably complex lines. Except for its exquisiteness, there was no other momentum exposed.

   "Girl, first drink this purification potion to replenish the source, you consume a lot this time."

After    Cang Lao fell with a concerned voice, Lao Shang Shu carefully took out two blue and white delicate porcelain bottles from his arms and handed them to Xi Hongchen in front of him, and continued to speak:

   "Recently your performance is seen by everyone, the old man knows it, and our majesty knows it naturally, so today is very important to you, perhaps the most important moment in your life, because this is the real carp jumping the dragon gate!"

Lao Shangshu's words were extremely solemn, and then Xihongchen paused for a while holding the purification potion in her hand, and ripples gradually began to appear in her steady, water-like eyes, and then the girl raised her head and drank the purification potion in her hand, watching The dignified and serious old man in front of him murmured a few words:

   "Nightmare Division?"

   "Yes, the Night Dire Division, established by your majesty himself, is at the same level as the Radiant Army, directly under the sage, and only obeys your majesty. It can be said to be under one person and above hundreds of millions!"

   After the most solemn words came from the mouth of Old Shang Shu, the old man slowly lowered his head and fixed his eyes on the extremely delicate and mysterious wooden box in front of him, with an extremely enviable color in his eyes, and continued to speak:

   "Look, girl, how beautiful this box is. Every pattern on it is a pattern of heaven and earth. It is hard for me to appreciate a mortal in my life."

When Lao Shangshu said the four words "Heaven and Earth Patterns", the eyes of Xihongchen on the opposite side suddenly lit up, and then this young girl who had an infinite desire for runes recently lowered his head and looked deeply at the patterns on the wooden box below, with Explore.

   "The wooden box left by our Majesty is neither strong nor a magic weapon, but it has only one function, which is to isolate the breath, which can perfectly isolate the breath of the thing in the box."

   After the voice of the old Shangshu continued to sound, the red girl's response in front of him continued:

   "So Master Shangshu, the function of the heaven and earth runes on this box is to isolate the breath?"

   "Exactly, I don't know if you have heard of a treasure called Suoyuan Coffin, girl."

   "Students have not heard of it, but I hope Master Shangshu will understand."

   Xihongchen raised his hands and bowed to Lao Shang Shu. After the voice came out, Lao Shang Shu Wu Xiangui smiled lightly and answered:

"This lock-element coffin is the treasure of heaven and earth. It comes from the sea of ​​giant gods, one of the eight forbidden lands. Its function is also to isolate the breath, and what it isolates is not the monks and creatures, but the ubiquitous heaven and earth. In other words, this Lock inside the coffin, break away from the five elements, and form a world of its own!"

   "So according to Master Shang Shu, the wooden box in front of us was developed after imitating the lock yuan coffin?"

  The curiosity in the red eyes became stronger and stronger, and then the old Shangshu in front of him nodded and continued to slowly respond:

"Yes, you must be very curious about what is in this wooden box, and you need to use such a thing to isolate the breath. In fact, in the eyes of people who know a little bit of insider information, the contents of this wooden box are the most amazing in the world. The treasure that people dream of is even more precious than the so-called great blood."

After    finished speaking, Wu Xiangui, with white beard and hair, raised his right hand and yelled forward, his voice lightly rang from the corner of the hall deep in the puppet division:

"Girl, let's open it now. Now I am instructed by the Great Emperor to hand it over to you. The old man originally thought that once he retired from the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Engineering, he would hand the Ministry of Engineering to your hands, but At this point, it seems that the road you are about to go may be farther than the old man thought!"

On Lao Shangshu’s face, with a smile from the heart, the old man has always regarded Xi Hongchen as a granddaughter. Then, with the encouragement of the former, the girl gradually collected all the abnormalities on her face. With a solemn face, he stretched out his hand and leaned toward the wooden box on the ground in front of him.

The next breath, when the slender fingers of green onion touched the wooden box, accompanied by a slight clicking sound, the wooden box opened automatically, and then a ray of light shot out, and at the same time, there was a deep feeling in the heart of washing the red dust. Throbbing.

   This kind of throbbing rises from the deepest part of the soul, as if there is a voice calling oneself in the dark, and then Xihongchen followed this call, and his mind was completely immersed in the wooden box.

   There is a fist-sized ball of light suspended in the wooden box, and within this ball of light is a world!

   In this world, a earth-shattering explosion is raging. With a loud noise that can shatter the eardrum, a fiery sun fireball turns into a mushroom cloud and rises toward the sky.

   At the same time, the extremely powerful explosive power turned everything around it into dust, and everything was gone. Then countless flying smoke and dust rolled outward, covering every inch of space in the entire world.

Divine consciousness descended on this world’s red dust, clearly remembering that before the explosion, there was a huge city standing on the earth of the world, and there were even countless unnamed races living in it, but just in the moment of loud noise , Everything turned into nothingness.

  The dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the earth, and even the void is completely shattered under the earth-shattering explosion that is like an extinction, completely turning into a state of chaos.

Under the raging air of countless chaotic extraterrestrial voids, the spirit of washing the red dust walked aimlessly on this almost completely destroyed land. I don’t know how long it took, and suddenly several very strange sounds came into the girl’s ears. .

The voice was extremely sharp, as if he was in a conversation, but he couldn't hear it clearly. Then Xihong Chen controlled his divine consciousness and walked in the direction where the voice sounded. As the girl approached, several extremely small figures were looming in the smoke and dust. .

   These few figures, only half a person tall, are pushing a similarly small cart forward, with their pointed ears pricked up, and then the sharp dialogue sounds clear into the ears of Washing Hongchen:

   "Detonate in advance, don't worry, this happens often."

   "Can you let me sleep more? This is how I wake up every morning!"


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