The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1108: Military Aircraft Department


read2();   "Grandpa, do you think this valley of giants really is as mysterious as the people say? The giants of heaven and earth face up to Huachuan, it is a rare wonder in thousands of years."

A group of burly men gathered around the dining table in the inner room of the Yamen of the Department of Ice Makers in the middle of the city of God, and then the young men with big eyebrows swallowed the eggs in their mouths, and the sound of enquiry came out.

   The questioning sound fell. After hearing the words, the old man sitting upright across from him paused slightly with his hand holding the dish and responded:

   "The Valley of the Giants is one of the eight forbidden places in Daxia, and the natural scenery is amazing, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

"But I am listening to those who have been there. The scenes seen by the first group of people and those who have gone later are different. The first people who went there are said to have seen a true frost dragon entwining the body of a giant. , Grandpa, that's a real dragon!"

Speaking of the word "True Dragon", the young man's complexion was enthusiastic, and even the hand holding the egg trembled slightly. At the same time, the eyes of the men around him also showed yearning, and then the old man in front of everyone smiled. , Took the chopsticks and tapped the porcelain bowl underneath, making a ding-dong sound, and then the response sound came out:

"Don't regret it, although the follow-up people can't see the true frost dragon, but the ancient lava giant is enough for you to brag about your entire life. When the busiest time of the ice making department in the past few months has passed, I personally Take you there."

   The old man's voice fell, and the ordinary and simple guys in the ice maker around had their eyes brightened, and they showed big smiles, and then lowered their heads and took a few mouthfuls of rice into their mouths.

In the hot summer, under the extremely large demand, the ice making department of the Ministry of Industry of Daxia faces great pressure. Although the current means of obtaining hard ice has been greatly increased, these strong men are still tired. After a large table of vegetables was eaten like a cloud, the old man's grandson leaned back, pinched his aching arm, and said:

   "The texture of the hard ice from the northern snowfields this year is several times harder than the ice cubes we made ourselves before. It is much more difficult to cut."

"Hardness has the advantage of being hard. These hard ice have existed on the snowy field for a longer time than the old man and I, and at the same time, they can last longer under this scorching heat. You guys say, old man, me. I have been dealing with ice all my life. I have this ice cube in my hands. I can tell how long it can stay in these canopy days when I touch it."

After   , the old man with white beard and hair, who was old and strong, smiled slightly and wanted to speak again. From the corner of his eye, suddenly saw a young figure slowly stepping in from outside, got up quickly, and stepped forward to greet:

   "Master Xue, why have you come here in person again? The ice cubes at this military plane are already ready, and the old man is preparing to let these young men send them over after lunch."

   "I also just finished my lunch, so I came out to get some ice cubes. By the way, I can breathe out. You know, my father, the pressure inside the military aircraft department is very high."

After the response fell, a short shirt, white-skinned snowy half of the city, revealed a rather helpless smile. For some reason, since the mixed-blood snowman came into the room of the ice maker, there has been a smile. The invisible pressure enveloped the hearts of everyone in the company, really because the young man with ice blue pupils in front of him had infinite charm that made people afraid to look directly.

   If you use one word to describe it, it is as handsome as a monster!

He is different from the handsome young man such as Sima Annan, but has a poison-like attraction like the Nine Nether Demon God, even if there are big men in the ice making department, he does not dare to watch for a long time. Xue Bancheng's eyes.

The young man’s icy blue eyes are like the most attractive pearl on the snowy field. Although the old man in the ice maker is familiar with the former, he still has an instant fall, and then the old man’s expression returned to normal and he smiled. Replied:

   "Military opportunities are a major matter of the country. Naturally, we must be cautious and then more cautious. Therefore, the pressure in this military aircraft department is naturally heavy. Master Xue can already participate in it at a young age, which is admirable."

There is sincere respect in the words of the old man. It is true that every official in the military aircraft department is enough to play a decisive role in a great war. What's more, Xuebancheng looks so young and the future is inevitable. Unlimited.

   After the old man’s praise fell, Xue Bancheng raised his hand and bowed forward, and a soft response came out:

   "Don't dare to be, you can just call the kid's name."

   "How does this make it, our Great Xia court has court rules."

   Seeing Xue Bancheng salute to him, the old man was so frightened that he waved his hand quickly, then he grabbed the grandson who was watching by his side, and said directly:

"Since Master Xue came here in person, the ice cubes in this military plane will definitely be consumed. I will let my grandson take someone along with the adults and give this kid a long experience. This is the first time he has gone to deliver ice. , There is something rash, and I hope the adults can take care of one or two."

After    finished speaking, the old man slapped the shoulder of the young man who was still in a trance, and shouted:

   "What are you kid doing, don't you give me a hurry to cut the Arctic ice in the morning, and send it to the military plane with Master Xue!"

   Half a quarter of an hour later, on the central avenue in the middle of Shenjing City, the hot sun scorched the ground of the world's most powerful city, and even the strong heat formed a vague shape after the steam was hot and twisted in the void.

Today is the summer solstice, the most sunny day of the year, so the pedestrians on the central street walked hurriedly under the scorching sun. Then, near the Meridian Gate of the Baidi Palace, a voice from a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes heard :

   "Master Xue, boy Zhong Yuan, from Youzhou, this trip is the first time I went to the military plane, I hope you can forgive me."

The young Zhong Yuan was pushing a huge ice cart forward at this time. The ice cart was wrapped in thick stainless steel to ensure that the ice inside it would not be lost. Then his body Xue Bancheng, who walked slowly beside him, gently responded:

   "My name is Snow Bancheng, I come from the northern snow plains, and now it belongs to Bei'an Palace."

   "The northern snowy field, is it snow, snowmen?"

   An unusually horrified voice came from Zhong Yuan's mouth, and as soon as the two words Xuemin uttered, the young man Zhong Yuan closed his mouth tightly, leaving the rest of the words directly in his mouth.

   But Xue Bancheng next to him didn't care. Instead, he turned his head. His icy blue eyes looked at the former and smiled, and responded:

   "I am actually a hybrid of Human Race and Xuemin, but now I am a Daxia citizen who has the identity of Jade Butterfly."

  Xue Bancheng's words directly washed away the originally tense atmosphere between the two of them, and then a trace of gratitude appeared in Zhong Yuan's eyes, and he asked gently:

   "Master Xue, is this military unit as strict as the rumor has it, full of iron and blood, and dare not even dare to escape from it?"

The young man Zhong Yuan asked with a little horror, and suddenly a little weird appeared on Xuebancheng’s handsome face, and then the weird color became stronger and stronger, and then turned to look up to the sky and laughed and raised his finger Toward the compound of the Military Aircraft Department that had appeared in the field of vision ahead, the voice continued to sound:

   "What the military plane looks like, I'll take you in and see!"


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