The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1086: Service yamen


read2();   "The rain has stopped, the rain has stopped!"

   It was suddenly clear, and under the sky of the deserted city where the blue sky was like washing, countless people stretched out their hands from under the umbrella and explored them. After finding that no raindrops fell on it, they opened their mouths and shouted excitedly.

   Under the excitement and shouting, the fiery atmosphere of the originally extremely enthusiastic town of deserted city is even more straightforward, just like the soup in the same pot.

   But what people in the deserted city don't know at this moment is that in this southwestern city at this time, there is a young emperor who holds up an umbrella and silently covers all the raindrops on the sky.

   When everyone was immersed in the heat of the deserted city, on the transfer platform near the border wall, Xu Hao and others from Zizhu Lane heard a calm and capable female voice:

   "Everyone, my name is Jin Yi, the secretary of the town to visit the deserted city, welcome to the deserted city!"

   After this voice fell, Jin Yi's complexion was delicate, and a very capable figure with short hair appeared in the eyes of Xu Hao and the others, and behind him, closely followed the girl Ziyue who also wore a large robe.

   Then Ziyue's gaze stared at the few disciples in Zizhu Alley who were about the same age as her. She tried her best to put away a little bit of sadness in her eyes, and she also said:

  "Welcome to the town of deserted city to visit the secretary, Ziyue."

After    finished speaking, Ziyue remembered Jin Yi's emphasis on keeping a smile before, and raised the corners of her mouth, revealing two extremely cute tiger teeth.

   The disciples in Zizhu Lane are actually very strict in house rules and doorways. Therefore, after seeing the two people in the robes of officials walking by, they put aside the conversation, bowed to the front, and said:

   "There are two staff officers."

   "You don't have to thank you for your responsibilities. Now please show your identity, Yudie, to register, and Ziyue, bring mountains and seas to register."

   After Jin Yi's voice fell, Ziyue hurriedly took out a picture scroll and handed it over. After Jin Yi took it, he continued to speak to the disciples in Zizhu Lane who were holding the identity Yudie:

"Originally, it was the responsibility of the Teleportation Department to keep the register on the mountain and sea roster, but today you are among the first people of Daxia to visit the Valley of the Giants, and it is also the first time that the Department of Watching and Touring has officially appeared in the eyes of the world. Therefore, in order to better improve your experience, I will accompany you to complete this trip to the Valley of the Giants."

After    finished speaking, Jin Yi took the teleportation jade butterfly one by one handed over by Xu Hao and others with great ease, and then placed it on the Shanhailiu list, and the voice continued:

   "So on this trip to the deserted city and the valley of the giants, if you have any questions, you can ask me and the others, and I will do my best to solve the problems for you."

As soon as Jin Yi’s words came out, all the disciples in Zizhu Alley who came from the capital city in front of them were shocked. These general seed disciples are the young people closest to the imperial palace temples. Therefore, they are always affected by their ears and eyes. There is also a certain understanding of the way of the Daxia court.

But only with just a few words from Jin Yi, these children can clearly feel that this has just been established, the first time that the Guanyou Division appeared in front of the world, with all the yamen in the history of the vast land of China has never appeared. The brand-new business model of the past.

   Since ancient times, the functions of Daxia’s yamen have been roughly divided into two categories, supervision and execution.

The two have separate yamen. For example, the Department of Teleportation supervises the transmission of the people of the world, the Department of Night Dire executes the emperor’s special orders, and there is also a complex that supervises the monks in the world and is responsible for arresting monks who violate the law like the Sitian Supervisor. Sex agency.

   But at this time, the Guanyou Division in front of the Zizhu Alley children does not belong to the above two categories, because the function of the Guanyou Division is to serve, serving all the yamen of the people after transmission to the rest of the city.

Just as the girl Jin Yi said at this time, all the problems encountered by the people in the deserted city and the valley of the giants can be solved by the Kanyou Division. The existence of the Kanyou Division is to transmit the actions of the people. More convenient.

Xu Hao and others, who are still young and lack experience in society as a whole, cannot easily understand the meaning of the appearance of service offices like Guanyousi. They instinctively think this is a very convenient and good thing, but they don’t. I know, this is actually a cross-era change.

   As the saying goes, the king regards the people as his heaven, and the appearance of the Guanyou Division clearly indicates that the young emperor will officially start to improve the convenience and quality of life of all his citizens on the basis of upgrading the entire Daxia infrastructure and comprehensive strength.

In a sense, this is a transition from a tough and iron-blooded dynasty to a country that is convenient for the people and the people. In his heart, Zhao Yu has his own consideration of Daxia's promotion, and fortunately, with all his sons With the joint efforts of the people, this young country is closely following the path in the heart of the young emperor, riding horses.

In the Zhenhuang Station, after regaining his senses, the little father-in-law Xu Hao looked at the serious girl Jin Yi in front of him, the color of thinking in his eyes flashed away, and then gently asked:

   "Dare to ask this secretary, what are the arrangements before we go to the Valley of the Giants?"

   "The Valley of Giants is located deep in the Nanban jungle, and the surrounding areas are extremely dangerous Nanban forbidden areas. Therefore, all those who go to observe must go together after gathering in our deserted town."

   A sweet response came from Ziyue's mouth beside Jin Yi, and then this girl with tiger teeth, who was no longer nervous, continued to speak clearly with a bright smile:

   "The first time we will go to the Valley of the Giants will be tomorrow morning, so you will spend the night in the deserted city."

After Ziyue’s voice fell, Jin Yi also registered the identity of Yudie, Zizhu Alley’s disciple, and then took the lead in walking forward, leading everyone along the circular aisle in Zhenhuang Station towards the exit, while the voice continued Rang:

  " Don’t worry, everyone, I’m waiting for the town to welcome you. Everyone has done their best. You can choose an inn in the new city to the west, and then taste the sweetest fruits in Leizhou.

   "There are countless fruit trees planted on both sides of the streets of the deserted town. Once they are mature, they can be picked and eaten. You can also enjoy the special Leizhou cuisine in the restaurants in the new town. At night, the deserted town will host a grand bonfire party to welcome you."

   With the words of the girl Jin Yi, the eyes of the people in Zizhu Lane who had been looking forward to this trip to the Valley of the Giants became brighter, and their faces also showed excitement.

"Zhenhuangcheng not only has brand-new emerging cities, but also old old cities that originally contained the culture of the people of Leizhou. Don’t miss it. Personally, I would recommend you to go to the southwest border. Take a look at the city wall, because outside this city wall is the southern barbarian jungle where our Leizhou Erlang once threw his head and sprinkled blood!"

   Nanban Jungle, the expressions of the disciples in Zizhu Lane suddenly became extremely enthusiastic, then Jin Yi turned his head slightly and continued to speak:

   "Of course, as a tour operator, if you encounter any problems, I will try my best to help."

After finishing the sentence, Jin Yi walked directly out of the deserted town station, and the children from Shenjing City behind him also followed. When these children had just walked out of the gate and formally set foot on the land of the deserted town, they became even hotter. The atmosphere was blowing like a tsunami.

   At the same time, an extremely old and profound voice resounded directly throughout the sky:

   "Old Ximan King Zhong Liye, welcome everyone to the deserted town!"


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