The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1121: Sea of ​​white mist


read2();   The interior of the Great Silver Mountain is very deep and extremely complex. Even for a monk who has been immersed in the way of puppets his entire life, the body of this pinnacle of the world is an independent world !

   "Exaggerating people, in fact, what you said is quite right, this sword mark is really extraordinary."

   Inside the Great Silver Mountain, a response from Xihongchen sounded, and at this time the two were already under the leadership of the young girl, using the faint light of vitality in their hands to shuttle back and forth among the gaps of countless organ parts.

   After washing the red dust, he paused for a few breaths. After distinguishing the direction, he continued to move forward, and the voice came out again:

  "This sword mark cut by the master, not only broke through the surface of the great statue that we might not be able to break for a lifetime, but did not harm the core components and the origin of the inner core. What a supernatural skill.

"This is like a way to solve a cow, and it even makes me think that the master and his old man, who have completely seen all the mysteries of this great silver mountain statue, can so perfectly follow the texture of the great statue's surface skin and open up for future generations. There is a path towards the inner core of the latter."

   The words fell, Lava Boasting and Xi Hongchen did not speak any more, because an extremely incredible conjecture suddenly appeared in their hearts, but they were too horrified to think about it.

The void inside the Silver Mountain Puppet is actually not large. Many places can only accommodate a normal person walking through it. Therefore, this will hinder the extraordinarily burly lava boast, but this ancient tortuous experience The giant, the body that exists at this time is not weak, and when it is difficult to pass through, it can also use the flashing dagger to directly shuttle across the void.

"The deity knows that in accordance with the habit of craftsmen like You to make puppets, a secret tunnel will be kept inside the large puppets for maintenance. At this time, we are in such a small secret tunnel. It can be seen that the Great Silver Mountain was created in the Taixuan Land. Race, size is not big."

   "It's reasonable to exaggerate people's claims. This race with extremely strong puppet attainments may be smaller than our human race."

After the sound of    washing the red dust fell, it turned a ninety-degree direction to the right along the dark road ahead, and then the voice continued to speak:

"But they are extremely meticulous and meticulous. Even the dark passages inside the great statue are covered with a skin of the same material as the body surface, and even engraved with complex and precious runes. If you use a word to describe, It is flawless."

   "This is an amazing piece of art."

Lava stared at the inner wall of the great statue surrounded by countless runes, opened his mouth and let out a heartfelt sigh, and in his induction, the inner wall coated with a silver film was like a blood vessel wall in a living being. , And at this moment, he and Xi Hongchen are shuttled in the blood vessels.

   then saw his thoughts, Xihongchen continued to lead the way, and the response came down:

   "Exaggerating people, this is actually an illusion. We are not inside the pipeline of the great deity's surging energy transmission, but outside the pipeline. About this, you will understand after you reach the core area later."

As the former chief disciple of the organ sect, and who spent most of the time researching in the body of the Yinshan Great Lord, Xi Hongchen is already very familiar with the complicated and curved dark roads inside the latter, so she takes the lava boast to turn forward very fast After a while, he crossed a long distance and quickly approached the inner core area of ​​the Great Silver Mountain.

After    Mo Yue Banzhuxiang, Xihongchen who led the way in front suddenly slowed down, and then a young voice sounded:

"The former convenience is the core place of the entire Silver Mountain Great Venerable, and if we say that the various organ parts that make up the Great Venerable's body at the beginning, including gears, torso, runes, etc., although the construction materials are puzzling, The principle of action is still within the scope of our Daxia craftsmen's understanding, then everything ahead will completely surpass everyone's imagination."

After    finished speaking, Xi Hongchen turned sideways slightly, and gave up a core entrance of Moyo two people behind him. Then the lava with curiosity on his face stepped forward, poking his head out and looking down.

   In the next moment, the lava boasted that the eyes that were flowing with hot magma shrank slightly, opened his lips, and murmured:

   "This is the core area of ​​the Great Silver Mountain?"

"Exactly, our organ sect disciples and craftsmen have spent countless hours carefully exploring the secret passages in the Yinshan Great Venerable for an unknown number of miles, and finally came to a very positive conclusion. Below us is this Great Venerable that can pick the Stars and Cracks. There is even the secret of wisdom!"

  After washing the red dust, he stepped forward and looked down at the bottom just like lava boasting, showing a fascinating look. This is an infinite fascination for the peak of the puppet's way.

   Below the two, there is a vast ocean!

   To be precise, the core area of ​​these two populations is an ocean composed of countless floating white fog.

This sea of ​​mist can't even see the end at a glance, but from top to bottom, there are huge shadows in the white mist, winding and circling, like a giant beast living in the ocean, let People are afraid.

But if you look carefully, these long shadow dragons entrenched in the sea of ​​mist are like dead bodies, motionless, and then the lava boasted that there was a very large blood vessel protruding from the sole of the foot directly below, and it was also winding. Stretching into the floating white mist below, it became one of the giants entrenched in the mist.

   Then he understood what the shadows in the fog are like, and after a few breaths of thought, he said:

   "It turns out that the washing girl just said that we are outside the blood vessels. This is because the blood vessels that really carry energy to the Great Venerable are all like dragons, extending into the sea of ​​white mist below."

   "Returning to exaggeration, in this sea of ​​fog that has been rolling for countless years, how many blood vessels are long is unknown, but at this time these blood vessels have lost their ability to absorb for some reason."

In the words of washing the red dust, although it is stable, it still makes people feel the color of regret, because now this great puppet who can be called against the sky is silent and can only sit back and forth. For any craftsman, Perhaps the most regrettable thing in the world.

But the girl who was regretting did not notice the more and more enthusiastic look on her face. Then the lava clenched her fists. The lava in her eyes became hotter and hotter. She took a deep breath and suddenly lowered her voice and asked. Road:

   "Does your Majesty understand everything here?"

   "Naturally, I understand. When I waited for the first time to explore here, I wrote a detailed excerpt and presented it to your Majesty."

   As soon as the response of washing the red dust fell, Lava boasted and let go of his fisted hand, pressing down on the inner wall surrounded by runes, and slowly speaking:

   "No wonder your majesty will let me come here, your majesty, your majesty, I have lived in lava for so long, so I only cast the ground with the five bodies that you admire!"


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