
read2();  Perhaps a few people could have predicted that after descending into the valley of giants in the southern barbarian, the first thing that shocked everyone was not the mysterious vastness of this forbidden land, nor the bones. The crippling and horror of the city wall, but a grand battle between giant beasts.

To be more precise, it is the unilateral killing of the ancient black dragon on the deepest overlord brutal beast in the southern barbarian. Whether it is the breath of the black dragon with rich laws or the claws that can beat the entire void, it is offered to all the people. A violent battle with unfinished ideas.

The dazzling blood and flesh, accompanied by the painful roar of the savage beast overlord, dyed almost the entire sky red, and the rich **** smell that came straight into the nose, not only did not make the people feel any fear, but made the people feel any fear. They feel blood boiled deep in their blood.

   After a life-threatening battle, the Daxia human race that is now dominating has been created. From the bones, there is unyielding blood.

   The more the battle, the more courageous, unyielding!

Deafening shouts resounded across the sky, accompanied by a dragon roar that rose to the sky again, the savage beast in the depths of the southern jungle, after leaving a place of flesh and blood, fled in a hurry, and then under the intertwined eyes, that A huge ancient black dragon standing proudly in the void, gradually shrinking in shape, and finally turned into a tall young figure wearing a black dragon armor.

  At this moment, the atmosphere around the entire valley of the giants has directly reached the highest peak, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, and it will be difficult to calm down for a long time.

Just as the young emperor said to Sun Qian when he was in Dongwangguan, the purpose of opening up this valley of giants is to allow the people to see a bigger and stronger world, and at the same time, let everyone feel the boundless power of Daxia. .

   "I Black Leather swears again that I will join the Black Dragon Guard in this life, soar into the void, and defend my country!"

   Among the disciples in Zizhu Alley, the extremely firm vows from Heipi spread out, which undoubtedly speaks out the desire in the hearts of the other young people around.

   Young people are passionate, all yearning to swallow thousands of miles like a tiger, and make an immortal achievement.

It took a full quarter of an hour before the shouts outside the valley of the giants gradually weakened, but the upright black dragon guard was still intertwined with countless gazes, and in the sight of admiration or eagerness, The young man of the Black Dragon Guard could clearly feel a special look.

It was the most familiar gaze from his wife. Then the corner of the young man's mouth under the black dragon's face was raised, revealing a sunny smile that others could not see, and after raising his hand to salute everyone in front of him, his figure In a flash, disappeared in place.

   "Shunzi is getting better and better."

   After the black armor figure left, a low mumble sound came from Ziyue's mouth, and then the girl Jin Yi next to her looked back from a distance, and the corner of her mouth also showed a smile unconsciously.

For Shunzi who knows her very well, even if the latter wears the black dragon guard faceplate that hides her appearance, the girl can still recognize her at a glance, and then the girl who has not forgotten her mission will slowly step forward and face the same The children in Zizhu Lane, who were immersed in the **** battle, spoke softly:

   "You, your majesty, and the court are extremely concerned about the safety of the Valley of the Giants. The Black Dragon Guard and the Rage Beast Army are dispatched here. Because of the power of the court, we can continue our journey in the Valley of the Giants without any worries."

   After the girl Jin Yi finished speaking, she raised her hand and led it forward and continued to speak:

"The place where we are located is outside the valley of the giants, and if we want to see the full view of the entire valley of the forbidden area, we need to follow the road ahead and climb directly above the wall of the bones, because in a sense, the bones The barrier is the outer entrance of the Valley of Giants."

   After the calm and clear voice came into the ears of the surrounding Zizhu Alley, the latter raised their heads, squinting at the road that looked like a ladder to the sky.

   Then he came back to his senses, and Xu Hao, who temporarily put down the four words Tai Xuan Land in his mind, gently spoke:

   "If you want to appreciate the beautiful scenery, you must first climb high. The ancients sincerely don't deceive me, and they don't know what the scenery will be on the other side after climbing on this bone city wall.

   "I will definitely not let you down, please!"

Jin Yi, who wore the Sisi robe of the tour guide, led the way first, and then more and more people who came to the Valley of the Giants to watch the tour began to follow this path under the guidance of the tour guide. The road of the bone city wall, walk forward.

If you take a bird’s eye view from the sky, you will find a long dragon composed of a sea of ​​people, slowly winding forward, and in the eyes of the people in this long dragon, the blood and excitement of watching the black dragon slay the jungle beasts before. Retreat, and as he approached the skeletal city wall, the color of anticipation also emerged.

At the same time, along the periphery of the valley of the giants all the way outwards, crossing the horse-rejecting fence as a barrier, and dense old jungle trees gradually appeared, each one seemed to go straight into the sky, even making people look up below. You can't even see the head at a glance.

   And in this jungle of ancient trees, a clearing was opened up, many buildings were built, and there was even a school ground for training and gathering.

   This is an extremely hidden barracks, and inside the barracks are stationed the famous Rage Beast Army and Black Dragon Guards throughout Daxia.

This barracks is extremely lively, because personnel related to the entire Valley of Giants often enter and exit here. At this time, outside the barracks schoolyard, Shunzi's tall figure slowly stepped in, and then he came to a figure standing in the center of the schoolyard. Before, he stretched out his hand to take off the face helmet on the top of his head, revealing a handsome face, and said at the same time:

   "Father-in-law, if your news is passed earlier, I can arrange more and stronger brutal beasts. In this way, the effect will be better."

   "My front foot has just received the instructions from Master Si Chengsun, who is to show the strength of our Daxia outside the Valley of the Giants, so I hurriedly asked you Black Dragon Guard to prepare some brutal beasts."

   Wearing a gazebo, the golden-haired, meticulous old Jin looked at the son-in-law in front of him, his eyes became more and more satisfied, and then he stretched out his one-arm, hammered a smooth punch, and continued to speak:

   "But this is enough. I can hear the cheers clearly here. It can be seen that the atmosphere is warm. My Lao Jin has also completed the order issued by Sir Cheng. Thank you Shunzi."

"My father-in-law, what are you talking about, but it is not easy to find so many brutal beasts in a short time. The brutal beasts outside this valley of giants were almost completely eliminated by my Black Dragon Guard and the angry beast army before. I plan that once I can't find this savage beast, I can only let the angry beast sergeant play it."

After speaking, his skin turned bronze, and the young and heroic Shunzi raised the corners of his mouth with a big smile, turned slightly, and saw one after another burly figures in armor walking out of the camp not far away. .

   Purple armor and purple helmet, beast head visor, monster, ghost, powerful.

   Great Summer Fury Beast Army!


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