The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1098: Giant Noya outside


read2();  The deepest part of the Southern Barbarian or some people call it the southern barren jungle, there is a forbidden land that everyone knows. According to legend, in this forbidden valley, there are ancient giants who rely on the sky, every move You can move mountains and cracks between the sea, and pick the stars by hand.

  At the same time, in ancient legends, the giants in this forbidden valley would rush out of the valley every other jiaozi, sweep the entire jungle, and even invade the vast land of the land where the human race lives.

Over time, with curiosity and awe, some storytellers listed this forbidden place called the Valley of the Giants as one of the eight forbidden places in the world, but in the ninety-year May of the Great Xia calendar, this valley of the giants, Will completely unveil the veil of mystery in front of the world.

In fact, in the battle against the famine a year ago, when the Great Xia court and the former Great State Master were gambling around the valley of giants, the secrets contained in this inaccessible forbidden valley have been gradually analyzed. Out.

The subsequent shocking battle between the young emperor and the ancient lava giant destroyed a large area of ​​ancient trees in the forbidden area outside the valley of the giants, and countless wild trees that obscured the sky were directly transformed in the confrontation of the lava sea and the road rain. Being a fan, now a year has passed, and by this time it still looks like a huge open space.

However, as the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. The fierce destruction caused by this shocking battle is undoubtedly a great help for the viewing and traveling division of the entire Valley of Giants, so that it does not have to deal with each of these. There are dozens of people who hug the thick ancient arable trees, and they can build buildings directly on the open space.

Afterwards, Sun Qian took the tour secretary, and with the help of the entire Leizhou people, erected a holy altar for teleportation outside the valley of the giants, and isolated the children with a huge horse-rejection and magical fence. A safe area where citizens can watch.

This place for viewing starts from the place where the altar was erected, along the forbidden area outside the valley of the giants, all the way inward, and then the viewing department built high steps to climb over the bones like hills. Mountain.

   And above the mountain of bones, a huge viewing platform was built with great effort, and here, you can see most of the entire valley of giants ahead.

In fact, in a sense, it is possible to turn one of the extremely dangerous forbidden places into a special attraction that all the people can freely observe. This directly shows that compared with before, the overall strength of Daxia has An earth-shaking general improvement.

  Because of being strong, you can control the forbidden land, and because of self-confidence, you can view it by the whole people.

Time slowly moved forward, and when the hot sun over the southern barbarian jungle began to turn to the west, the vast sea of ​​light composed of flowers of blue and white teleportation directly descended on the entire outer sky of the valley of giants, officially opened The prelude to the era of tourism.

   This valley of giants is the first stop, but it will not be the last!

Around the altar exuding blue and white psychedelic light, along with the disappearance of the teleporting beam, the figures of Daxia's citizens appeared on the open space outside the valley of the giants, and then all the children experienced the teleportation station. After a little trance, he gradually returned to his senses and began to look around carefully.

   "Well, why is it dark this day?"

   The murmur came from the mouths of a large number of people, because at this time the people who had directly descended on the outskirts of the Valley of the Giants had the first impression of darkness and emptiness.

   This is undoubtedly very different from what the people had imagined in their minds. Then they looked around, looked around at the black skin, raised a hand and touched his chin with a little stubble, and said with a little doubt:

"On the periphery of the Nanban jungle, the vegetation is dense and the sun is dazzling. Therefore, I originally thought that this valley of giants in the depths of the forest must be even greater than the periphery, but the fact is that the opposite is true. I haven't even seen the oldest wild wood jungle in the vast land of China in the legend."

After the black-skinned voice fell, the second young lady beside him also looked up at the dim sky, and after a few breaths of thought, she responded:

"The sky in the depths of the southern jungle may be covered by a cloud of mist. Although you cannot look directly at it, it shades the sunlight above us to a certain extent. On the other hand, although there is no ancient wild wood around us, you Look behind."

Xu Jin finished speaking, everyone turned and followed Xu Jin's raised right hand and looked forward, their complexions changed slightly, because behind everyone, there was a pale behemoth that was extremely permeating, because almost the entire sky was covered. Blended into one, so it is not very conspicuous.

   But at this time, under Xu Jin’s reminder, the young children in Zizhu Alley after looking up clearly after seeing the exact appearance, took a deep breath and murmured:

   "The city wall behind us is actually made of bones?"

Later, more and more people discovered the abnormality in the rear, and the whispers of gasping and whistling sounded one after another. In the rear, a towering city wall composed entirely of huge pale bones rose from the ground and went straight into the sky. It is high enough to block most of the sunlight under the scorching sun above the sky, so it leaves a large shadow on the ground where everyone gathers.

At the same time, an extremely savage and ancient vast aura, like a tide, shoots straight down, and the aura seems to have an incomparably ancient savage beast roaring, causing some ordinary people who do not have a cultivation base. , Swallowed subconsciously, skin tingling, shocked.

"Every bone in this skeletal city wall is bigger than the whole body of an ordinary person. It is enough to see how scary the volume of these giant beasts is. Just imagine if these giant beasts walked between the towns where we live, What an incredible scene, are you right, Xu Hao?"

After Heipi's question fell, Xu Hao's response did not sound in his ear. Then the former turned his head and looked at Xu Hao who was still in a trance beside him, showing a little weirdness, and then reached out his hand and patted his shoulder. Continue to speak:

   "Xu Hao, Xu Hao, haven't you recovered?"

If you look closely, you will find that Xu Hao's eyes at this time still have a thick trance color, and the little grandfather of the Wei State Government, in the sea of ​​knowledge, is still constantly lingering in the teleportation world. The four characters that I saw.

   "Xu Hao?"

   Seeing Xu Hao still stunned in the same place, Black Skin increased his strength and shook the former. Under the shaking of the former, Xu Hao's eyes gradually regained clarity.

   Then he slowly turned his head and looked at the people in Zizhu Alley who were showing concern. After thinking and hesitating for a few breaths, he slowly asked:

   "Wait, have you ever heard of a place called Taixuan Land?"


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