The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1112: Start directly


read2();   "The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, and the warriors are guarding all directions, you guys have not been here recently?"

On the teleportation platform of the small world of the floating island, when the teleportation sea that occupies the entire sky gradually dissipated, the dense figures of the six departments and fifteen officials of Daxia appeared at the same time, and then on the wide platform, a middle-aged old man The sound rang.

   After the voice fell, Li Chunfeng, with white beard and hair, saluted the Wuyangyan civil and military officials in front of him, and then listened to the sound of Wu Xiangui's response on the platform.

   "Well, you Li Chunfeng, it turned out to be earlier than my Shangshu Shangshu."

"No way, the old man can only do some unthankful chores for your Majesty now. The Lord has high hopes for this puppet. If it passes today's drill, then your Ministry of Engineering will undoubtedly be in the history of our Shenzhou vast land. , Draw a strong stroke."

   Li Chunfeng's ruddy old face was full of smiles, and then the old Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry in front of him put away the look of expectation in his old eyes, and he fisted forward, and the voice came out:

   "The officer also asked you, the examiner, to be merciful."

   "Then I am afraid I am powerless, your majesty has ordered that everything should be done according to the strictest standards."

   After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, he raised his hand to caress the beard in front of him, put his head to the ear of Shang Shu, the old Ministry of Engineering, lowered his voice and spoke softly:

"As an old friend for many years, old man, I can only tell you that it is not easy to pass this trial. Whether it is your majesty or the old Marshal Wei Guogong, who is now in charge of the Ministry of War, you have no room for sand. ."

As soon as this statement came out, the slightly squinted eyes of the old Shangshu Wu Xiangui flashed a dignified color, and as the two people talked, all the officials on the entire transmission platform stepped together along the huge circular staircase. Next, under the leadership of the garrison sergeant, quickly moved towards the school field.

Although the avenue rules in the small world of Floating Island are not as perfect as the vast land of Shenzhou, there is a unique advantage, that is, it is suitable for spring throughout the year, so I came here from the heat of Shenjing City, the environment The officials who changed suddenly took a deep breath and showed a comfortable expression.

Because today’s important trial is not only that the blue-and-white transmission beam on the transmission platform remains unattended, but even the countless artisans who originally lived in the entire small world have put aside their work and gathered together. On the central school grounds of the main island, I am eagerly waiting for my hard work to officially enter the stage of history.

The catapult puppets neatly arranged on the school grounds are not the credit of a certain individual of the Ministry of Industry and the Organ Sect, but the painstaking work of every big summer craftsman in the small world. In a sense, Every puppet is their child.

About half an hour later, the originally wide and huge leading school grounds were surrounded by densely packed craftsmen. On the huge review platform in front of the school grounds, the figures of civil and military officials also stood upright, and then used or hot , Doubting, or curious, staring at the five huge puppets on the schoolyard below.

"This is the catapult puppet that has been in the ears of this handsome recently, and according to your majesty's original idea, I want to use it to build a mobile wall on the border of Daxia, and to resist too much on the long border. The invasion of the monks in the mysterious land?"

After the vigorous and majestic questioning sounded from the reviewing platform, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng, standing in front of everyone, stretched out his sturdy and powerful hands, held down the railing in front of him, and lowered his head with an infinite iron-blooded majestic gaze, looking down Huge puppets in a row.

   And with the final debugging, a large number of craftsmen and organ sect disciples who originally surrounded the puppets are evacuating outwards in an orderly manner, but only a few people stayed beside the catapult puppets.

   Xiao Pang Dun Zhou Fan, who was in charge of directly controlling the puppet, and Senior Brother Yan, who was in the final battle.

   "Return to Master Wei Guogong, this puppet was created by our majesty according to the will of your majesty. I also hope that it can become a mobile wall of our Daxiaxin, so that all enemies who dare to have any crooked thoughts towards me are destroyed."

   On the review platform, Lao Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry responded, and among the voices of his opening, there was a thumping sound, with full confidence. Then Xu Sheng beside him turned his head and smiled and said:

   "You old man Wu is confident, but I want to be confident to satisfy all our officials."

   "If there is no confidence, the old man will not take the initiative to invite so many colleagues to participate in this inspection. Here, so many craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry have paid unimaginable efforts for this puppet."

   After finishing speaking, Lao Shangshu raised his hand and swept across the dense hemp craftsmen surrounding the school grounds. Then he stopped his hand on top of the five puppets, and continued to speak with confidence, saying:

"The old man is confident. It will not be long. With the efforts of all the artisans throughout Daxia, let alone five below, the entire huge main island school ground will be full of these big guys. The old man will definitely see the rolling The torrent of puppets in the past ran over the body of a great enemy!"

   "This handsome also hopes to see this day, but only if you can pass today's level."

   After the old Wei Guogong’s response fell, his burly body leaned forward slightly, looking at the lonely Pangdun and Senior Brother Yan below, and after a few breaths, he said:

   "Old man Wu, this commander often heard that a good seed emerged from your Ministry of Industry in Yulongguan. It can be said that it has supported half of the country, who is it?"

   After Xu Sheng's voice with a little surprise fell, the old Ministry of Industry Shang Shu showed a little helplessness on his face, turning his head and speaking in a low voice:

   "Master Marshal, with your majesty's character that cherishes his talents, how could the sage let go of the talents that your old man knew from far away at Yulong Pass? They would not have been in the old man's engineering department. You may not see them today."

  Lao Shangshu said with helpless words, Xu Sheng's old face was suddenly full of smiles, and then he raised his head and laughed, and laughed like bells:

   "Your Majesty really cherishes his talents, but if he is assigned to the Observatory Department or the Angry Beast Army, the old man is not welcome and goes to fight with Sun Qian's boy."

  The voice of the old Wei State fell, and Wu Xiangui's old face changed for a while, and finally spoke in the former's ear in a very low voice:

   "The girl in Hong Chen was called into the Night Dire Division."

   "That's really incredible."

   Xu Sheng’s voice was filled with exclamation, then he raised his hand, stroked his lush white beard, and muttered:

   "I want to grab someone from your Majesty, I'm afraid there is no hope."

   The old Wei Guogong murmured, a calm and majestic voice suddenly rang out in everyone’s ears:

   "Elder Xu wants to grab someone from me, then I'm worthy."

  As soon as this brilliant voice came out, all the officials on the entire review platform instantly respected their faces, swept their knees and bowed, their heads hung down, and then they raised their voices into the sky neatly and uniformly:

   "Welcome your majesty!"

   After the civil and military officials saluted, all the craftsmen around the entire school ground below kneeled together, and the long live the sound of your majesty, like a tsunami, resounded throughout the small world of the floating island!

   At the next breath, a young and tall figure appeared on the inspection platform of the school field. Then Zhao Yu, who was flying in his imperial robe, swept the front with infinite majestic gaze, raised his hand and waved lightly, and Emperor Huang Huang's voice rose again:

   "Everyone loves to stay flat, Li Chunfeng, let's start!"


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