The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1099: Black Dragon Guard


read2();   The entire Nanban food chain is distributed. The stronger the savage beast, the more it occupies the most central area, because the deepest part of the Nanban jungle has the richest resources and the strongest vitality.

  The savage beasts are huge in size, and the energy they need to absorb in daily life is huge. Therefore, only the depths of this wildness can satisfy these behemoths to multiply and survive on this land.

In other words, an adult southern barbarian tyrannosaurus must eat enough high-level brutal beasts to ensure its continued growth, and if it is allowed to grow outside the jungle, even if it eats thousands of brutal rabbits, Not on a leg of the saber-toothed tiger in the depths.

   As the saying goes, things gather by kind and people are divided into groups. The same is true for the Nanban, who follows the laws of the naked jungle. The Valley of the Giants is located in the deepest part of the Nanban, and the predators at the top of the entire jungle pyramid wander around.

Although these savage beasts will subconsciously stay away because of the ancient and vast aura of the mountain of bones in the Forbidden Land, the aura that has risen to the sky after the people who have come to watch the tour in summer are as bright as the dark night. The light of the incomparable lighthouse is so conspicuous.

  The depths of the wild forest are not very peaceful, but extremely ferocious. Therefore, there is such a dense strange atmosphere around the territory, which completely angers the top wild beasts surrounding it.

   In the next breath, waves of violent and cruel auras soared into the sky, and rushed towards the periphery of the Valley of the Giants. At the same time, the deafening roar hit everyone's eardrums without fancy:


Under the roar of the violent savage beasts, all the people who were immersed in the stalwart walls outside the valley of the giants changed slightly. Until this moment, everyone deeply felt that where they were at this moment, no In the great summer city pool, which is too safe and stable, there is no longer a jungle outskirts where dense plants and various small savage beasts run back and forth, but one of the eight forbidden places in the depths of Nanban, the Valley of the Giants!

   "These savage beast overlords are here, and this breath is enough to match the birth and death of the Great Master Realm!"

   Among the disciples in Zizhu Alley, the solemn voice of Xu Jin, with the highest cultivation level, came out, and then another disciple beside him narrowed his eyes and directly responded:

   "Their figures have appeared on the periphery, and there are a lot of them, not just a few heads."

After his words fell, the ground under everyone's feet suddenly began to vibrate up and down, and beyond the horse-riding hedge in the distance, the silhouettes of ferocious giant savage beasts came directly into view, and there were even a few extraordinarily huge. The ferocious adult Southern Barbarian Tyrannosaurus.

  Before these violent behemoths that seem to have almost trampled the earth, the fence erected by the Kanyou Division around the crowd seemed so fragile and small, perhaps it would be smashed into dust and debris in the next breath.

In the face of such a violent attack on the Nanban behemoth, even the people who descended on the outskirts of the valley of giants at this time have always believed that the Great Xia court can guarantee their safety, but they still changed their faces and stepped back. Exclaimed.

But since Zhao Yu ascended the throne, the entire Daxia has been so powerful for all to see, winning all battles and defeating all enemies, which undoubtedly brought great confidence to the people, so even if the giant beasts charge in front of them, they still maintain Calm, there is no situation of rushing away.

"This forbidden land deep in the southern barbarian really deserves its name. I'm still on the outskirts of the valley of giants. This barren ancient jungle gave me a sturdy horse. If I were to go alone with these barbaric beasts, I wouldn't be able to persist. A few meet each other."

   After the black leather belt sighed, Xu Jin beside him glanced at the former lightly, and then said:

   "The brutal beast here can be said to stand at the top of the entire jungle. With the cultivation base of your three-legged cat, you want to put it alone, for fear that even the scales will not be able to break the defense!"

   "Don't bully the young and poor. Maybe Xu Hao and I will try to get the crown. We will choose this southern barbarian jungle to hunt down a deep beast. Come to the second lady and open your eyes."

   After the black skin finished speaking, he turned his gaze to the side of Xu Hao, and looked at the latter with a thoughtful look. He frowned and continued to speak:

   "Xu Hao, I haven't heard of the Taixuan land in your mouth, so don't think about it. You will know it when you know it, otherwise it's useless if you want to break your head."

   The earth trembles, and the brutal beast's violent aura is like a critical moment when the raging sea slaps down. The disciples from Zizhu Lane still have leisure time to discuss other topics because they have strong confidence in Daxia at this time.

   The glory of Great Summer, how can these jungle savage beasts be easily shaken?

   As expected, at the moment when these giant southern beasts approached the periphery, a louder and more majestic roar than all the brutal beasts combined in one place suddenly resounded across the sky, like thunder and thunder.

   While this roar pierced the entire void in the depths of the Nanban, it also pinched the throats of those giant Nanban beasts that violently attacked, making them sobbing with fear.

   "This is the sound of dragons, it is Daxia Black Dragon Guard!"

   A cheer came from the mouths of the people in the square, and the sound shook the sky. At this time, there was no dignity and worry on everyone's faces, and some only had expectations and fanaticism.

With the popularization of the new army policy of Great Xia, the long-established new army of the Black Dragon Guard has also entered the eyes of all the people of Great Xia, and the waves of dragons crush the world, an incomparably old, vast, and infinite spirit that shocks the soul. The back of the skeletal city wall rose up, and instantly swept outward, covering the entire periphery of the Valley of Giants in the blink of an eye.

  After a few breaths, everyone felt that the originally gloomy sky above suddenly became darker, and then a huge shadow directly covered everyone's heads, like a small continent suspended on it.

   Then all the people who reacted raised their heads and looked at it. In the eyes is a huge behemoth densely covered with countless black dragon scales, waving huge wings that cover the sky and the sun, wrapped in an extremely strong wind, whizzing past.

   Ancient Black Dragon!

Every piece of scale on the huge body of the ancient black dragon is portrayed with mysterious runes, and at the same time it integrates defense and sharpness. It is balanced offensive and defensive. The infinite momentum tilts outwards, blowing the blouses on the subjects for hunting. Rattle.

   The black dragon flapped its wings and whizzed as if it was teleporting. It flapped its wings slightly, and it completely swept over everyone's heads. When it appeared again, it had come to the top of the giant Nanban beast that had completely stopped and even started to fled back and forth.

Then two cold gazes shot out from the black dragon's eyes. Under these gazes, a large number of savage beasts squatted down to show surrender with sobs, while a few disobedient ones roared to the sky, trying to use the most primitive way of the jungle. Challenge the highest authority in this jungle.

   under the provocation, the ancient black dragon's eyes became colder, fluttering its wings straight down.

   The next breath, the flames of burning all things, accompanied by the deafening shouts of all the people, shining in the depths of Nanban.

   "Black Dragon Guard, Black Dragon Guard, Black Dragon Guard!"


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