The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1107: Summer solstice


read2();   May be heard, June is fine, the temperature of the summer, after entering June, sharply higher.

The endless hot air swayed over the vast land of Shenzhou, even in Shenjing City located in the northwest, everyone put on short shirts, shook fans hard, and lined up in front of the ice-making division in Shenjing City. Long queue, receiving ice cubes for cooling off.

In fact, compared to the scorching heat that seems to be on top of a steamer, many people in Daxia prefer cold winters. It is because the heat is too difficult. Even if they are immersed in a deep well, ordinary ingredients will rot after a few days. , And at this time, the most popular item in Daxia is ice.

   The people took good care of the ice cubes they had in hand, and let them keep them for a longer period of time. Otherwise, at night, if there were no ice cubes to cool off the heat, they would feel like they were like a stove, and it would be difficult to sleep.

Fortunately this summer, after the popularization of the teleportation tower, the ice making companies in the 36 states have greatly increased the ways to obtain ice. For example, in the southern part of Great Xia, the states with a huge demand for ice can also be transported to The Tianmen Pass in the northwestern snowfield transported a large amount of ice back. After all, in the northernmost part of the ancient night, the most indispensable is the endless ice.

  In fact, for the people living in the vast land of China, the improvement of happiness is very simple. In the hot summer days, you can receive more ice cubes and cooler at home, which is an extremely happy thing.

  The Great Xia Department of Engineering is in charge of the vast land of Shenzhou, farming, water conservancy and transportation, artisan engineering, etc., so this big summer ice department belongs to the Ministry of Industry among the six departments.

Before the emergence of the transport scroll, the job of this ice maker was not simple. It needed to use the natural low temperature in winter to make huge amounts of ice, and then transport it to the underground ice cellar for storage, and wait for the heat to come. , And then distributed.

  The area of ​​Shenjing City is huge, so there are more than a thousand ice cellars for storing ice in the city, which are distributed in almost every corner of Shenjing City.

Near noon, the dazzling scorching sun above the sky of Shenjing City, with extremely hot heat pouring downwards, accompanied by gusts of wind, sweeping waves of rolling heat waves, and the ice maker in the middle of Shenjing City Inside, it is also an extremely busy scene.

A large number of ice-making officials wearing standard robes pulled out carts with huge ice cubes from the underground ice cellar, and then pushed them along the long, gentle aisle to the yamen on the ground. In the room.

  In the depths of the ice maker’s office, there is a huge room. In the room, a large number of carts from the underground ice cellar are neatly arranged, and then an old but full of breath sounded throughout the room:

   "Release the gate!"

The roar fell, and the several strong men in the room started to shake the mechanism roulette in their hands quickly, and then the sound of rumbling gears suddenly sounded in the room, and then the handle at the top of the room was hung, and the huge sharp knives fell suddenly. , Cut the large ice cube on the cart below into small square ice cubes without fancy.

   And these small ice cubes will be distributed to the people after a while. Of course, those with wealthy families can spend money to buy more ice cubes to relieve the heat in addition to the daily free quota.

  The cold light in the room deep in the yamen of the ice maker, after the extremely sharp knife cut the ice cube, the thick old voice sounded again:

   "Close the gate!"

As this sound fell, the rumbling mechanism's turning sound once again lingered in the spacious room, and this turning sound was accompanied by the sound of shouts made by the men neatly and hard. After all, it is for the opening of the gate. , It will undoubtedly take too much effort to lift such a heavy gate.

The command to release and close the brake came from a burly old man standing in the room holding his fists. Although his hair was gray, the muscles of his arms under his robe bulged outward, proving that his strength is still not to be underestimated. , And then the old man looked at the fixed knife slowly rising above his head with an embarrassing look, and continued to open his mouth and say:

   "Take a break and have lunch first."

  As soon as these words came out, the guys who had been busy all morning not far away sighed, and then all jumped off the platform and walked towards the old man.

   Among these guys, walking in the forefront is a young man who is six points similar to the old man, who is also burly, and said as he walked:

   "Grandpa, I don't remember how many ice cubes I cut out this morning. It should be enough according to the daily share?"

   "It's still far, and you don't want to think about what day it is today."

   The rough response came from Lao Tzu's mouth, and then he gradually took out a bowl of food from the lunch box beside him, and the voice continued to sound:

"Today is the summer solstice, the extreme yang of the year, and the entire summer will gather to celebrate. Therefore, the ice is consumed quickly. According to the experience of previous years, there will be a large number of people this year. I buy ice cubes at my own expense, so I will need to cut some more after lunch is used up."

   After the old man finished speaking, he reached out and took out the last dish from the food box. It was a large pot of cooked eggs. At this time, everyone was already full of dishes, which was extremely rich.

   Then the young man walking slowly to the table brightened his eyes, and a voice of excitement came out:

   "Today's food is too rich, and the full basket of eggs makes one's forefinger trembling when you look at it."

The talking young man is the grandson of the old man, although he is not very old, but his body is full of muscles, his thick eyebrows and big eyes are full of masculinity, and because he has just finished his work, even in this extremely cool ice cellar, he is still Sweaty.

   But this young man is thick and thin. After he walked quickly to the dining table, he reached out to help the old man set the tableware, and then his young and vigorous voice continued:

   "Grandpa, I will eat five eggs from him later."

"You guys don’t choke on eating when the time comes. Today’s summer solstice, according to our big summer custom, is to rest and vacation, but you also know that these days are the busiest days in our ice making department, so this table full of food, It was the empress empress in the Baidi Palace who specially ordered to reward us."

   "Since it is a gift from the empress, then I must eat more."

   The young man smiled, and then, under the laughter of the surrounding guys, he slid aside an egg, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it carefully.

   And just as the ice-makers were having lunch in full swing, while sitting outside the yamen of the ice-making department in the middle of the Shenjing city, a young man in a short shirt walked slowly.

   The figure of this young man is about half a head taller than the other Daxia citizens. He is well-proportioned and has a delicate face. Especially his skin is white as snow, even more transparent than most of the Shenjingcheng girls.

   I saw that while walking, the corners of his mouth raised slightly like a smile but not a smile, with a very charming aura, making the pedestrians passing by on both sides look back and secretly said:

   "What a handsome boy."


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