
read2();  "Xu Hao, why did you say that the valley of the giants, one of the eight forbidden places, has such a weird climate? You must know that the rest of the entire Nanban jungle is a typical southern climate with hot and humid conditions. ."

   On the steps of Skeleton Mountain, the sound of the urn sound from Heipi's urn sounded, then he looked around the more and more empty surroundings and continued to speak:

"I have personally experienced the cold outside. If I don't mobilize my vitality, it's really hard to fight, but this little thing called the hot ball is really magical, and the heat it emits hasn't diminished even after so long. It can be seen that the effect is quite mature."

   With the fall of the black skin voice, the group of people, along with the people from other places who descended to the outskirts of the Giant's Valley, walked up the tree stairs for nearly half an hour.

After such a long journey, the team viewing the Valley of Giants is already very close to the top of the upper bone wall. At the same time, the square where everyone was standing is now the size of a millstone, and here, the surrounding giants can be destroyed. A large area outside the valley has a panoramic view.

   You can see far when you climb high. Looking down from where the people like Zizhu Lane are, countless barren ancient trees growing into the air are densely growing in one place, forming a dark green forest cloth.

   "The reason why the jungle is a jungle is that the trees that are close to each other are very important. The trees become a forest, and the forests become a forest. This forest is a big treasure."

   After the faint voice came from Xu Hao's mouth, Hei Pi's slightly excited voice suddenly continued to sound in his ears:

   "Xu Hao, I just thought about the reason for the weird climate in the Valley of Giants, please listen to it."

After    finished speaking, Heipi cleared his throat, and said with a serious face:

"The key to the name of this valley of giants lies in the word giant. Although this ancient giant is extremely mysterious, I have heard that it has a general difference in attributes, so I venture to guess that this valley may have lived in this valley. A frost giant who was born to control the laws of severe cold."

   But Hei Pi plausibly inferred that he hadn't finished speaking. On the side, the second young lady, Xu Jin, directly spoke mercilessly:

"Black Skin, have you lost your memory? A year ago, your Majesty personally conquered the Southern Barbarian and fought a terrifying battle with the lava giant in the valley, and finally suppressed it. This news is known to all of Daxia, and the word lava giant lava, don’t you understand? , Lava Lava, [新笔趣阁] should be extremely hot!"

As soon as the second lady said this, Hei Pi, who was full of confidence, suddenly changed his complexion, scratching his head and stubbornly unable to refute it. This appearance made everyone smile a little, even the familiar purple Yue, all snorted, and let out a silver bell-like laugh.

As everyone talked, the entire team was within easy reach of the platform at the top of the bone city wall, and then everyone put away the smile on their faces and gradually became dignified. At the same time, in the eyes, the color of expectation could not be hidden. It started to burst out completely.

Everyone understands that all the previous experiences are just for the preparation of the moment when they reach the top, and the appetizers after entering the land of Nanban are so shocking, which suffices to show that this last dinner, How unforgettable it will be.

The uppermost boundary of the skeletal city wall is right in front of you, and through the stairs above, the sky is slightly different from the rest of the sky, and the sky is also clearly visible. Suddenly, he is raising his leg and stepping forward. Wrinkled slightly, stretched out his right hand and opened it, and then said:

   "Is frost coming oncoming?"

  As soon as his voice fell, Xu Hao's open right hand grabbed inward, and directly pinched out a piece of ice flakes as thin as a cicada's wings. The ice flakes were transparent in color and even had dazzling lines inside.

Then Xu Hao gently squeezed the ice flake, looking through it, his pupils shrank slightly, because among the ice flakes, there was a dark blue swimming dragon hovering up and down. This Frost Dragon is not like the black dragon guard. Like, the ancient black dragon with wings on its back, but the real ancient dragon with clouds and rain, horns like deer, head like camel, belly like mirage, and claws like eagle.

   "Is there any frost?"

   Xu Ha's voice just fell, and the second young lady Xu Jin's voice sounded next to him. After he finished speaking, he also reached out and grabbed forward like the former, but it was empty.

   Then the second lady just wanted to ask, the next breath, the girl Jin Yi beside her directly reminded:

   "At the moment of boarding the platform, there will occasionally be strong cold shocks. Please pay attention to resist."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in Zizhu Alley happened to step on the platform of the mountain of bones. In an instant, these young seed brothers exclaimed, because a torrent of chill came directly from the front. Then, the sudden biting chill, together with the strong impact, almost blew Xu Hao and others back.

Fortunately, Jin Yi reminded in advance that everyone was a little prepared. They used their feet to stabilize their figures. Then they looked forward and saw a large icy blue mist that covered the sky and the sun, rolling up and down violently. Most of the scene ahead is completely obscured.

And if you look carefully, you will find that this wave of cold mist is rolling in front of you, not only rushing to the bar at the gate of the valley of the giants, but also rushing to the entire sky, even covering the blazing sun. The sky is dyed into a blue-gray color intertwined with hot and cold.

   "If I'm not wrong, the shocking cold air surging in front of us is from the valley of the giants. Isn't it the lair of the lava giants? How can there be such a strong cold air."

"Because the valley of the giants here is not actually the former lair of the lava giants, but the place of imprisonment. In other words, you can understand this valley as a cage of the lava giants, and the swelling cold wave in front of us , Is one of the measures used to imprison him for countless years."

At the side of the children in Zizhu Alley, the steady explanation from the young girl Jin Yi shocked the hearts of these young people. They squinted their eyes and stared at the front, trying to see through the cold in front of the sky. Fog, see the scene inside the valley, and at the same time, the mysterious voice of Hei Pi continued to sound:

   "So, we have always said that the valley of the giants that the book population refers to is actually wrong. The forbidden area in front of us should actually be called the giant's cage?"

   "It used to be like this, but now everything has changed, because in this valley, the giant has fallen."

After    Jin Yi's voice fell, he stretched out his hand to wrap his robe tightly, and his voice came to everyone around him again:

   "This cold and cold surge is not long, so soon, we can see the entire valley of the giants!"

   After the girl's voice fell, the white mist and cold wave rushing from the valley suddenly stopped. The blue and white mist surging up and down gradually became calm, and everyone subconsciously couldn't help but step forward.

   After a hundred breaths of time, he held his breath, and even opened the eyes of the people who were unresponsive to the cold mist that was constantly washing down, staring motionlessly forward.

   Then, under the interweaving of countless gazes, a huge shadow suddenly emerged from the cold fog, the outline became clearer and clearer, like a rolling mountain peaks across the front.

   "Everyone, look at the shadow, does it look like a man lying on the ground?"


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