
read2();  As we all know, today's young Daxia pursues high efficiency, iron blood, simplicity and directness.

Therefore, including this review of the catapult puppets, as the chief examiner, Li Chunfeng also discarded the tedious details, and directly used the scorching sun of the Faculty to dismount the horse, and then used the ruthless burst of arrows and arrows, and Daxia Qingqi, attacking like a dragon, instantly pushed the entire review into a white-hot stage.

On the school grounds, as the little fat dun Zhou Fan is getting better, he controls the operation of the five catapult puppets and the release of the magical powers of the rune formation. There is no sense of jerky at the beginning, but extremely skillful. This gratifying change , So that the civil and military officials on the reviewing platform nodded.

   Then, in everyone's eyes, the five catapult puppets that were flying with two wings spread all over their bodies, and the barriers rose up into the sky, directly forming a veritable moving city wall.

   In the next second, a burst of arrows bursting like a billowing cloud topped violently, rushing to blast on the barriers of the runes densely covered with supernatural powers, and then one after another bursting flowers containing raging power bloomed.

The central area of ​​the entire small world is once again shrouded in a dazzling light that is difficult to see directly. If the previous blazing sun's magical powers are the instant explosive power and speed of the catapult puppet, then this burst of arrows, The review is the puppet's defensive ability.

   After all, the strong defensive power is one of the foundations of the mobile wall of the Great Xia border!

In front of the hundreds of officials above the reviewing platform, countless burst arrows burst and sparkle one after another, forming a sea of ​​coquettish and beautiful rays, and under the almost indiscriminate coverage of the attack, the four barrier enchantments are like a gust of wind. The candles in it are generally swaying back and forth.

However, although the enchantment outside the puppet is trembling rapidly under the raging ocean of violent tearing force, but every time it is on the verge of collapse, it will stand up stubbornly again. Rise.

"This catapult puppet pushes up the open barrier barrier outwards. Compared with the supernatural barrier released by our Great Xia Shield Armor, there are some other changes, especially the rune on the barrier, if Look closely, as if covered with a layer of extremely fine scale armor.

   "If it weren't for this scale armor, Guangguang relied on the previous barrier enchantment to wash the ground under such a large number of bursting arrows, and it would be no more than a round. I can't think of Wu Laoshang Shu's hands, and such good things?"

   On the reviewing platform, the old Wei Guogong Xu Sheng sounded with a surprised voice. Afterwards, although his face was calm as usual, but his hands were full of sweat, the Ministry of Industry Lao Shangshu responded:

"This is also thanks to the mysterious runes given by your majesty. In fact, most of the runes engraved on the bodies of the big guys below have appeared in the world for the first time. This is why we have such strong confidence in the puppets. one of the reasons."

  The words of the old book of the Ministry of Industry fell, and the eyes of everyone around suddenly lit up, and then Zhao Yu, who was standing in front of everyone, suddenly spoke:

   "The rune on the barrier enchantment below comes from the scales on Liang's broken body. In the next stage, the army will promote it."

As soon as this young emperor's voice came out, whether it was the old Wei Guo Xu Sheng or the rest of the military generals, their faces all showed excitement. Let alone the rest, Guang Guangliang broke the recognized number one in the world. Defense makes everyone yearn for.

   On the main island schoolyard, the barriers shook violently, and the bursting arrow raged for fifty breaths, and within these fifty breaths, for Zhou Fan in the catapult puppet, it might be longer than five years.

   Each wave of bursting force that comes from a rolling impact is like a heavy hammer hitting the back of his head vigorously, causing the young organ school disciple who clenched his teeth to keep groaning again and again.

Zhou Fan’s eyes were once again flooded with sweat, and he could even see a large number of bloodshots densely intertwined in front of him in his blurred vision, and Senior Brother Yan next to Zhou Fan was also unhappy, reaching out and holding his body. The little Pangdun next to him tried his best to convey vitality into the latter's body to keep him from being stunned.

Suddenly, the mountain-like heavy pressure surrounding the two inside the puppet suddenly dissipated, which means that the catapult puppet has survived the test of this burst of arrow rain, and then inside the puppet, Senior Brother Yan, who was the first to restore clarity, showed his face The color of ecstasy, turned around, swayed Zhou Fan's shoulders, and roared:

   "It passed, the big guys passed it, we passed it!"

   Under the shaking of Senior Brother Yan, Zhou Fan, who recovered, took up his sleeve and rubbed his chubby face, then grinned with a smile.

   But the next breath, the situation suddenly changed, and neither of them had time to pay attention to the corners of Zhou Fan's mouth, the dazzling blood shed because of the shock.

   When the fifty-breath bursting arrows were raging, Daxia Qingqi, who was swiftly attacking from the other end of the school field, had already charged most of the distance and was approaching the five puppets at a shocking speed.

This number of Daxia Qingqi is a typical charging formation. From above, it looks like a big spear that violently stabs the catapult puppet, and Zhou Fan and Senior Brother Yan sitting inside the puppet can clearly see if they raise their heads. I saw the tough school lieutenant at the forefront of the charge and the cold light spear in his hand.

   "Zhou Fan, how much vitality is left of the big guys?"

   "Except for the big guy with the thunder ballista, the remaining puppets that set up the barrier enchantment only have 10% vitality. They can only activate the spirit gathering array to absorb vitality and recover, and they cannot move in a short time."

   "In this way, I can only trust the judgment of you, the first operator of the catapult puppet!"

After he finished speaking, Senior Brother Yan opened his eyes, staring at the front and straddling a large distance in the blink of an eye. The charge cavalry approaching quickly relaxed his tight body. At this moment, his mind suddenly A screen flashed.

   In the picture, he is also sitting on a big guy built by himself, but in front of him is an endless, dark green sea violently tumbling and boiling violent ocean, and above the sea, a large number of enemies attacked and charged.

Senior Brother Yan stared at him and found that these enemies were not the Daxia Qingqi he was facing at this time, but an unknown creature with a weird appearance and a huge body. At this moment, a rich murderous intent rolled from the front, and Senior Brother Yan opened his mouth. Let out a roar:

   "Thunder Ballista, let go!"

Inside the puppet, the roar of Senior Brother Yan next to him was thunderous. Xiao Pangdun Zhou Fan no longer had any hesitation. He raised his hand and shook his hand in front of the puppet. The sound reached its peak at this moment.

The whirring sound of thunder made the craftsmen gathered around the school subconsciously cover their ears. At the next breath, a blazing light shot from the ballista behind the sling puppet, wrapped in unimaginable roaring thunder, piercing the void, yes The light cavalry rushed forward.

   The puppet behemoth, carefully crafted by the entire Daxia Engineering Department and given high hopes, showed the sharpest fangs in front of everyone for the first time.


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