The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1122: Lack of heart


read2();   The inner core of the Great Silver Mountain, the endless sea of ​​mist undulates, and these white mists are extremely pure white, just like the winter morning in the big summer state, the countless mornings surrounded by cold pine forests fog.

However, between the white mist, it is not empty. Between the mist and the mist, the long dragon formed by the big blood vessels entangles, and on one of the blood vessels, there are two figures, one big and one small. Fast forward, then a voice from lava boasted:

   "Washing the girl, before us, can anyone walk along the blood vessels of the great master and go deep into this white mist?"

   "No, because after the paper about the situation in the core area of ​​the Great Venerable was presented to His Majesty, the reply from the Holy Spirit was only two words, blocked."

   "Your Majesty's decision is of course beyond doubt, presumably you can also feel the extraordinaryness of the white mist enveloped at this time, right?"

   After the sound of lava boasting in front fell, the washing red dust in the nightmare robes behind nodded, his extremely beautiful eyebrows wrinkled tightly, and continued to speak:

   "At first, I thought this ubiquitous white mist was a manifestation of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, but later I realized how the vitality of the heavens and the earth, no matter how vast as the sea, can drive this great puppet master."

"Hahaha, the heavens and the earth are incomparably mysterious, just like the cultivation level of a creature. The qi between the heavens and the earth is also different in nature, and it is progressive, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth in your mouth, It is the most basic and the most kind of Qi, and it is naturally impossible to drive the Great Lord Yinshan."

After    finished speaking, the lava exaggerated, opened his mouth and let out a thick laughter, and then strode forward along the dragon-like blood vessels under his feet, and the explanation continued:

  "The deity knows that you are very curious about what the white mist around you is, but in fact, if you regard the great deity we are at this time as a spiritual monk, you may be able to snoop a little.

"First of all, take the human beings as an example. Before the palm boundary birth and death realm, it is to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth for cultivation. In other words, this stage is an extremely long process of foundation building, using vitality to strengthen one’s physique. Dao’s understanding."

   After finishing the lava boast, he turned his head slightly, looked at the brighter and brighter eyes that washed the red dust behind him, and spoke again:

"Although I am an ancient giant, I have been very interested in the cultivation methods of the human race recently, so I have studied it carefully, so I still know a little bit, but once I reach the great master realm of the birth and death of the palm, then all the life cultivation methods It will all become the same, that is, it is like climbing a ladder to climb the law of the road, so as to obtain higher and higher levels of the original power from the law, which can also be called the power of the law."

   As soon as the lava boasting sound fell, the question of washing Hongchen continued:

   "So what about the Saints of the Land Wonderland?"

  "Actually, saints are just what we say in the vast land of China, because in the land of the Supreme Profound Land, the power of the terrestrial gods can not call themselves saints, but exalted.

"Holy is a noble word. If the name is holy, it means being equal to the heavenly path. They dare not. Because of its own limitations, the heavenly path of the vast land of China can allow the monks of the terrestrial fairyland to claim sacredness and not descend to heaven. Punishment, but the way of heaven in the Taixuan Land is different.

"In fact, at this stage, the land gods are still relying on the power of the origin, but the power of the law at this time is the real core origin power. With every move, you can move the law of the most origin. Reclamation is so powerful."

After the extremely detailed explanation came from the lava boasting mouth, Xi Hongchen nodded, and then turned his head to look at the invisible and tasteless billowing white mist beside him, the color of his eyes remained unabated, and he just wanted to open his mouth and continue to ask. The voice from the ancient lava giant continued:

"The great power of Silver Mountain itself is far more powerful than that of ordinary terrestrial gods and gods. Although this seat does not know whether it has truly reached the other side of detachment, there is no doubt that the energy that drives its actions is definitely greater than the core road The origin is also a higher level of Qi.

"And to be honest, this kind of aura doesn't even know this seat, who has lived for so long, but this passage is more and more information about the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, and this seat suddenly has some ideas. "

After finishing the sentence, the lava striding forward made a slight pause, and then stretched out his right hand several times larger than ordinary people, and shook it firmly against the white mist next to him. In the next moment, above his right hand, raging The flames of the doomsday suddenly ignited, and the orange-red light swept outwards, just like the most tyrannical torch in the world.

But the strange thing is that no matter how fiercely the **** fire that can be ignited in this void burns, the white mist in the core area of ​​the Silver Mountain Great Venerable is only slightly away from the flames of the doomsday, still going up and down like its own way, without being affected. Then the lava boast continued to sound:

"Look, little girl, this white mist is not affected by the core doomsday law in the hands of this seat at all. It is enough to show that its level may be higher. And in the whole world, there is something for all forces and powerful cultivation to fight for you. Plunder, for this reason, he will give up the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

   "It's luck!"

As soon as the word “Qiyun” came out in the lava boast, it was like pressing the button to detonate the bomb, causing the white mist that was originally flowing around the body to suddenly become violent, and it was like a high god, after hearing his name. The rage even swept inward slowly, gradually forming a tornado storm connecting the entire space.

An indescribable majesty directly pours over the body of lava boasting and washing the red dust, as if the whole world fell, then lava boasting stopped and looked up under the violent tornado, the silver mountain master gradually The core area that becomes clear.

In front of the two, countless huge blood vessels converge over the central area in front of them, just like a young dragon with its head raised up and its mouth open, waiting to be fed, but the strange thing is that no matter how large these pipes are, they cannot absorb the entire core area. The slightest power of luck that turned into a storm tornado.

"Exaggerated people, in the core of the entire body of the Great Venerable, the power of air luck in your mouth is still so strong after so many years. It stands to reason that so much power of air luck is enough to completely drive this heaven-defying puppet. Stand up again, why can't the Great Lord himself absorb the slightest?"

As the two of Lava Kua and Washing Hongchen got closer and closer to the core area of ​​the Silver Mountain Great Lord, the latter's doubts sounded, and then the huge body began to emit flames of red lava, staring at the front and penetrating through. The storm of luck in the entire line of sight, slowly responded:

   "The existence of the Great Silver Mountain itself is infinitely close to beings. If the power of air transport is blood, then the reason why it cannot stand up again is actually very simple."

After    finished speaking, Lava raised his right finger to the front, and the rough and solemn voice sounded again:

   "Because it lacks a throbbing heart!"


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