The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1082: Little brother


read2();  "Leizhou is the fief of this king. This king and the entire Ximan king Zhong Li not only have to guard the security of the southwest border of the imperial court, but also have the obligation to let the people of Leizhou pass. Better."

In the majestic rain, the sound of the old Western Man King’s sound like a mountain on the wall of the southwest border continued to sound, and then the old man, who was half a head shorter than Sun Qian on the side, continued to raise his hand and wave forward and continued to speak. :

"The king originally thought that the burden of leading the people of Leizhou in the post-war development would fall on the shoulders of future generations, but he did not expect God to treat this king not badly. His Majesty was born and brought the supreme army to the southwest, and then went to the southwest. The momentum swept through the entire Nanban jungle. In just one month, the deserted people were extinct, the Nanban was calm, and the southwest was peaceful."

After    finished speaking, the old prince suddenly smiled slightly and said excitedly:

   "So this king had to face the previous problems, but everything became too fast, because some people worry about the world first and worry about it, and then enjoy the world afterwards!"

   "Your Majesty, right?"

   After Sun Qian’s question fell, King Ximan nodded and continued to respond:

"On the day when the class teacher returned to the court, Your Majesty gave this king a promise, and also gave me a promise to countless people in the southwest. And because of your promise, this king and all the people in the southwest leveled the wall and the deserted city. The jungle in between was then paved with a flat and solid slate floor, and a completely different new city was built on it."

Following the words of the old Ximan King, Sun Qian swept his gaze under the entire city wall, and saw row upon row of houses lined up next to each other in the endless rain curtain, with wide streets crisscrossing each other with fruitful Nanbans on both sides. Trees, there are people walking around with an umbrella on the street.

  All these together form a very large new city, and merged with the original deserted city into one, forming the real deserted big city today.

The buildings in the new city are extremely novel, and even part of them are still under construction, and such a huge city can be built in such a short period of time, even if the Ximan King does not say it, Sun Qian knows that this is undoubtedly a collection. The power of the whole people in Leizhou.

"According to the plan, this new city closer to the Teleportation Stone Statue Tower has built a large number of inns, shops and restaurants to meet the food, housing and travel of people who come to the deserted city from all over the world, and to let them get more For a good experience, the king even knocked down the inner city wall, imitating the Shenjing City, and built a huge wild square around the stone tower.

   "Sun Sicheng, you should be able to understand that since the completion of this new city, including this king, the people of the deserted city of Leizhou Town are eagerly waiting for that day, right?chu"

   At this point, the old Ximan King paused, and then a louder voice rolled out:

"I wait for all the people of Leizhou to believe in His Majesty's promise, so I have tried my best to do everything possible to the best of my ability. Leizhou Erlang has this kind of energy in his bones, so you can see that It's just you watching the tour division, all the people in the deserted city are moving, and today, the day we have been waiting for has finally arrived!"

  The sound of the old Western Barbarian King’s rolling voice was filled with excitement. Then the piercing-eyed old man clenched his extremely large fist and continued to speak word by word:

"After noon, my town’s deserted city will usher in a historic day. There is no porcelain in Leizhou, and the fruit is not as rich as Shunzhou, but we have a unique advantage. That is the vast, deep and secluded Nanban behind us. jungle.

"As your Majesty said, the entire Southern Barbarian Jungle is the back garden of the desert city of our town. At this time, the opening of the valley of giants is only the beginning. The entire southern center of Daxia!"

   "The ambition of the old prince, Sun admires!"

   On the heavily scarred face of Sun Qian beside the old prince, a smile appeared. Then he seemed to think of something, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger, and he smiled and said:

"Since the old prince mentioned your majesty, I still have to share a news with you. Your majesty and his majesty asked for a few places in the valley of the giants yesterday, saying that they want to use them. I guess he should be there by now. Wandered in the deserted town."

  As soon as this remark came out, the impassioned old Ximan King instantly looked at him, then turned his head to look at Sun Qian on the side, and asked with some uncertainty:

   "Your Majesty manages everything, especially at this critical juncture in the Taixuan Land. Will you come to our Wild City?"

   The old prince’s question fell, and Sun Qian continued to raise his mouth and chuckle, and then faintly responded:

"If your majesty may not come here, but the prince must not forget, our majesty loves the queen empress the most. The empress will give birth soon, so your majesty will definitely bring her here when the empress can still move around. Wandering in the southwest."

Just as Sun Qian’s words, when the tall walls of the deserted city were lingering, near the huge gate of the deserted city facing the east, a group of teenagers and girls gathered from all over the city, holding umbrellas, suddenly appeared. These young people Most of them were young, and some were carrying cloth bags woven by their own mothers, laughing and walking quickly across the street towards a big summer palace near the city gate.

   And when these young people passed by the first room on the corner, they would stop in unison, turn around and kindly bow to an old lady sitting under the eaves not far away, and said together:

   "Honey, grandma!"

   After the uniform please calm down, the benevolent old lady under the eaves would smile and nod in response, then glanced at the young man in front of him, and asked with a smile:

   "Little guys, is there anyone who doesn't bring an umbrella on a rainy day?"

   "Go back to grandma, we brought them all."

   After the young response came out, these young people smiled again and continued to move forward, stepping into the large summer palace just built beside the city wall with white walls and black tiles.

Since the establishment of this academy, such scenes have happened almost every day, and the old lady has been so happy every day to ask for warmth, and then with the opening of the academy, the gate of the deserted city was suddenly empty. After coming down, the old man still sat quietly under the eaves, watching the rain curtain flying back and forth in front of him.

   In the old lady's old eyes, there is a heavy precipitation of time, like a galaxy flowing in them, turbidity and clarity are intertwined, because it has witnessed all the changes of the entire town.

Suddenly the old man's eyes condensed, because two figures appeared in the rain ahead. The two figures were equally young. An upright young man held an umbrella with a belly protruding under the umbrella. A woman who is pregnant.

   The two are walking slowly in the rain in this deserted city.

  In this situation, the warm-hearted old lady's complexion changed slightly, she hurriedly got up and waved, and shouted not far away:

   "Brother, the rain is heavy, take your wife here to avoid the rain!"


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