
read2();  Floating Island Small World Central School, the emperor is vast, like the ubiquitous scorching sun, sweeping in all directions, overwhelming everyone's hearts.

Today, the majesty and energy contained in the young emperor’s tall and straight body, no one can figure out, no one dared to figure out, in fact, not only Zhao Yu, but even Liang Po, who appeared behind the young emperor, is like a mountain through the sky. It's so heavy that I dare not look directly at it.

   "Go ahead."

   Along with the sound of Emperor Huanghuang falling, Li Chunfeng, who fell on the ground, put away the strange feeling in his heart, saluted Zhao Yu again, got up, and said:


After    answered, Li Chunfeng turned his head and gave a wink at the old Ministry of Industry Shangshu who was on the side. The latter nodded, stepped forward to the edge of the reviewing platform, opened his mouth in full face, and let out a loud shout that resounded everywhere:

   "All the craftsmen of the craftsmanship department and the disciples of the agency school, all retreat ten feet."

With roars, the large number of people who had gathered around the school ground backed together. Looking from the reviewing platform, the scene was as if the tide had receded, and it was extremely spectacular. Then Zhao Yu, standing with his hands holding hands, looked down at the five neatly arranged slings below. The puppet, there was something strange in his black eyes.

At this time, the catapult puppet at the bottom is very close to the finished product. Compared with the one that Zhao Yu saw in the depths of the Puppet Department’s main hall a month ago, there have been some changes. The most conspicuous change is the huge artillery crossbow on the back of the puppet. , And within this gunbow, although there is no physical crossbow sword, it gives people a sense of horror.

   After that, Zhao Yu continued to look carefully at the huge puppet densely covered with runes below, and a soft question came out:

   "Li Chunfeng, this review is very important, can you arrange it properly?"

  As soon as he asked, Li Chunfeng's old face suddenly showed a confident smile, raised his hand and stroked his beard, and responded loudly:

   "Your Majesty, rest assured, in order to review the abilities of the sling puppets below, this time the veteran took great pains, but fortunately he has his majesty's will in his hands, otherwise it would be really difficult to mobilize so many sergeants."

   As soon as Li Chunfeng said this, the surrounding civil and military officials changed their faces. Then Wei Guogong Xu Sheng, who was standing aside, showed a smile but a smile, and then said:

   "It's no wonder that the old man received a report from the army commanders at Yulongguan a few days ago that Li Chunfeng, you old boy, are secretly borrowing from them."

   "This is also for confidentiality."

   Li Chunfeng continued to stroke his beard and smiled, and continued to speak:

"I still hope that your majesty will wait and see. If the puppet below can pass the test arranged by the old minister, then I will be the first to fully support the deployment of it as a mobile wall on the border of Daxia and the formation of a brand new conventional service, because it will be One of the greatest innovations in human history."

"Li Chunfeng makes sense. When did I wait for Daxia Erlang to fight on the battlefield, relying on only flesh and blood, but the sword had no eyes. After this battle, most of the Erlangs were either dead or disabled. And if this inanimate puppet can stand alone, that old man, I will wake up in my dreams."

   After the voice of Wei Guogong Xu Sheng fell, the old man of the army and horse's life, watching the sling puppet below, showed a strong look of expectation, and then his heavy and old voice continued to sound:

"In fact, old man, I have high hopes for it. It is not only the moving wall that guards the frontier, but also the torrent of puppets that crush the enemy before the heavy cavalry on the front battlefield. As a result, our cavalry has a very high casualty rate. Spring will usher in."

The words spoken by the old Wei Guogong, although calm and flat, made all the generals of the military department clenched their fists after they heard it. Although the life on the battlefield is like grass, but which general is willing to have his own soldiers appear Casualties? ?

   "Reducing casualties and ensuring the survival rate of the people on the battlefield has always been the direction I strive to change."

  The steady voice of Emperor came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then he stepped forward, stretched out his right hand to support the fence in front of him, and continued to speak:

   "From the enchantment, I will directly use the mountain and sea map clone to replace the intelligence role of the Sitianjian, Li Chunfeng, then I will hand it over to you."

After Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu waved forward and reviewed the platform. A picture scroll slowly flew down, and then fell precisely in front of Senior Brother Yan standing beside the five puppets. The latter reached out and took it. Slightly condensed.

   In the next breath, around the entire huge school field, a transparent barrier instantly rose to the sky, covering the entire school field.

   Out of the barrier, the trial begins!

   The entire school field, including the review platform, became silent for an instant. At the same time, beside the catapult puppets, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely solemn, just like the terrifying silence at the moment before the storm.

Beside the huge puppet, the chubby body leaned forward slightly, and Zhou Fan, the chubby Dun who stretched out a hand to support him, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, squinted at the empty school field and the sky ahead, and then took a deep breath with all his strength. He breathed out, hoping to calm down the vibrating heart in his chest.

And Senior Brother Yan, standing side by side beside him, pursed his lips, spread the avatar of the mountain and sea map in his hand, and looked down. On the picture scroll, a map of the school field was clearly revealed. Above, areas are divided by crisscross lines.

This Senior Brother Yan of the Institution Sect did not know that in the Sitian Supervisor, these horizontal and vertical intersecting lines on the scrolls of mountains and seas were called longitude and latitude lines, but he was talented and intelligent, and after only a few breaths, he fully understood this. The role of the next picture scroll.

Then this senior brother Yan widened his eyes, scanned the area covered by the scroll in his hand, and then sank in his heart, because the mountain and sea map in his hand only showed half the range of the school field, which means he could not judge all enemies based on this. The specific direction of the.

In other words, this review of the catapult puppets, as the two people being reviewed, is naturally in a disadvantaged position, but then Li Chunfeng’s command sound from the reviewing stage continues to resound through the sky, making Without thinking about it, his complexion changed wildly.

   "The sword is out of its sheath, and the sun rises into the sky!"

After these words, within the small world of the floating island, an extremely violent aura instantly soared into the sky, like a big bow that had been stretched to the extreme, and was suddenly released, and then the vitality of the world rolled violently, like the roar of an angry wave. Rolling and scouring over the central school field, like the ancient angry dragon, roaring up to the sky.

   The real storm has come!

   At the same time, in the hands of the young man, Senior Brother Yan, a large number of light spots suddenly lit up on the avatar scroll of the mountain and sea map, and at the front of these light spots, there was a swiftly approaching orange, which was extremely dazzling.

   Next to Brother Yan, Xiao Pangdun, who was looking up at the sky, opened his mouth and let out a strange cry:

   "The sky is up, and the sun has come down!"


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