The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1085: Hold an umbrella and cover a city


read2();In the small yard near the gate of the deserted city in   , the old lady sitting in the yard, after hearing Rouge’s words, her expression changed for a while, and finally her lips slightly opened and she spoke softly In one word:

   "The girl has ice muscles and bones, she is beautiful, and her father is not an ordinary person."

   "He's just a Taoist priest who doesn't pay attention."

After speaking, Rouge squinted his eyes, held the water in front of him, and took a sip, only to realize that it should have been pure water without any taste, but now it tasted with a bit of sweetness, like a syrup, so Rouge's eyes lit up, and she continued to speak:

   "This tea made by mother-in-law is delicious."

   "That's, this is the old lady. I take the flower dew from the jungle around the deserted city every morning. I take it out for soaking because of the girl's natural intimacy."

   There was a proud smile on the old lady's kindly face, perhaps because she really saw Zhao Yu feel close, she opened the chattering box again, and began to talk about the changes in the deserted city and the past.

For Da Xia, in fact, every old man is a treasure, which contains ordinary or grand stories. In Zhao Yu's journey, there are also many old people who have given him the most selfless To help, listening to the words of the elderly is a kind of practice and encouragement for the young Master of Great Summer.

   Southwest of Daxia, the rain fell like a line, and time passed quietly in the story of the old lady in the courtyard of the house. Near noon, a very ordinary but large carriage came slowly in the rain from afar and stopped in front of the house door.

Then Liang Po’s burly body walked out of the carriage, standing silently in front of the carriage with an umbrella, motionless, like a giant bald beast. At the same time, in the courtyard of the house, because of too much talk, his face still has The excited old lady coughed slightly, and after taking a sip of **** tea, she said:

   "Brother, I'm so sorry, my old lady, I've been alone for too long, and I talk too much without knowing it."

   "It's okay, it's lucky for the kid to listen to what the mother-in-law said."

   Zhao Yu responded with sincerity in his words, and then the old lady in front of him put down the bowl, smiled, and continued:

   "Little brother, my old lady is a little buoyant when you hear this."

   After finishing speaking, the old lady turned her gaze to the cyan sky above the deserted city and the rain lines falling down, muttering:

   "Today is a big day for us. All the people in our deserted city are waiting eagerly. If it doesn't rain, it would be even better. Unfortunately, God is not beautiful."

   As soon as the old man’s words fell, a bright and heart-warming bell suddenly rose into the sky in the deserted city, and then swept outward, and in the blink of an eye, it rang through the ears of everyone in the entire southwest city.

   As soon as the bell sounded, the old lady stood up abruptly from the seat after hearing it. Then, because of her excitement, some trembling voice came out:

   "Come, here, the noon bell has rang, and the time that we Leizhou people have been waiting for has finally arrived. Fortunately for the elderly, we can live to see this day into a new era."

After    finished speaking, the old man looked at the sky, crying.

   At the next breath, not only this warm-hearted old lady, but the citizens of the entire town of deserted city began to spontaneously raise their arms up to the sky and shout, and uniform voices rose straight into the sky, surrounding the entire town of deserted city:

   "Long live your majesty, long live Daxia! Long live your majesty, long live Daxia!"

Then, under the shouts resounding through the sky, in the huge square around the stone statue tower in Zhenhuang New City, over the huge building with the three characters of Zhenhuang Station hanging in the sky, thousands of roads rose up in an instant. The blue-and-white teleporting beam shone across the entire half of the sky, like a vast miracle.

   After more than ten breaths, the transmission beam gradually dissipated, and then one after another the first group of people who came to observe the valley of giants appeared in the town desert station.

These people are men, women and children, and they wear different clothes. There are people from the capital city in long gowns, and people from the north who wear thicker clothing. Among these people, they are wearing fur coats. Carrying a big cloth sack and wearing a pot of old wine around his waist, Mr. Wu in Qingsong Town, Ganzhou is the most eye-catching.

   But this old man who is extremely conspicuous among the crowd, his face flushed at this time, his eyes gleamed, and he looked excited after taking the first step to dream.

   It is not only Elder Wu, but there are also many people who are as excited and unbearable as he is, and the first impression of these people from all over the country is the heat of the town.

   This heat is not only the hot temperature, but also the fiery enthusiasm of the people of Leizhou!

   Under the loud voice of the deafening Majesty of Leizhou people, among the crowd on the transmission platform, among the children in Zizhu Alley from the capital of God, a young sigh came out:

   "Xu Hao, this deserted town is as rumored, hot and enthusiastic!"

   was talking about a dark-skinned teenager. In Zizhu Alley, he was called Black Skin. His father was a general under Wei Guogong Xu Sheng's hands. Therefore, the relationship with Xu's brother and sister has always been excellent.

After the voice fell, I was dragged to the army for a drill. I haven't seen a darker skin than before, grinning open, showing two rows of bright white teeth, looking around the platform. This brand-new, huge southwestern-style teleportation station was revealed everywhere. He raised his hand and punched Xu Hao on the shoulder before continuing to speak:

"The little grandpa is really not bad. I thought you were joking when I waited. I didn't expect that you would really have taken a few places out of the hands of the court officials who robbed them of their heads. I was all caught up in the light of the little grandpa and the second lady. Up."

   Black skin praised, not only Xu Hao, who was dressed in a gray monk robe, looked sad, and the second young lady who had always been known for her pungent expression showed embarrassment. Then Xu Hao sighed, and said in an annoying voice:

   "Don't mention it, if it wasn't for the eldest sister who loved me, I would lose face this time."

   When the wandering people in the new city came, and when it was extremely hot, near the relatively quiet East City Gate, a steady and young voice sounded at the same time:

   "Thank you mother-in-law for the hospitality. If you are destined, the kid will bring his wife here again to find her mother-in-law for your old memories.

   Town Desolate City East Gate, Zhao Yu saluted the old lady who was delivered to the door in front of him. After the solemn voice came out, the old man showed a kind smile on his face and responded:

   "That woman, I have a request. When the little brother comes next time, I must bring the children who will be born. I want to see how beautiful the person Zhong Tiandi loves is."

   "Mother-in-law asked, the kid agreed."

   Zhao Yu got up with a calm face, then took a hand with a smile on his face, turned and slowly walked towards the carriage, and behind, the old lady’s concerned voice continued:

   "Brother, today the town is crowded with people in the deserted city, and it is raining again. You must protect the girl."

   "Good, mother-in-law."

After Zhao Yu's steady response fell, the young emperor directly raised his hand to open the umbrella in his hand, and if he paid careful attention, he would find that the umbrella in Zhao Yu's hand was not the one he was holding at the beginning, nor was it the old lady. The big umbrella I picked for him in the aisle was the unremarkable black umbrella once held by the middle-aged Taoist priest.

   And at the moment this umbrella was opened by Zhao Yu, the countless raindrops falling on the sky of the entire town of deserted city stayed in place at this moment, and then rose straight into the sky like a fountain.

   In the next second, the sky of the deserted city, the universe is bright and sunny.

  Today is an extremely important day for the towns and the people of Leizhou in the southwest. On this day, as a young emperor, Zhao Yu is not stingy to make it more perfect.

   So Zhao Yu held up an umbrella.

   block all the raindrops above the entire Xiongcheng!


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