The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1080: committed to


read2();  The sun rises from the east and sets from the west, so the northwestern city of Shenjing and the deserted city of southwestern town at almost the same latitude, the sun rises at the same time, but There is an interesting difference between the two places.

   That is when the people of Shenjing City are still asleep, the people of the deserted city of Leizhou Town in the southwest often have already got up and went out for a stroll.

Because of the vast area of ​​Daxia, it directly straddles the vast land of Shenzhou from south to north. Therefore, the temperature in Zhenhuangcheng in the south is a lot higher than that of Shenjing City, and when the people of Shenjing City just put on thin clothes At that time, short shirts were already worn in the deserted city.

   In the early morning, it rained in the desert city of Southwest Town. The heavy raindrops fell on the ground covered with flat marble and made a crackling sound like a symphony.

   However, since the beginning of the morning in this large city in the southwest, the noise has far exceeded the sound of rain, because today is an important day.

   Town Deserted City officially welcomes the crazy influx of Daxia people!

In the middle of the town, in the courtyard area where the retired veterans are located, there is a pair of smooth feet, stepping on the rain-splashing stone road ground, trotting all the way, and constantly leaving fleeting footprints on the ground, and this The owner of the feet is a young girl with a round face and long hair.

The girl was holding a big orange umbrella in her hands, which looked like a chrysanthemum in full bloom under the black ground background. After a while, the running girl turned a corner, reached out and grabbed the skirt and jumped directly. After rushing into a house flexibly, he began to shout loudly:

   "Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi!"

   Among the extremely dense Southwestern endemic plants in the yard, the girl opened her mouth and turned her head to look around, and then a clear and steady response came from above:

   "I am here, Ziyue."

After the voice fell, the round-faced girl named Ziyue lifted the umbrella and moved her gaze to the bushes full of golden fruits above her head, and then locked her eyes on it. Above the shadow of fruit picking, she continued to shout:

   "Xiaoyi, when is this, you still have the mood to break the fruit here, we are going to take office today, wow."

   "The official opening of the Valley of the Giants is in the afternoon, so don't worry."

After finishing the sentence, above the trees, with slender legs stretched to the sides, the girl Jin Yi, who fixed her figure, stretched out her hand to break the fruitful fruit from the side, and then dropped it into the basket behind her with extreme precision. The voice continued. Rumor:

"Ziyue, you are still so reckless, how can you guide the people from all over the country who come to our deserted city? You know my father's violent temper. If you get into trouble, no matter how much you spoil you in the daytime , Will inevitably be reprimanded."

   Hearing that Jin Yi mentioned the grumpy Lao Jin, Ziyue, who has two cute tiger teeth, shrank his head subconsciously, and then a somewhat fearful response came out:

   "Anyway, I'll follow Xiaoyi behind you, and again, we are also the official official of the court personally canonized the tour, and the old man and Uncle Jin are not too good to scold me too much."

   Speaking of her brand new identity, Ziyue showed a very delicate smile again, and then stretched out her left hand, beckoned to Jin Yi above, and continued to speak:

   "Come down, Xiaoyi, I can't wait to put on the robe of the official secretary."

   "It's alright, here I am, I can't stand you."

With the helpless voice of the girl Jin Yi, her vigorous body leaped down from the tall branches and landed steadily. Then Jin Yi shook her extremely capable short hair and frowned slightly on her pretty face. , Some blamed:

   "Ziyue, why didn't you wear shoes and came running barefoot?"

   "It's raining this morning, am I afraid of getting wet?"

While talking, Ziyue took Jin Yi from the side and came under the eaves, and then carefully took out a pair of brand new and exquisite shoes from the cloth bag on his back, shook in front of the latter's eyes, and the voice continued to spread. Debut:

   "Such new shoes, before the valley of the giants opens, I can't bear it. Besides, Xiaoyi, aren't you barefoot."

   "I was climbing a tree, can it be the same?"

   The words fell, these two girls who looked like southwest elves, looking at each other's bare feet, suddenly smiled at the same time, their smiles were bright, just like the flowers of this early summer.

   Just as the two girls were smiling, the door of the house next to them was suddenly pushed open, and then the burly body of Old Jin stepped out slowly.

I saw this veteran who made a lot of contributions in the Battle of the Southwest and retired gloriously. At this time, he took off the light armor of the Southwest Wilderness Army that had not been separated from him, and put on a very plain black robes of the general secretary. Even the messy blonde hair has been taken care of specially, combed meticulously, at first glance, there is no majesty.

   After the old Jin stepped out of the room, he looked at the two young girls on the side with only one eye left, and coughed slightly, pretending to be dignified:

   "But I heard a little girl talking ill of her own official, arrogantly talking about court officials, so brave!"

   "It's so powerful, Uncle Kim!"

  The girl Ziyue looked at Lao Jin whose temperament had changed suddenly, and laughed out a tease. Then she stepped to the latter's side, reached out and patted Lao Jin's one-armed shoulder, and continued to speak:

   "As the saying goes, people rely on clothes, horses and saddles. Uncle Kim really looks like you have changed when you wear our court uniform."

"Of course, although I retired from the army, Lao Jin still has a lot of strength and can shine in other places. This time, thanks to your majesty and the court, let me become a member of the Wild City Tour Department. Lao Jin, I have done my best, and I will die!"

   After Lao Jin finished speaking, he raised his hand and thumped his chest, and subconsciously performed an extremely standard Great Summer Military Salute. For this veteran who had served in the Southern Barbarian Army for half his life, this action was already deep in his bones.

   After the military salute, Lao Jin felt the weird look in the daughter's eyes in front of him, and his dark face turned red. He hurriedly used urging to hide his embarrassment, and said:

"You two little guys hurry up and change clothes. We are ready to go out. Although a large number of Daxia people will come in in large numbers after noon, we watched the tour, Mr. Si, Chengsun, and came to the town last night. Lord Ximan discussed that, I'm going to visit Siyamen and wait first."

After    finished speaking, Lao Jin stretched out his hand to take care of the big robe of the watchman official on his body, and the serious voice continued:

"Girls, it’s a good time for us to catch up. Don’t say how long ago, at this time two years ago, all the boys in our deserted town were thinking of killing the deserted people, and the frontiers of the town, occasionally even secretly praying for safety Go home, but the battlefield is ruthless. Look at your father and my comrades-in-arms, there are not many who can come back, including your father, Ziyue."

   After finishing speaking, Lao Jin sighed heavily, and then gradually smiled on his dark face, turned his head to look at the rain curtain outside the courtyard, and continued to speak softly:

"But in just over a year, everything has changed. The children of Leizhou no longer need to live in danger every day. What they want to do now is to study in the academy, to travel around Daxia, and to enjoy it. Green years, you know that is the day we dreamt of when we were young."

   Lao Jin’s gaze, accompanied by his heavy sighs, seemed to pass through all the houses and obstacles in the rain curtain, and clearly saw the entire deserted city that had changed dramatically.

At this time, the deserted city, from the wild border wall in the west to the North Sea in the south, is more than three times larger in area. At the same time, in the summer rain, countless buildings that have been built or are being constructed have sprung up and are prosperous. , Vibrant.

   This is a big city undergoing rapid change and growth.

   This is also Zhao Yu's promise to the people of Leizhou.


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