
read2();   The mountain of bones outside the valley of the giants is very high. It is made up of densely packed huge animal bones stacked on top of each other. From a distance, they form a horizontal fence in the depths of the jungle. City wall barrier.

The countless animal bones in this barrier have existed for an extremely old time. At the same time, under the scouring of Nanban rain, they were not only polished like a mirror-like surface, but formed a daunting white color, even under the sun, reflecting The faint white light is extremely strange.

The people from all over the country who came to watch the tour from all over Daxia, under the guidance of the tour secretary, gradually approached this skeletal city wall, and at the same time, they clearly had a clear view of this huge skeleton. The second lady Xu Jin sounded with a little surprised voice:

   "Every piece of the bones of these giant beasts exudes a strange light when looking at it, but I don't know the texture. If it is stronger than the steel, it is undoubtedly a natural weapon."

   "Actually, this is not easy."

   As soon as Xu Jin’s words fell, Xu Hao’s response sounded directly, and the latter also looked at the huge bones that became clearer and clearer as the steps approached, and after a few thoughts, he continued to speak:

  "The existence of the remains of these giant beasts is too long. Under the erosion of time, no matter how strong they were once, by this time, the interior must be as unbearable as wind and sand.

   "Unless the entire skeleton is used as a weapon, once the skeleton is broken through a hole, it will form a chain reaction within it and split instantly, even more fragile than ordinary sand."

   "Every one of these bones is bigger than me and the whole person. Who can use it as a weapon in Daxia? What a pity."

There was a slight sigh in the black skin's voice. After the young children of Zizhu Lane were the generals, they would think about the march first, and the rest of the ordinary people around did not think so much. They all stared at the white bones in front of the horizontal column in surprise.

   It is worth mentioning that the place where everyone is at this time is right in front of the bone city wall, and in front of them is a wide staircase built by Kanyousi and straight up along the bones.

   This ladder is made up of a large number of wooden steps. When you look up, it looks like a ladder that leads directly to the sky. Then everyone's ears almost all sounded the reminders of the watchers around them:

"Everyone, step on the ladder of bones in front of me, and I will officially begin to step into the valley of giants, and one thing is worthy of your attention, because this is the boundary of our sanctuary, and once we continue to move forward, It's the changeable climate deep in the real Nanban, and this climate may be different from what you expected."

After the words fell, the officials and officials of the watching tour took out a large robe and put it on their body. Then in the Zizhu alley, the black skin looked at the strict girl who suddenly wrapped herself. Jin Yi and Ziyue sounded surprised afterwards:

   "Two staff officers, wait for what you are doing. This is a southern jungle, and at the same time it is in the deepest part, not the northern snowfield. Why do you want to wrap it so tightly by yourself?"

   "You will understand later."

   With a big robe draped over her body, only a cute little head is revealed, Ziyue raised her mouth to reveal two very cute little tiger teeth, and then she continued to speak freshly:

   "The reason why a forbidden land is called a forbidden land is not only because of its danger, but also because of its uniqueness. Therefore, you should not judge it by ordinary common sense."

   Ziyue’s sweet voice just fell, with a dark complexion, thick eyebrows and black skin, showing a suspicious expression. Then he lifted his right foot and stepped straight out, and the voice came out:

   "Then my son must check it out personally."

The words fell, and the black skin wearing a short shirt completely walked out of the sanctuary area of ​​the altar, and the whole figure stepped completely on the stairs. In the next moment, the black skin's complexion changed drastically, and then the whole face was twisted together, and he quickly walked back. Bluntly debuted:

   "My mother, it's really cold!"

I saw the black skin returning to the sanctuary of the altar. Due to the sudden temperature difference, a thick smoke rose directly from the whole person. At the same time, a large amount of water droplets emerged from the black skin, downward. drop.

   Then Heipi shuddered, hurriedly mobilized his whole body's vitality to dispel the coldness still lingering in his body, opened his mouth and continued to speak:

   "This valley of giants is too evil."

   "Although the Valley of Giants is located in the depths of the Nanban jungle, its temperature is as low as the northern snowfields. Therefore, you should not run around, and you need to stay close to the side of us who are watching and traveling."

After the clear and gentle voice of the girl Jin Yi came out, she stretched out her hand to grab a ball the size of a Moyo's fist, gently lifted it outward, and then used her white and slender fingers to move forward a little, and the ball automatically began to rotate. , And made a slight clicking sound.

Then, under the gaze of everyone around, two small mechanism wings suddenly stretched out from the ball, and began to wave constantly, which is worthy of the ball itself floating in the void, and at the same time, a strong enthusiasm began. Spread out from the inside of the sphere.

"this is?"

   A strong color of curiosity popped out of the eyes of the disciples in Zizhu Alley around them, and they asked questions. Then Jin Yi nodded and smiled, and the still peaceful and clear explanation continued to spread out:

  "This object is called the hot ball, which is one of the latest inventions of the Ministry of Industry.

"The environment in the Valley of the Giants in the forbidden area is special and extremely cold, but with this hot ball, you don't need to put on a thick cotton coat, even if you wear a short shirt, as long as you don't leave the range of the ball. "

   "It's incredible. Recently, the inventions and creations of our Ministry of Industry are endless."

   A heartfelt sigh came from the mouths of all the children in Zizhu Alley, and then after slowing down the mysterious black skin, he raised his foot close to the enthusiastic floating ball, and the voice continued:

"Our lives are changing too fast now, and new things will appear almost every other time. It can be said to be changing with each passing day. If in the near winter, I will see people carrying this heat in the streets or in the wild in Shenjing City and the north of Daxia. I won’t be surprised if Yan Ball walks back and forth."

"This is reasonable. Your Majesty’s will is actually very clear. Every novelty that appears in Daxia, such as stone towers and teleporting scrolls, will gradually spread to the lives of all our people. I think this is called heat. The little things of the ball are no exception."

   came from the side of Xu Hao with an affirmative voice, and then he took the lead in stepping out, walking up the stairs leading to the skeletal city wall, and continued speaking word by word:

   "And these novelties are actually one of the manifestations of me waiting to enter the new era."


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