The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1089: The flames of war have just disappeared, but the blood is not cold


read2();  "Open the gate of the city~!"

   Accompanied by an energetic roar from the sergeants of the wild army, the huge gate on the southwest border wall of the deserted city began to rise slowly, and at the same time a deafening roar came out, resounding across the sky.

The gate on the southwest border of Zhenhuang City is extremely large and contains unimaginable weight. It can be said that this gate was once the Dinghai Shenzhen needle on the southwest border of Daxia. Every time it is opened, the wild army gathers and charges outwards to harvest. The horn of the enemy's life, and it was the first time to open the city in such a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

On the land of yellow sand outside the city wall on the southwest border, the lives of tens of millions of deserted people are buried. After the blood in the bodies of the deserted people has poured out, it has been deeply immersed in the earth and formed blood scabs, so it accompanied the opening of the city gates. The roar, a strong smell of blood came straight on, causing those people who were sitting on the animal cart and had not yet left the city, as if they were directly in the blood of the corpse mountain, their complexions suddenly changed.

   After the opening of this huge and strong border gate, these people from all over the world, for the first time, felt the passion of the other side of the deserted city, iron-blooded and wild.

   The flames of war have just disappeared, and the blood is not cold!

When the strong smell of blood rushed, the spectators from all over the world who were chatting enthusiastically on the barbarian bus suddenly put away the smiles on their faces, becoming particularly solemn, and thick eyes appeared in their eyes. The color of respect.

After a few breaths, the southern barbarian tyrannosaurus headed in front of the city gate raised up to the sky and let out a violent roar that shook the sky. Under the roar, this southern barbarian tyrannosaurus from the Ximan Palace took the lead and stepped forward fiercely. Officially passed the huge city gate in front, stepping on the Nanban land intertwined with blood and yellow sand.

The Southern Barbarian Tyrannosaurus is one of the well-deserved overlords in the deserted ancient jungle. Even the Ximan Palace has only a few heads, which are used to suppress the other savage beasts. Naturally, they will not be allowed to pull carts, and after jumping out of the city gate, The savage beasts pulling the huge carriages behind them also began to roar forward, all in line and marched out of the city gate.

If you take a bird’s eye view of the city wall on the southwest border of the deserted city from the sky at this time, you will find a breathtaking picture, and you will see a long dragon composed of wild beasts and huge beasts directly entrenched in this **** yellow-brown land. Above, meandering forward.

But the strange thing is that when this long dragon swims for dozens of miles in the Namoyo, the bloodiest isolation zone on the entire Nanbarb border, none of the people on the animal cart speaks, all have respectful eyes, solemn expressions, and breathlessness. Concentrating.

   This is a respect for countless wild soldiers guarding the border.

   This is also a respect for the hard work of all Leizhou people!

   All the children from Zizhu Alley were sitting on the animal cart very far forward, just after the southern barbarian tyrannosaurus. Therefore, they were also the first to ride the animal cart to formally cross the **** isolation area and go deep into the wild forest to watch tourists.

   Along with the line of green bushes in front of them constantly zooming in, the people who have been holding their breaths to show respect gradually regained their vitality and officially began to feel the wild experience that they had never had before.

   Then on the beast cart, he looked down at Xu Hao, sighed lightly, and stretched out his fingers downwards, only half the height of a brutal beast, but an unusually dense bush, whispered:

   "I heard the sergeant who had participated in the Battle of the Southern Barbarians say that the bush of thorns we passed by at this time was once a common hiding place for the siege deserters."

After    finished speaking, Xu Hao turned slightly, pointed his right finger to the back of the border wall that stood like a mountain, and continued to speak to the black skin beside him:

   "Because the arrows of the wild army above the city wall fall from above, the farthest range happens to be near here, so here is the dividing line between life and death."

After    finished speaking, Xu Hao's eyes gradually became a little wave, and he continued to speak softly:

   "So in fact, the border of **** in the real sense of those deserters is not the towering southwest city wall over there, but here!"

   "My father often told me that there is no child's play on the battlefield, and every decision made, even the smallest, may affect the direct outcome of a battle."

After Xu Hao's voice fell, the black-skinned response sounded directly, and the latter's dark face was also full of solemnity, staring straight at the dividing line below, as if seeing a picture clearly in his mind .

The rain-like infinite arrows descend from above the sky and wash the entire wild land mercilessly. Under the arrow rain, there is a deserter who keeps falling down and spouting blood, and this Just the tip of the iceberg in a cruel battlefield.

In fact, it is not only the Zizhu Alley students, but the rest of the people from all over Daxia, all in this pungent **** smell, really feel the blood and ruthlessness from the battlefield, this is also the opening of Zhao Yu. One of the purposes of the trip to Nanban.

  Since the most common thing people do is forgetting, the young emperor will let these epic legends that should be remembered by the world to exist for a longer time in the memories of the people.

   Suddenly, on the huge animal car, Xu Jin's slightly surprised voice sounded, directly pulling Hei Pi and Xu Hao's thoughts back:

   "Look at me, in the jungle ahead, there is a huge open space, and behind this open space is a road leading to the depths of the southern jungle."

After Xu Jin's voice fell, everyone around him raised their heads and looked in the direction the second lady said. Not far from the barbarian beast, there was a huge semi-circular open space as the former said. , From a distance, it was like someone drew a huge fan on the green Nanban jungle.

As everyone knows, the distribution of the entire southern barbarian jungle starts from the southwest border wall. The deeper you go, the taller and older the trees are. Even after these wild old trees grow to a certain age, they will turn from their original green. Towards black.

   Therefore, the road at the top of the arc is not easy to find under the background of the entire dark green jungle. After Xu Jin prompted the disciples, they saw this road one after another and asked subconsciously:

   "In order to welcome my arrival in the town of deserted city, could it not be possible to open a road directly in the Nanban jungle?"

  As soon as the murmured and inquired voices of the people fell, Jin Yi, a girl who was accompanied by the tour secretary, gently responded:

"This road was not opened up from the deserted city, but the route used by your Majesty to lead the wild army to suppress the southern wild people. The soldiers of the whole wild army are along this road, and countless deserted people are in what they think is the most invulnerable. In the jungle nest, the suppression is exhausted!"

   The girl's words, although she was calmly telling a fact, she trembled involuntarily as if she were in a **** battlefield in the sense of everyone around her.

   After a breath, the words that continued to ring from Jin Yi’s mouth even shocked everyone:

   "A year ago, your Majesty drew a bow and fired three arrows at the place where we were. This large area of ​​open space appeared, and the road over there was opened up by the French sergeants using magical powers.

"The people in the southwest know that the jungle’s self-healing ability is particularly powerful, and time can make up for any scars in the jungle. Therefore, even if it is Dharma practitioners who use flames to burn out, plus the marching roads covered with sand by the wild army Tender seedlings have begun to grow in a year, but only this fan-shaped clearing shot by your Majesty's bow is still dead!"


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