The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1116: Thunder Ballista


read2();   "Zhou Fan, cheer up, this test of our big guys has just begun, so this is not the time to be in a trance."

   On the edge of the huge pothole in the main island schoolyard, inside a catapult puppet, the shouts from Senior Brother Yan sounded, and the situation inside the puppet was not optimistic at this time.

After all, the blazing sun’s magical powers are one of the world-famous killers of the Daxia Fa Xiu regiment. Although the catapult puppet relies on the powerful instantaneous explosive power to avoid the center of the blazing sun burst with the bonus of the wind blast, it rolls outwards. The aftermath of, still made this huge puppet red as if it had been burned in flames.

   Especially the inside of the puppet where Xiaopangdun Zhou Fan and Senior Brother Yan are located, the temperature is extremely high. By this time, it still seems to be in the stove, and then Zhou Fan, who is a little confused, muttered and responded:

   "Brother Yan, my vision is very blurred, I can't see things clearly."

   "That's sweat, not the shock of the divine consciousness. The puppet we are in is painted with broken runes, which can isolate the shock to the greatest extent. You are fine, just wipe it off with your sleeve."

Inside the catapult puppet, dressed in the robes of the organ sect disciple, the somewhat embarrassed young disciple Yan, after a quick talk, directly opened the picture scroll of the mountain and sea map in his hand, looked down carefully, and saw that under his gaze, young The scene on the picture scroll in the hands of the person, along with the explosion of the magical powers of the blazing sun, showed a huge pothole.

But the next breath, on the scroll, a large white dot suddenly lights up again, and under the white dot is a group of black lines rushing forward. In this case, the young man who has already understood the role of the mountain and sea picture scroll in his hand Senior Brother Renyan's heart is tense, because this means that there are attacks from the top and bottom.

   Then he turned his head, looked to the side, stretched out his right hand, quickly wiped the sweaty face with his sleeves, and issued a warning again:

   "Zhou Fan, the second wave of attacks has come, there are both up and down, I look at the top, you pay attention to the front, and see what kind of attack means!"

  As soon as the words fell, the two of them, whose nerves had collapsed to the limit, began to concentrate on exploring. After a breath, they said in unison:

   "Burst Arrow!"

   "Light cavalry!"

   After hearing the other's words, the two of them looked more solemn at the same time, and then Senior Brother Yan stretched out his hand and pressed the inner wall of the puppet in front of him, and hurriedly asked:

   "How much of the vitality of the big guys are left?"

   "Currently 70%, but I have been opening the Spirit Gathering Array, it will gradually recover!"

Xiao Pangdun Zhou Fan’s response fell, and he turned his gaze to a bursting arrow shrouded in dark clouds, his pupils shrunk slightly, and the sweat all over his body was even worse, but perhaps even he himself was aware of it, and he was trembling from the beginning. The muscles no longer tremble at this time.

   Then inside the catapult puppet, Brother Yan sounded again with an urgent voice:

   "Gather, line up, two statues set up barriers in front, and the rest of the artillery and crossbows are ready to deal with the Qingqi rushing forward, what do you think of Zhou Fan?"

   After asking this question, the chubby dun with his lips pressed tightly, after squinting his eyes for a moment, he turned his head and looked at the eyes of Senior Brother Yan beside him, and said solemnly:

   "Brother Yan, I think the two big guys are standing in front of each other, one ballista is ready to deal with the front, and the other two are scattered on the left and right, flying with their wings, so they can better deal with the situation behind."

   The voice fell, Zhou Fan clenched his right fist, and continued to sound more and more confident:

   "Moreover, we have an advantage. Perhaps these rushing Qingqis may not know which puppet I am waiting for. In this way, it can interfere with their judgment."

   After Zhou Fan finished speaking, Senior Brother Yan sitting next to him did not directly deny the former's thoughts, but fell into thinking and spoke very quickly:

"Whether the two armies are facing each other or at this time, the two-winged flying tactic is extremely flexible, but it is also a very bold and adventurous tactic. Once the forces are divided into battle, the most critical problem is a big guy. Can the ballista of the country be able to cope with the rushing light cavalry?

   "After all the puppets scattered on the two wings have fully resisted the bursting arrow coverage, it will take a certain amount of time to recover their combat effectiveness even if they fully open the spirit gathering formation."

   "Yes, I think I can handle it!"

  Senior Brother Yan's voice just fell, Xiao Pang Tun Zhou Fan's extremely determined voice sounded directly, and then he raised his hand, patted the puppet in front of him, and continued to speak word by word:

   "As the first owner of the soul of the ancient ruins of the Stone-catching Lane in Daxia, no one knows the abilities of these big guys better than me!"

Xiao Pangdun Zhou Fan’s words were extremely firm, and then Senior Brother Yan next to him again spread out the scroll of mountains and seas in his hands, staring at the approaching assault, gritted his teeth and let out a low voice. drink:

   "Fuck it! Just do what you said!"

With a low drink, the soul phantom of the catapult lane behind Zhou Fan suddenly brightened, and the five catapult puppets on the edge of the big pit of the school field suddenly made a roar of gears rotating outwards again, and then staring around. Under the interweaving, the puppet began to move quickly.

I saw three of them gathered directly inward, presenting a formation of two fronts and one back rushing forward. At the same time, the other two suddenly spread out from left to right to both sides, looking from the reviewing platform, it looked like a The big bird spread its wings directly, and then the voice from Wei Guogong Xu Sheng directly sounded:

   "It turned out to be flying on both wings, which is really interesting."

Not only Wei Guogong, but everyone on the reviewing platform, including Zhao Yunei who was watching all of this, a hint of surprise flashed through the ebony black eyes, and then looked at Li Chunfeng below with a smile on his face. Gradually put it away, and said:

"The old man did not expect that the two little guys below would use such an unexpected tactic, flying with two wings. This is full of strong confidence in this catapult puppet, but my Daxia Burst Arrow and Qingqi are not vegetarian! "

As Li Chunfeng spoke, the situation in the school field changed again. After the deployment of the two wings flying together, the five catapult puppets, under the control of Zhou Fan, a large number of runes on the body lighted up again. , And then a series of barriers and magical powers light up into the sky, instantly covering his body.

At the same time, inside a puppet, Zhou Fan, with his lips tightly pressed, his eyes firmly fixed, slowly raised his right hand, and then directly closed his eyes. At this moment, his spirit was concentrated as never before, and then all his thoughts , They all sink into the shadow of the puppet behind them, to mobilize the strongest and the only magical power of the puppet.

In the next instant, the catapult protected by the barriers released by the two puppets in front of him, amidst the huge ballista on its back, the dazzling lightning light suddenly lit up, and at the same time, it was like the piercing sound of countless chrysanthemums. Resounded through the clouds.

   Ten thousand birds scream, thunder ballista!


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