The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1083: Black umbrella


read2();   The deserted city of Southwest Town, because the entire city’s adult citizens are in the newly established west new city, carefully preparing for the official opening of the Valley of the Giants after noon, so this east gate is After the children in the city went to the school together to go to school, they became extremely quiet unexpectedly.

Then, in the rain curtain that fell like a jewel, an old lady sitting under the eaves of the street corner, facing a pair of young men and women walking with umbrellas on the empty street, waved her right hand vigorously, and enthusiastically invited the two to come to avoid Shelter from the rain.

The enthusiasm of the old lady can be clearly felt even at a long distance. Therefore, the young man holding an umbrella on the street was startled, and after showing a smile, he carefully supported his belly. , The beautiful woman with the same smile on her face, came towards under the eaves.

   The second talent just approached the eaves of this street corner, and heard the old lady's slightly blamed voice directly:

"My old lady is going to talk about you, young man. Seeing that you are young, it must be not long before you got married. My wife's belly is so big. I guess I will give birth right away, and I don’t want to stay home and rest. Now, walking outside in such heavy rain."

After the old lady’s words fell, Zhao Yu just took the rouge and walked under the eaves, because all the towns use tile roofs that are easy to drain, so as soon as they walked under, the crackling sound suddenly rang in his ears. Like big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate.

   Then Zhao Yu, who wore a black casual clothes Rushan, put away the umbrella, and just wanted to speak, but saw the old lady who was sitting under the eaves, first got up and walked into the house, while the voice continued:

"Old man, I know the curiosity of young people like you, and today is also a big day in the deserted city. It is understandable if you want to come out and have a look, but you don’t know what you guys do. Once noon is over, there will be a large number of people in the whole summer. It will be directly transmitted to our deserted town. Your lady's stomach is so big, it is very dangerous!"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Yu, who had put away his umbrella, wore the same ordinary palace costume beside him. The quiet rouge looked at each other, and they all saw a sweet smile in each other's eyes, and then Zhao Yu pulled the rouge. 'S hand, facing the back of the old lady in front of him, gently spoke:

   "The mother-in-law said that the kid is being taught, but the wife has been staying at home recently, which is a bit crooked, so she went out to relax and breathe."

In the response of the young emperor, although it did not carry the overbearing imperial prestige when he was in charge of the world, it was also calm and clear, revealing a very extraordinary charm, and then the old lady who walked to the door of the house stopped. Shaping, raised his hand and once again made a gentle move towards Zhao Yu and Yanzhi, and the old voice continued to sound:

"It’s okay to relax, but you still have to consider safety. Although we are in great summer at this time, it is safe and secure, but there will always be some slippery roads on rainy days. Come in with me for a cup of hot tea. Even though the weather in May is already hot Get up, but the humidity is still heavy."

   After finishing speaking, the old lady walked into the house first, and then Zhao Yu's soft questioning sounded by Rouge's ears:

   "Rouge, shall we go in and sit?"

   "All Yifujun's."

   This husband came out of Rouge's mouth, as thick as the sweetest honey in the world, combined with the girl's big curved eyes, it was enough to melt all people's hearts.

   After dozens of breaths, in the long aisle full of densely covered umbrellas in the old lady's house, Zhao Yu, who was holding rouge, stared at the umbrellas of different colors beside him, and asked curiously:

   "Mother, there are so many umbrellas here, do you sell umbrellas on weekdays?"

   "Young man, it is not to sell, but to borrow."

The old man’s old response came from the front, and then the old lady in front of Zhao Yu stopped her figure, turned around and removed a giant umbrella twice the size of Zhao Yu’s hand from the wall of the aisle at this time, smiling and continuing to speak. :

"My old lady, my man used to be an umbrella maker. These are all things he left behind. We often rain in the deserted city throughout the year, and my house is the closest to this city gate, so if the people in the city are When encountering a sudden rainstorm, I will come here to borrow an umbrella."

After   's voice fell, the old lady pinched the giant umbrella in her hand, continued along the aisle, and said again:

   "Young man, when I will leave, I will take this big umbrella with me. Although the umbrella in your hand is big enough, it is inevitable that some rain will flow in. It is too bad for pregnant people."

   The old lady’s words contained extremely warm care, so Rouge’s big eyes flashed with a deep touch of emotion, her red lips lightly opened, and she responded:

   "Thank you mother-in-law."

"Girl, what's so grateful for? In life, the important thing is to support each other. My old lady has also received many help from many people when she was young. This little strength does not have to be attached to her heart, and her mother-in-law is also a person who has come over. The hard work of being a woman pregnant in October."

   After the old man with silver hair finished speaking, he glanced back at Rouge's already huge belly, a trace of envy flashed in the dual mode, and he spoke softly:

   "Girl, depending on the size of your belly, it shouldn't be long before the birth date, right?"

   "That's still a while."

   Rouge responded with a smile, and then raised his hand to touch his chubby belly, narrowed his big eyes, and continued to speak:

   "Because of the relationship of twins, the belly is bigger than the average person."

   "Twin? That's a good thing, your family is really blessed!"

There was joy in the old woman’s voice, and then the old man and Rouge were chatting with each other in this aisle full of umbrellas, and they were talking about some women’s topics, so they couldn’t talk. Zhao Yu of Zhao Yu focused on the numerous umbrellas around him.

The southwestern continents of Lei, Fu, and Shun are probably the places where umbrellas are used the most throughout the summer. Because of the geographical location, plus the cold from the valley of the giants, it rains most of the year throughout the year, so umbrellas can be said to be A must.

The number of umbrellas hanging in the aisle of the old lady’s house is really huge. The colors are all in one place, like a dazzling rainbow intertwined, and the umbrellas beside Zhao Yu are also very old, and many of them are even being repaired. Traces afterwards.

Zhao Yu’s gaze, along the two sides of the aisle, gently swept over this umbrella that was lent by the old lady to the people in the deserted town countless times as he moved forward. These umbrellas can be said to have witnessed the warm hospitality. And stubbornly refusing to accept the changes in the lives of the people of Leizhou, perhaps each one has a special story.

   But suddenly, an ordinary black umbrella came into the eyes of the young emperor, and then Zhao Yu stopped, his ebony black eyes staring at the same pitch-black umbrella, and gently asked:

   "Mother-in-law, is this black umbrella made by your husband before?"

   "The old lady has too many umbrellas here, and the whole town is circulated in the deserted town, so I really can't remember if it was made by my man, let me see.

   After Zhao Yu's question fell, the figure of the old lady walked back from the front, and then she looked at the black umbrella that the young emperor had said, and a little thought flashed across the old face, and then suddenly realized:

"I remember this umbrella. Last year, when your Majesty led his troops to calm down the Southern Barbarian jungle, a Taoist priest came to the deserted city. He didn't bring an umbrella, so I borrowed an umbrella from him, but strangely, it took a few minutes. After days, I didn’t see the Taoist priest, but it was strange that the umbrella returned to this aisle."


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