The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1084: Pointing the country


read2();   "Come on, young man, drink some **** tea to get rid of moisture."

In the courtyard near the east gate of the deserted city, the old lady with silver hair walked out from the kitchen with two bowls of tea, and then she took out a bowl and gently placed it on the table in the yard. After the voice fell, she continued to put another The bowl of tea was placed in front of Rouge, and the kind voice continued:

   "This bowl is for the girl, nothing is added, clean water."

   Don't look at the old lady who is quite old and has gray hair, but she is still very careful. Considering that Rouge is pregnant, she specially served a bowl of tea. Then Zhao Yu got up to salute the old man and said in gratitude:

   "Thank you mother-in-law for the hospitality."

"Why, old lady, I am getting older. If the humidity is too heavy, my feet will be sore. Therefore, in this kitchen, **** tea is brewed every day. I can’t drink too much. Thank you for serving me a bowl."

After the old lady finished speaking, she slowly sat down beside Zhao Yu and Yanzhi, and she was busy. Only then did she have the time to look at the two of them carefully. When she saw the appearance of Zhao Yu and Yanzhi, her eyes He opened his eyes wide, his eyes were in awe, and after a long time, he slowly sighed:

   "I didn't take a closer look just now when I was old, but now I saw it, it was a good pair of people!"

I saw the old lady next to him, with the rain hitting bananas and the blue rain, Zhao Yu's face was crowned like jade, his eyes were like electricity, majestic and handsome, and beside him was always a rouge with a faint smile, his skin like gelatin. Qiaoxiaoqianxi, like a fairy of flowers.

   sat in one place, as if they contained all the qualities of the entire human race that could be called beauty!

  The talented female appearance, the unparalleled face, exudes a dazzling light, making the old lady who has read countless people in this life trance for a long time. After saying this sentence, he murmured and added:

   "Old lady, I have never seen two such exquisite people. I often hear people say the so-called couples of gods and goddesses, but this is the case, the two skins are so white, shouldn't they be from Leizhou?"

   "Mother-in-law Mizan, I'm here from the capital of God."

   After Zhao Yu's response fell, the old lady showed what she should have done and continued to speak:

"I think about it, only in the capital of the Great Xia Emperor, or the beautiful southern water towns, can we give birth to two people who are as delicate as jade. Tsk tsk tsk, my old lady is now quite equal to the child in the girl’s belly. Looking forward to the parents, you can imagine how dazzling these two children will be after they are born."

   "Thanks to my mother-in-law!"

Rouge smiled and stroked her pregnant belly, with expectation in her big eyes, and a strong maternal love, and the plantain trees planted in the entire yard, and even all the plants around the deserted town, were affected by this The influence of the Lord of Hundred Flowers began to shake involuntarily in the rain, and released extremely cheerful emotions outward.

Heaven, earth, creatures, and emotions can influence each other. Therefore, the entire town is waiting eagerly for all the people in the deserted city, and can clearly feel the changes in the entire city. The fruit scent from the wind is stronger, and the colorful flowers bloom more dazzlingly Even the sound of falling rain is like the chuckle of the entire southwestern city.

   If one person affects a city, it can be said to be the lord of a hundred flowers, and if one person affects a country, that is the rule of the emperor!

In the small courtyard, the old lady who was still immersed in the extraordinary temperament of Zhao Yu and Yanzhi did not know that sitting beside her was the overlord emperor deserved by the vast land of China, and her brows were slightly frowned, thinking What kind of Zhao Yu, is also close to the people, has a peaceful temperament, and does not show any grandeur.

   Then Zhao Yu slowly raised his head, his ebony black eyes looked at the kindly old lady in front of Rong, and asked gently:

"Mother-in-law, just now I heard you in the aisle. During the Nanban University [新笔趣阁] battle last year, a middle-aged Taoist priest came here and communicated with you. Tell me in detail?"

   Zhao Yu's words fell, and the recovered old lady thought for a few breaths. After taking a sip of **** tea on the table, she spoke with a reminiscence:

   "The old man remembers that it was also a rainy day, but the rain was not heavy. It was also that morning, your Majesty's first victory in the Southern Barbarian Jungle reached our deserted town. There were cheers everywhere in the city, and then the old man saw the Taoist priest.

"This Taoist priest is very strange, he didn't bring an umbrella, and he didn't look big, but the old man felt a feeling of being older than himself in him. Let me tell the young man, the old man now looks at your temperament. It really looks a bit like that Taoist priest, with a calm and restrained attitude that doesn't match his age."

   After the old woman finished speaking, Wu Zihu laughed, Zhao Yu and Yanzhi also showed a smile, and then the old woman’s voice continued to sound:

"This Taoist priest is wearing a somewhat shabby Taoist robe. When sitting next to the old man, he quietly looks at the deserted city in front of him. He said that he does not look at people or things, but looks at the past and the future, so mysterious. The old man doesn’t understand the rhetoric, but I think he should be a mysterious monk.

   "However, what he said later made me feel extremely unbelievable and shocking."

   At this point, the old lady paused for a few breaths, then raised her hand and pointed to the door, her eyes piercingly said:

"The Taoist priest and the old man said that in a short time, the entire town of deserted town will undergo earth-shaking changes. On the square outside the old man’s house, a huge school will be built, so that the children of Leizhou can receive education here. And a few months later, this academic palace was built.

  "The Taoist priest also said that the area of ​​the deserted city would expand outward, even including the entire southwest border wall. After half a year, he was right to say that the deserted city really expanded to the southwest wall!"

   There was an incredible light in the eyes of the old lady. Then she turned her head and looked at Zhao Yu and Yanzhi whose complexion changed slightly, and continued to speak:

   "The young man may find this incredible, and the old man finds it too incredible, even thinking that he has encountered a **** walking in the world, but I am also joking, where is the **** in this world."

   The eyes of the old lady with a kind face are blurred, and for ordinary old people who have no cultivation base, the middle-aged Daoist's pointing state-like behavior is too mysterious.

Then after listening to the old man's narration, Zhao Yu and Yanzhi looked at each other, and they both saw some weird colors in each other's eyes. The two were naturally familiar with the middle-aged Taoist priest in the mouth of the old lady, and then Zhao Yu slowly let go With the **** tea in his hand, he spoke softly to the old lady on the side:

   "Mother-in-law, in a sense, there are gods in this world. They are monks with strong cultivation bases. Most people call them land gods."

   After the voice of the young emperor fell, the rouge beside Zhao Yu smiled, then smiled and said softly:

   "And mother-in-law, the Taoist priest you just said is my father."

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