The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1097: Rise instead of falling


read2();  "When I was in Shenjing City, I often heard the sergeants who fought in the war talk about the situation of other races besides the Daxia human race. We Shenjing City is located in the north of Daxia, so relatively speaking , I am relatively familiar with the snowmen on the snowy field and the alien races of the Sun Empire. This is the first time I have seen this barbarian."

Nanban Jungle, on the square outside Dongwangguan, with novel words rang from Heipi's mouth, and with the rise of the big day, more and more people walked back to the square from the stronghold, with unfulfilled expressions on their faces The color, this includes the children of Zizhu Lane.

   Then the dark-skinned black skin grinned open, revealing white teeth, and continued to speak:

   "In fact, apart from the totem on the face of this barbarian, the other aspects are actually not much different from the people of Leizhou, and they are as hospitable as the Lord Jin said."

   "The wisdom of the barbarians is not much lower than ours, which is much better than those snowmen who go crazy at every turn."

   A young response came from Xu Hao's mouth, and his face also had a novel look, watching the barbarian erlang who almost everyone followed a savage beast not far away, the young voice continued:

"The fighting methods of the barbarians are not the same as ours. Most of their strength is actually from the barbarians with whom they signed a contract. However, it has been reported that because of the close bloodline, the barbarians can also practice our techniques and supernatural powers. I don't know whether it is true or not."

   As soon as Xu Hao’s voice fell, the voice from the second lady Xu Jin directly rang:

"You don't need to worry about this. When do you practice your bow well is the last word, and Xu Hao, don't forget, your grand ceremony will be next year, and I will definitely do it by the time. It’s on the battlefield, so the time left for you is not far away. One year will be over."

As soon as the words of the second lady of the official residence of the State of Wei, the children in Zizhu Alley, who had a smile on their faces, suddenly became serious, and they all bowed their heads and said nothing, because they were similar in age, and the days of the crown were just as close. Right now.

  According to the big summer law, and after the grand ceremony, it is an adult. You can give words, and you must also go to battle to kill the enemy and defend your country.

   Children always feel that time flies too slowly when they are young, and they always want to grow up quickly, but when it comes to this turning point, in addition to longing, there is a mountain of pressure.

And while these young Zizhu alleys were silent, the burly figure appeared in the center of this east looking square, wearing a cannon watching the official cannon, and beside him, there were others. Watching the tour secretary, including the figures of young girls Jin Yi and Zi Yue.

   Then, with one-armed and one-eyed, Lao Jin, who looked a bit fierce at first glance, pulled his throat and let out a loud roar:

"Everyone, let's watch the tour division and the deserted city, and the reason why your majesty opened the southern barbarian jungle here is so that all our people can see with their own eyes a larger and more mysterious world, such as our newly built town. Wild new cities, such as the barbarians living in the jungle, and the efforts and blood of our Southwestern people in this jungle.

   "Glory is my life!"

   Lao Jin’s booming roar ignited all the enthusiasm of all the people on the square, and they all raised their arms and shouted:

   "Daxia glory, Daxia glory!"

  As the shouts that shook the sky continued to spread out, Lao Jin grinned and roared again:

   "Of course, Lao Jin, I will not forget what the main purpose of your coming here is, then the main event will be coming soon."

   Lao Jin’s roar has not yet fallen, and the high voices of the people who have been completely ignited by the boundless enthusiasm directly rise into the sky uniformly:

   "Valley of Giants, Valley of Giants, Valley of Giants!"

   "Yes, it is the Valley of Giants!"

   Lao Jin raised his one arm and pressed it down gently, and then a deep voice continued to be heard in everyone's ears:

"Everyone, the tour secretary in my town's deserted city will distribute a special teleportation scroll to you and others. By tearing up this scroll, you can directly descend into the valley of the giants in the depths of the southern barbarian and get the reward. May, and make history, truly become the first people to step into one of the eight forbidden areas."

After    roared loudly, the deafening cheers rose to the sky again, and then the watchmen and officials beside Old Jin spread out and began to distribute the special scroll in their hands.

   After a quarter of an hour, the disciples in Zizhu Lane also took the teleportation scroll from the hands of the girls Jin Yi and Ziyue, and then they all saluted and thanked them:

   "There are employees."

After thanking them, these children, who were still young people, couldn’t wait to look down at the scroll in their hands, and saw that the overall size of the scrolls in everyone’s hands was the same as that of the teleportation purchased from Daxiaguansi. , All are slap big.

   But on this scroll, in addition to the dense and mysterious transmission runes, there are also a few tiny tiny characters carved in the corners:

   Kanyu Division limited.

   "I know for the first time that this teleportation scroll is different, and in our hands, it is specially limited for the viewing company. I don't know whether this internal teleportation point will be different."

As we all know, once the palm-sized teleporting scroll is torn apart, the user’s consciousness will be immersed in an extremely mysterious world, and in this world, you can choose all open sites and sink the consciousness into it. , Directly shuttled through the space cracks.

   "What's the difference? Let's tear it apart and send it."

   Wei Guogong's second lady Xu Jin is a typical impatient, so after a grumble, she tore open the scroll in her hand, and suddenly a blue-and-white transmission beam directly rose into the sky.

   This first pillar of teleporting light seems to be the first water pillar of this fountain ceremony, and then it is a continuous piece of light that continuously shines in the entire void of teleporting light.

   Seeing the children around him bathed in the light, Xu Hao didn't hesitate either, he tore it open, and suddenly a map shrank by countless times appeared in the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

Xu Hao’s divine consciousness hovered above this huge map of Daxia, watching the light spots below. In fact, not only him, but the people of Daxia are familiar with this scene, because almost You will see it every time you teleport, but the difference this time is that a new spot of light appeared further southwest of the original deserted city, and four words appeared beside him.

  The Valley of Giants!

Xu Hao knows that if he sinks his divine consciousness into this spot of light, after a few breaths, he will tear the void and travel to the valley of giants that he has been looking forward to, but the ghost and goddess, this adventurous Wei Guogong The little grandpa suddenly had a different thought in his heart.

   Why don’t you raise your consciousness to a higher place?

   Then Xu Hao, who made up his mind, did the opposite and directly controlled his mind to skyrocket.

In this weird world that allows you to choose, time does not have any concept of passing, so Xu Hao feels that he has risen countless miles into the sky, and apart from the smaller and smaller Daxia map below, There are no other changes.

But the little father-in-law was born with an unstoppable force of failing to achieve his goal, so he has been controlling his spiritual consciousness to continue to rise. After don't know how long, Xu Hao's heart shook suddenly, because he felt like he had broken a certain Layers of barriers, and then he hurriedly looked down, and saw that beside the clear map of Daxia below, there suddenly appeared a huge vague, fog-shrouded land.

   At the same time, on this land, there is a huge font appearing on it, and then Xu Hao's consciousness stared at the bottom, and read these big characters word by word:

   "The land of the great mystery!"


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