The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1091: A new habitat for the barbarians


read2();  "There is a saying among the people of Leizhou in the southwest: The wild jungle is sometimes a docile cat, but more often, it is a violent tiger who chooses people and eats them. "

At the end of the savage beast train in the southern barbarian forest, the voice from Sun Qian faintly sounded, and then this one-half fragmented tooth grew back a lot of the watcher Sicheng, staring at the surrounding ancient tall trees, continue Open the mouth:

"In fact, it is not easy for Guanyousi and the deserted city to ensure the safety of this route. Although this place is still located on the periphery of the southern barbarian jungle, there are not many savage beasts, especially predatory savage beasts with abusive temperament. With the vitality of many people gathered, in their induction, it is as dazzling as the sun."

   "I know that when I entered the wild forest to suppress the wild people, these infinite numbers of wild beasts were one of the most troublesome problems for the wild army."

On the seat of the carriage, he changed into a short shirt that followed the customs, and Zhao Yu responded like a young man next door. Then he held Rouge's right hand tightly, turned his head and looked at the dense trees around, and continued to speak. :

   "Sun Qian, you watched the tour operator fiddled with this brutal beast shuttle bus. It really gave me and all the people a huge surprise."

   The voice of the emperor fell, and Sun Qian on the side showed a smile. After raising his hand, he smiled and responded:

"Your Majesty is absurd, in fact, the idea of ​​the Minister comes from your Majesty. Your Majesty issued a holy order to Gyeonggi Prefecture in the early dynasty a few days ago to allow it to take the lead in opening a carriage that connects various streets in Shenjing City. It is called a shuttle bus to facilitate the daily travel of the people.

   "Although the minister had never heard of the term shuttle bus before, the more he thought about it, the more profound it was discovered. Therefore, he imitated the so-called shuttle bus and created a beast shuttle bus that travels through the southern jungle."

   The conversation between Zhao Yu and Sun Qian made the old man Wu, who was sitting aside listening carefully, nodded subconsciously. Zhao Yu and the old man exchanged a simple greeting for a while, which made the excitement of the old man difficult to calm for a long time.

The young emperor is the lord of Great Xia, and this time we traveled with a pregnant rouge, so the safety of the whole body is naturally the top priority, so all the people in the last carriage were carried out by the Sitian Supervisor Investigate everything in detail.

   And Mr. Wu was lucky enough to sit next to Zhao Yu, and there was a story inside.

The main reason is that Mr. Wu's willingness to come to Nanban to take a look at the Valley of the Giants was too strong, so Tie Zhu, as his descendant, had no choice but to go to Zhenyu Gong’s Mansion to find Lin Xiao. Some movement was made, and it reached Zhao Yu's ears, which made the young Great Xia Lord pay a little attention to this stubborn old man in the north.

Elder Wu’s mentality has completely changed at this time. The original eager expectation for the Valley of the Giants has long been forgotten. He only hopes that the road in the southern barbarian jungle under his feet can be longer and longer, so that it can be in the young emperor. Sit around for a while, because this is the supreme glory that countless people dream of.

   By the side of the monarch, visiting the wild forest, it is so glorious that the old man Wu will wake up from a dream, even if he died without regret.

As the young girl Jin Yi said to the young master Xu Hao of the Wei Guogong’s residence, the self-healing ability of the Southern Barbarian Jungle is beyond imagination, so the road at the foot of the Barbarian Shuttle was opened by the Faculty of Magical Powers by using the flame magic power. Lao Jin took the reserve children to cover it with sand and stones, but now that a year has passed, a large number of plant shoots are still beginning to emerge.

   Although the road in the southern jungle is rugged and uneven, the carriage is not particularly bumpy due to the superimposed effect of various formations. Then the voice of the young emperor once again sounded in the ears of Mr. Wu:

   "Sun Qian, according to the design of Er Deng Guanyou Division, the end of this brutal beast shuttle bus will be the Dongwang stronghold?"

When the words    Dongwang stronghold came out, the old man was immediately aroused, and he turned his head slightly to continue listening, and then Sun Qian beside Zhao Yu nodded, raised his hand and saluted in response:

   "Your Majesty Shengming, it is the Nanban stronghold closest to the deserted city, looking east."

   "How is the situation of this Dongwang stronghold now, see you dare to open it to all the people of Daxia, it should have undergone earth-shaking changes?"

   After Zhao Yu's voice fell, Sun Qian showed a smile, and then responded with excitement:

   "Due to the duties of the minister during this period, the number of times he went to the Dongwang stronghold was not a lot, but every time he went, he could feel the drastic changes, and he would certainly not disappoint his majesty and the people.

   "I remember that when the wild army captured this Dongwang stronghold occupied by the deserters, the inside was almost destroyed and turned into a broken wall."

   The eyes of Zhao Yujunmei's majestic face were slightly narrowed, as if thinking about the appearance of the east fortress a year ago, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and continued to speak softly:

"I remember that half a year ago, the cabinet submitted a paper about the handling of the barbarians in the Nanban jungle. I will let the Ximan Palace take care of it. There should be a lot of barbarians in the stronghold, right?"

"It's more than a lot, Your Majesty, the two wild races in the jungle fought each other and never died, but a year ago the defeat of the barbarians led to a sharp decline in the number of tribesmen under the frenzied pursuit. Later, we completely suppressed the wild forest. Killing all the deserters, this gives the barbarians a chance to breathe."

   After Sun Qian’s response fell, he let out a soft sigh and continued to speak:

"The danger of the southern barbarian jungle increases thousands of times as it moves inward, and whether it is a barbarian or a deserter, their original ancestral court is in the center of this southern barbarian, but the barbarian is in the post-war recovery phase. , Had to face a life-and-death issue."

   At this point, Sun Qian paused, and then continued to speak very solemnly:

"The entire high-ranking barbarian with all dead and wounded can no longer survive in the depths of the barbarians lined with wild beasts. Therefore, with the help of the barbarian girl who guarded by your Majesty, the entirety moved to the Dongwang stronghold. Therefore, the Dongwang stronghold at this time is the new habitat of the entire barbarians!"

  Sun Qian’s words fell. After Zhao Yu squinted his eyes for a few breaths, he suddenly turned to look at Liang Po, who was silent:

   "Po'er, sisters Man Yuanyuan, are you nearby now?"

   "His Majesty, according to your instructions, they can move freely while they are here in Nanban, so the subordinates estimate that they are already in the East Wang stronghold at this time."

At the same time that Liang Po's magnetic voice fell, at the end of the Brutal Beast shuttle bus, in front of the gate of the Dongwang stronghold that was three times larger, a tall girl in a black robe, Man Yuanyuan, was holding her sister Man Ping in her hand. Ping appeared slowly, and beside the two, there was a piglet with flapping wings flying.


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