The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1090: I heard of you


read2();   came from Ganzhou in the western part of Great Xia. At this time, Mr. Wu, who was sitting on the beast shuttle bus, felt that his hands were shaking slightly uncontrollably.

   Regardless of how old the old man is, he is very healthy and healthy, with neat hands and feet, and he can even cut firewood with precision in the yard. Therefore, it is almost impossible to control his hands and feet like the current situation.

However, Mr. Wu, who was uneasy on the brutal beast bus, felt that there was a flame burning in his throat at this time, and the heat was unbearable. The reason for the embarrassment of Mr. Wu at this time was the seat beside the old man. Three figures sitting on the top.

A young man wearing a short shirt with a handsome face, a girl with a raised lower abdomen and an overwhelming country, sitting next to the former, and a bald head with expressionless faces behind them, sitting like a sculpture. Big man.

   This is a rather strange combination, but if each of them exists, if you look carefully at it, it will feel particularly extraordinary, and even give people a sense of wanting to worship.

   At this time, the animal carriage where Mr. Wu was located, was not as crowded as the front, because it was at the back of the brute shuttle bus line, but it looked very empty.

   At the same time, most of the people sitting in the last bus were elderly people like him, and there were also special officials who watched and looked after them.

In the eyes of Mr. Wu, everything that came after the deserted city was so perfect, a brand new but prosperous city with southwestern characteristics, a welcoming bonfire party, and the old man’s favorite, unique to Daxia Southwest , A sweet fruit wine.

   Even the wind blowing in the air has a unique warmth. This undoubtedly gave Mr. Wu, who has spent his entire life in Ganzhou in the north, a novel experience.

  According to the old man's idea, after returning to Qingsong Town, Ganzhou, he must cherish his cool Leizhou blouse. Of course, it is essential to go to Tie Zhu's house to show off to the little girl Tie Lan.

All the experiences after coming to the deserted city made the old man feel worthy of his trip, but he always understood that the real highlight has not yet come, so when he was more and more looking forward to the mood, he was extremely excited to watch the secretary. Under the guidance of Wang, when he boarded this special train, which can be called the old and the weak, the old man saw the three of Zhao Yu.

   Then the original excited mood was directly thrown out of the clouds, leaving only restlessness and endless tension.

When Elder Wu went to the capital city, he met Zhao Yu as the lord of Great Xia from a distance during a private banquet during the Mingde Palace New Year's Festival. Although he could not see the true appearance of Zhao Yu because he was seated at the back, but It still felt familiar for a while, but this last doubt, when he saw Liang Po behind the young emperor, completely disappeared without a trace.

   The burly body, bright bald head, and distinctive Liang Po can be said to be Zhao Yu’s natural business card when he walks outside, because where Liang Po is, the young emperor must be not far away.

Therefore, after determining the number of people next to him, the most distinguished status of the entire Daxia, no matter how many winds and waves the old man has experienced before, he is no longer calm at this time, and then the old man wants to swallow and moisturize his throat, but finds his mouth The tongue was dry, and even on the forehead, a thin layer of sweat began to appear.

Suddenly, not far from the carriage, a middle-aged man in the robes of a watchman walked up and walked calmly to the front of Zhao Yu. After seeing this, Mr. Wu immediately raised his ears subconsciously. Try to listen to what the person said.

   Then, in the ears of Mr. Wu, Sun Qian’s unique wind leak sounded:

   "Your Majesty, Master Li, the King of Ximan, knows that his Majesty doesn't want to be a teacher on this trip, so it is inconvenient to accompany him, so I ask your Majesty to ask for your peace."

   "It's okay, this time I will accompany Rouge out to relax, Sun Qian, sit down!"

After the faint voice of the emperor came out, Zhao Yu pointed to the seat next to him and signaled Sun Qian to sit down. Then the latter saluted again and turned around to sit down. By coincidence, Sun Qian's position was far from Wu. The old man is not far away, so before sitting down, the visitor Si Si Cheng also greeted the old man specially.

But this very unusual greeting directly scared the old man Wu who was eavesdropping, and he shook his whole body. He hurriedly grabbed the hip flask from his waist, opened the lid tremblingly, and went to his mouth. It was sent inside, and then because of excessive force all at once, he was coughed with a mouthful of old wine.

   Then a smiling voice from Zhao Yu came from the side:

   "Okay, Sun Qian, don't scare the old man, because they had a hard time visiting the Nanban jungle."

  The emperor's warm voice made the originally a little worried Old Man Wu calm down for most of an instant, then he put down the flask in his hand, turned his head and smiled at Zhao Yu and Yanzhi.

The savage beasts that choose to pull the animal carts in the deserted city are very particular. Not only are they large, they are all meek herbivorous savage beasts. Every step forward will cross a very long distance. Therefore, after half an hour, This team of brutal beast shuttles followed the road opened by the barbaric army once attacked the brutal forest, and completely entered the entire jungle.

Going deep into the jungle gave everyone the most intuitive feeling that the trees on both sides of the road began to rise gradually, from only half the size of the animal vehicle, to level with the animal vehicle where everyone was, and finally rose directly into the sky, reaching far beyond the animal vehicle. the height of.

A tree is even taller than a tree. As we go deeper into the wild forest, these tall wild beasts, which look like little giants to ordinary people, are as inconspicuous as little beasts in the forest. At the same time, the sun shining from the sky gradually becomes huge. The dense shade of the trees was completely covered, only scattered beams of light shot down through the slits, interweaving a large net of dazzling light between the jungle.

   This is a world completely different from the outside world. The people sitting on the beast shuttle bus can even clearly see the fluffy plant seeds flying back and forth in the beam of light.

   Then these beams of light continued to shine straight down, shining on the various plants that grew chaotically on the ground and the little savage beasts that were startled to flee, as if they had coated the whole body with a light film.

   In the depths of the wild jungle, for everyone who appreciates his extraordinary beauty, a sense of contradiction is both quiet and noisy. The nearby is quiet and silent, while in the distance, various beasts roar one after another, **** predation and killing are staged everywhere.

   Under this situation, the people of the brutal beast shuttle bus were deeply immersed in it, forgetting the conversation and words. For a while, only the sound of the brutal beast's foot on the ground came out.

The old man Wu also forgot his previous anxiety under the wild and gorgeous scene. As the wild beast moved forward, the light web intertwined in the dense forest swept across the old man's face. Then, a clear and steady voice sounded softly at the old man's. Ear:

   "Master Wu from northern Ganzhou, I have heard of you."


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