
read2();   "The big guys built by the Ministry of Industry are very strong, even beyond the deity's expectation. Presumably, your majesty and the court officials are equally satisfied. Congratulations."

   On the shoulders of the Great Silver Mountain, a rugged voice from the lava sounded, and then this ancient lava giant who had not known how many years had survived, put away the color in his eyes, and continued to speak:

   "In the long-lasting memory of the deity, it seems that I have seen a mighty army of puppets, but it is difficult to remember that tens of thousands of years are really too long."

After    lava's boasting voice fell, there was a hint of thought on the beautiful face of the red dust beside him, then the red lips lightly opened, and the voice of inquiry came out:

   "Exaggerated people, the army of organs you mentioned is located in the legendary land of the Supreme Profound?"

   As long as the two words "organ" and "puppet" are mentioned, the girl Xihongchen always has the greatest interest and enthusiasm. Then Lava nodded boastingly, and responded:

   "Yes, you should also know one or two of this Mysterious Land at this time. It has an endless area and countless forces. It is not surprising that there are races that control organ puppets."

   "Then do you know how they manipulated this puppet, do they rely on vitality to control it in a line, or do they use Daoshun runes to establish contact like our catapult puppet?"

   "Little girl, you are stumping the deity."

  面[Dida Novel] asked about Xihongchen, Lava’s beard and lush face suddenly revealed a slightly awkward smile, and continued to speak:

"Little girl, the deity has been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years in the Valley of the Giants, and the memory of these tens of thousands of years of imprisonment is dark, and if you want to recall the memories of thousands of years ago, it is similar to being in a dark sea. Wandering aimlessly in it, I look for extremely rare memory light clusters.

"This process of searching for memory fragments is actually extremely painful for the deity. Many times you do everything possible to find a memory light cluster, but you find that it is useless and trivial, and you will even fall into deep confusion. "

After    the lava boasting sound fell, Xi Hongchen raised his hand to salute the former, and then an apologetic voice came out:

   "The adults forgive me, it is the little girl who is too Meng Lang."

   "It's okay. Although the deity remembers it inaccurately, the Great Silver Mountain below us still makes me remember it. There is no other reason, because it is really too powerful."

   After finishing speaking, Lava boasted that he lowered his head and stared at his shoulders, which was comparable to a huge silver mountain like a schoolyard, and continued to speak:

   "The total number of ancient giants who died in the hands of this puppet is more than a hundred. This is a shocking number. You must know that at that time, every ancient giant had the lowest cultivation level in the land fairyland!"

Summoned by Zhao Yuzheng into the Night Dire Division, in the past few months, the rapid progress in understanding the whole world and the truth of the practice world can deeply feel the weight of the lava boasting words, so the girl was stunned. After that, he uttered a word:

   "The Great Silver Mountain is indeed the masterpiece of the puppets in the entire world, and when we are so weak, we put the pinnacle of the puppet way before our eyes, and I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse."

   "From the perspective of the deity, this is naturally a kind of great blessing. Ordinary people may not be blessed, but we are different from Daxia, because Daxia has the existence of your majesty."

After    Lava boasted that the smiling voice fell, he stood upright with his squatting body, and then continued to speak:

   "Actually, I came here this time for two things. The first thing is to give you this dress by your majesty's order."

After    finished speaking, Lava stretched out a huge palm and spread it out. On the palm, a large black robe appeared.

   This large robe looks very ordinary at first glance, and there are no particularly complicated patterns and runes on it, but if you look closely, you will find that it seems to absorb all the surrounding light, thus presenting a pure and incomparable dark color.

   then washed Hongchen and stretched out his hand, gently grasped this ordinary but not ordinary black robe, and then lava sounded a solemn explanation in his ears:

"The night dire robe in my hand is made of special black silk. It is not only invaded by water and fire, but also has the effect of restraining the breath. It is an extremely precious treasure, and the most important thing is that it symbolizes the night dire. The noble status of the Secretary, in other words, once you put on this robe, you will be a member of the Great Summer Nightmare Division. From now on, the mountains, rivers and lakes only need to be ordered by your Majesty!"

   "My mother once said that when I was a child, a Taoist priest gave me a fortune telling me that I was a rosy face. If I want to grow up steadily, I need a red dress, so I always wear this red dress."

   After the red washing words fell, he directly raised his hand and put the nightmare robe in his hand on his body, while the cold voice continued to spread:

   "Then today, I will see if this dark nightmare robes can protect my life from being washed away!"

The girl in the night dire black robe has a sudden change in her temperament, like a bright red rose with thorns, directly transformed into a black flower of the other side that coexists with monsters and powers. play.

   "The second thing that this seat is here is also in the name of your majesty, to enter the inner core of the silver mountain, and hope that the girl will lead the way."

   Lava boasted this statement, but after putting on the jet black robe, Washing Hongchen didn't say a word, turned around, raised his hand and said, saying:

   "Exaggerate, please here!"

   After a few more breaths, on the high platform where the silver mountain Great Lord had been split by a sword, two figures of Xihongchen appeared.

Due to the inspection of the catapult, the entire platform was empty except for the guards. Then the lava raised his head and stared at the front, with the sword marks that directly split the entire Silver Mountain from top to bottom. Unbelievably speaking:

   "Although it is not the first time I have seen this sword mark, I still find it incredible because it is not in accordance with common sense."

   The sound of lava boasting fell, and the steps of Xihongchen's stepping forward paused slightly, then he turned his head and looked forward. Although he did not speak, his eyes showed doubts.

   Then the lava raised his hands into fingers, and moved slowly along the sword marks that penetrated from above, and the rough voice continued:

"This Great Silver Mountain is the pinnacle of the puppet path between heaven and earth. It can capture dragons with bare hands and tear giants apart. Of course, his decent defense is also the ultimate in the world, even stronger than ancient giants, so this seat is puzzled. The thing is, what kind of mighty power can it split the whole with one sword."

After    finished the words, the doubts on Lava's ugly and ferocious face grew thicker, and he continued to speak:

"Everyone told me that this was done by an overhaul that was respected as the Master, but girl, if you think about it, this is just a small island that sank tens of thousands of years ago in the Taixuan Land. In the mysterious land, apart from the existence in the legend, the deity does not think that anyone in this world can do it!

   "In other words, that Master, the realm of cultivation may be truly unparalleled in the world."


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