
read2();   "Li Chunfeng, you are the blazing sun at the bottom of the French army's pressure box. Isn't this too much for the Ministry of Industry to survive?"

  Floating Island Small World's review platform sky, a round of dazzling and violent scorching sun, slowly lifted into the sky, and released out the dazzling incomparable light and hot scorching heat.

The temperature of the main island of the entire small world began to rise sharply along with the blazing sun of lift-off. The orange light shone on everyone’s faces, reflecting the awe-inspiring faces, and then inspecting the platform, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng's murmur continued to sound:

   "Under the magical powers of the sun, everything is empty. If Li Chinfeng, you wiped out this catapult in an instant, what else do we review?"

   After the voice of the old Wei Guogong fell, Li Chunfeng, who smiled beside him, stroked his white beard lightly, and responded:

"Since your Majesty’s will clearly explained the strict test, everything will be arranged according to the most critical situation, but the old man, I have not completely rejected it. The standard law revision army that released this round of scorching sun’s magical powers has not After a long period of power accumulation, the power is much weaker than the blazing sun on the normal battlefield, and it is not entirely without chance."

After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to grasp the beard on his chest, and the dignified color on the old face eased a little, then he stared at the huge five catapult puppets below, and Two extremely young figures, with the same firmness in their eyes.

In fact, whether it is all the civil and military officials on the reviewing platform, or the Daxia craftsmen and the angry beast army watching together around the school, they are no strangers to the magical powers of the Fa Xiu regiment, because this round has bloomed on the battlefield for countless times and reaped mercilessly. The man-made scorching sun that greeted the enemy's life had unknowingly become synonymous with the Daxia Fa Xiu Group.

   Strong, gorgeous, unparalleled!

   "The power of this blazing sun is infinitely close to the Grand Master of Palm Edge Birth and Death Realm. I wonder if this catapult puppet can stop it!"

   On the reviewing platform, a solemn voice came from a middle-aged commander of the Ministry of War, and then Zhao Yu dressed in white behind him, and drew out a folding fan Sima Annan. He narrowed his eyes and shook his head and said:

"In addition to the extremely high temperature at the time of the outbreak, the power of the sun’s magical powers also has the continuous burning power of the sun. Therefore, it is the most unwise choice to carry it hard. Even if you can resist it, the follow-up The Sun Flame will not only trap these five puppets in place, but will also melt the entire school ground."

   When Sima Annan said this, the eyes of the officials who reviewed the high platform flashed, and all those present were the important ministers of the Great Xia. Therefore, it only takes a blink of an eye to fully understand the reason why Li Chunfeng used the blazing sun's supernatural power to disarm the horse.

"Master Li is good at catching turtles in the urn. It seems that this review is not only about the ability of the catapult puppets, but also the manipulator. It depends on whether the young disciples of the two organ sects below are fighting. Smell it."

   After Sima Annan continued to sound, the brows of the military generals on the side suddenly frowned, and then Li Chunfeng, who saw the doubts on the faces of the others, raised his mouth and smiled, and then a natural voice came out:

"According to the information provided by Lao Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry, the sling puppet below still needs to be controlled by a monk, so in the opinion of the old man, the manipulator is naturally part of its combat power, because the two themselves are a whole. On the other hand, you can also examine the puppets individually, and the two do not conflict."

Li Chunfeng’s voice fell, and everyone around nodded in agreement, and during the dozens of breaths of time when everyone was communicating on the reviewing platform, the entire main island school was bathed in a dazzling orange-red scorching sun, and at the same time it rose from a distance. That round of blazing sun has climbed to the top of the sky.

In the blazing sun, the heat is pouring down, this unavoidable sense of horror is undoubtedly the most appropriate for Senior Brother Yan and Zhou Fan, who are located on the school grounds, and Xiao Pang Dun, who faced such a situation for the first time, When the blazing sun lifted into the sky, there was a loud sound in his mind, and the whole person stood still on the spot, shocked.

Then, the senior brother Yan next to him, put away the picture scroll, stepped to Xiao Pangdun's side in two steps, reached out his hand to grasp the latter's skirt, and directly threw Zhou Fan to his side in the flames, reflecting the dazzling orange The light catapult puppet, at the same time shouted out:

   "Zhou Fan, wake up to me, release the soul and establish contact with the big guys!"

Under the scorching sun, Senior Brother Yan threw Zhou Fan with great force, causing the latter to smash directly on top of one of the catapults. The huge impact immediately woke Xiao Pang Dun from a trance, and shook his head sharply. , The whole body was dripping with cold sweat in an instant.

Afterwards, Zhou Fan, who understood his environment and mission, directly released the soul of the ancient ruins and stone lanes without hesitation. The runes on the soul suddenly lighted up, and in an instant he established a relationship with the five surrounding puppets. Deep connection.

In the feeling of Xiao Pangdun Zhou Fan, at this time, every sling in his body can be controlled at will like his own hands and feet, and then a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes, because under infinite pressure, his connection with the puppet, Closer than ever.

However, Xiao Pangdun was not happy for too long. He pressed a big powerful hand on his back and directly pressed it into the sling puppet to ride the inside of the crew, and then Senior Brother Yan, who was holding the scroll of mountains and seas, also jumped in. , Continue to shout loudly:

   "Open the Spirit Array!"

With roaring roars, Zhou Fan bit his lip and exhausted all his strength to directly open the spirit gathering formation on the catapult puppet. The next breath, accompanied by the opening of the spirit gathering rune on the puppet's body, on the entire main island school field, It seemed that five gluttonous beasts crazily devouring the vitality of the world appeared instantly.

   The five puppets activated the violent suction power of the Spirit Gathering Array, causing a large amount of vitality on the entire school field to be swallowed directly, and even the vitality of the great sun flame above was swallowed up and turned into their own use.

   At the same time, the blazing sun of magical powers released by the practice of a standard technique began to crash from the sky above the sky to the sky below with lightning speed!

In this scenario, in the feeling of all the people watching the battle around, it was like a round of sun falling into a black hole, and then inside the catapult puppet, Xiao Pangdun Zhou Fan raised his head, his entire face was sweaty, and his mouth opened. Asked:

   "Brother Yan, I have enough energy, do you want to erect barriers?"

   "No, no barriers can be erected, we have to hide!"

After the urgent response came from the young man's mouth, he continued to look down at the avatar of the mountain and sea picture scroll in his hand. On the picture scroll, the orange dot representing the blazing sun was falling in a straight line, and then Senior Brother Yan suddenly raised his head and roared Send out again:

   "This type of blazing sun magical power falls in a straight line, which means that this magical power has not been controlled after being released, and its landing point is where we are. Fully open the wind blast, disperse, and disperse!"

"it is good!"

   After Zhou Fan in the catapult puppet heard the words, without saying anything, he directly opened all the catapult puppets' wind-inducing formations, and at the same time controlled all the wheels of the catapult puppets to rotate wildly.

At the next breath, a violent wind blew up in the schoolyard. With the bonus of the violent hurricane, the five catapult puppets turned directly into black light that could be caught by the naked eye and spread out. At the same time, the catapult puppet’s Right above, the blazing sun fell like the sky.

   Between the electric light and flint, the time passing on the entire school field seemed to be stretched indefinitely, maybe after a moment, maybe very long, the blazing sun finally landed.

   burst, blast, endless light and heat swallow everything!


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