
read2();   After the setting sun gradually sinks below the horizon, a thick night completely falls on the entire Shenjing City, and then all the lights are lit up, turning into a sea of ​​stars and lights, beautifully magnificent , Shining in the world.

   This piece of stars in the world that exists on the vast land of China is even more dazzling and prosperous than the real stars above the sky.

   After a while, the sun and the moon officially completed the alternation and rotation in the sky of the stars and seas called Daxia. The bright round moon, like a millstone, emerged from its head along the trajectory of the fierce sunset, and then slowly rose.

Willows on the moon, the wind of early summer in May, blowing along the six banks of the Three Rivers of the Shenjing City, swaying the flowers and grasses along the banks and gradually lush branches and leaves, and blowing the tulle skirts on the girls by the river. He rose up, and started a shy whisper.

Then the girl hurriedly stretched out her hand to suppress the skirt, her complexion flushed, and the girls in Daxia Shenjing were already tired of winter wearing thick cotton clothes. Therefore, at the time when the cicadas cried, they couldn’t wait to change into the coolness. The beautiful clothes have become the most beautiful scenery in Shenjing City.

   The city of God at this time, and Daxia at this time, should be the so-called night of melting moonlight among the storyteller population, and the prosperous scene of leisure and peaceful residence.

   The full moon lifted into the sky, hoisting the heavenly secret, and when it reached mid-air, under the moonlight, there was a solemn and solemn White Emperor Palace outside the Meridian Gate, and the large carriage carrying the young emperor came slowly.

Then the carriage stopped when it reached the entrance of the Wumen. Sun Qian, wearing a robe of the Guanyousi, walked out of the carriage. After saluting the carriage respectfully, he watched the horse continue into the Baidi Palace, the Emperor's Palace. within.

   "Your Majesty, are you going to the Royal Garden next to continue reviewing the memorial?"

   Inside the carriage, Liang Po's questioning sounded gently, and then Zhao Yu, who was closing his eyes and rested, opened his eyes, his lips lightly opened, and the response came out:

   "Don't go to the Imperial Garden, go to the Summer Palace."


   Liangpo nodded, not knowing if it was an illusion, a smile seemed to flash across the seldom fluctuating eyes of this bald man.

After a few breaths, the whole body was black, like a wide carriage that blended with the night, slightly adjusted the front of the carriage, and headed towards the inner palace. At the same time, in the pavilion above the summer palace of the Baidi Palace, there was a charming and charming pavilion. 'S voice sounded:

   "Queen Niang, what do you think of the scene in the Valley of Giants, Kisaragi is also very curious about it."

After   's words fell, in the pavilion, with his right hand propped on his chin, his face was round, his skin was red and tender, and he was extremely cute like a moon. He looked at the bright round moon reflected in the lake and continued to speak:

   "Actually, I once went to one of the eight forbidden places in Daxia, which is Guizhou Hexu Mountain."

   "That Kisaragi is really amazing, I haven't even been to this palace."

After    Ruyue’s voice fell, Rouge’s gentle voice then sounded. After the former heard the praise, his eyes were immediately bent, revealing an extremely cheerful smile, and Ruyue stretched out his hands and gestured, and said cheerfully:

   "These eight forbidden areas are indeed forbidden areas. The Hexu Mountain is rich in woods and there are many different animals. I don't know if the scenery in the Valley of the Giants will be different."

Ruyue came down with a curious voice, her pretty face fluttered and she continued to speak, while standing quietly behind Rouge, holding the nine-tailed celestial fox dogwood that had fallen into the sleeping little rose, she showed a very strange expression on her face. After all, she, the king of Hexu Mountain, does feel a little weird when listening to others talk about all kinds of Hexu Mountain. In fact, this also shows from the side that this alien beast, transformed into a human form, will follow in Daxia. Continue to live, and emotions gradually become richer.

   "Like the moon, pay attention to proportions and don't disturb the quietness of the mother."

Just as Juyue, who was leaning against the pavilion, waved and talked, a cold and serious voice came from outside the pavilion, and then a slender and well-proportioned figure dressed in white slowly stepped in. The skin is even more dazzling than the bright moon above the sky, and the facial features are extremely delicate.

   And when this reminding voice came into the ear, Ruyue spit out her tongue, wrinkled her face and made a low response:

   "I see, sister Bai, Ruyue will pay attention."

The sound of    like the moon fell, and Bai Zhining, who was holding a pot of hot tea in his hand, just stepped into the pavilion, then raised his hand to pour a cup of tea into the cup in front of Rouge, and said gently:

   "Niang Niang, please use tea."

   "I haven't seen him for a while, is Zhining still used to being in the Radiant Army?"

After speaking, Rouge, who was resting on the recliner, raised his head and looked at Bai Zhining, who was standing in front of him, with a smile. The biggest change of the latter at this time was the original black hair, which was completely changed at this time. Very strange dark green.

In the depths of each strand of this dark green hair, there seems to be countless death powers from the underworld circulating. Although this death power is perfectly hidden by Bai Zhining, the green hair matches Bai Zhining's dullness. The icy face still gives people a sense of not getting close.

   After pouring the tea, Bai Zhining gently put down the teapot in his hand and responded:

   "Going back to the Queen Mother, in the Radiant Army, everything is fine for me."

"Compared with the previous period, your temperament has changed a lot. I don’t know much about the things of cultivation, but this power of death is after all the dark and evil power that ranks high among the Nine Nethers. Good thing, so you can always come to this palace, and this palace will show you around among the flowers."

If Bai Zhining's body is circulating at this time from the purest power of death from the Nine Nethers, then Rouge is the lord of the flowers of life who walks between the heaven and the earth. The two core origins are contrary to each other, but on the other hand, Zhongzheng is a peaceful life. The power is much more docile than the source of death, and can achieve the effect of neutralization and adjustment.

   Therefore, after hearing Rouge’s words, Bai Zhining directly knelt down and gave a big gift, and a grateful voice came out:

   "Bai Zhining, Xie Niangniang cares!"

   "Silly girl, you and Ruyue were once your maid's maid, and then you moved to this palace. You and others have no relatives, so you can say that your majesty and this palace are both your family members, so it doesn't have to be the case."

After    finished speaking, Rouge raised her hand and gave a false quotation, but at the next breath, the pregnant Mother Daxia suddenly smiled, narrowed her big eyes, turned her head, and made a very happy voice:

   "Your Majesty, why secretly hide outside the pavilion and don't come in, because you can't listen to the whispers of your concubines?"

After the pleasant voice of    Rouge came out, outside the pavilion, the corner of Zhao Yu's mouth, standing with his hands held up, raised the corners of his mouth, smiled slightly, lifted the gauze curtains forward, and stepped into the pavilion. At the same time, a clear voice of Emperor came out:

   "I am not eavesdropping, I am here to invite you to invite Rouge to follow me to the southwest of Daxia tomorrow."

   The emperor’s voice is rolling, and behind the young emperor, the maids kowtow to the ground.


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