
read2();  "Brother emperor, the overhaul of the holy court inside the Golden Sea, is it actually a distant, ancient giant?

   "How is this possible, isn't the ancient giant completely extinct in the world!"

Behind the five huge pegasus struggling to wield their wings, at the open palace gate, a horrified murmur from the nineteen princes resounded, and then the three princes next to him, squinting their eyes, also stared ahead, surrounded by tornadoes. The Great Lord Jin Hai, who was roaring up to the sky, responded:

"Among the classics in the Central Shangguo collection, we have described the grand scene of the ancient fairy palace when it was still alive. It was an unimaginable magnificent prosperity. As we all know, this ancient fairy palace is a ladder that is difficult for mortals to climb for a lifetime. In addition, there is a fairy gate that suppresses the entire void.

   "The weight of the immortal gate is so heavy that it is difficult for any monk to push it away. Therefore, two puppets of heaven and earth are specially cast to guard this southern immortal gate. One is Jinhai and the other is Yinshan."

   "So according to your emperor brother, the giant in front of us that has entered the sky is not an ancient giant, but a puppet?"

Yin Shang, the nineteenth prince of the Central Kingdom, responded a few minutes more shockingly than before. It is true that for the creatures in the Supreme Profound Land, this statue in the front occupies almost the entire line of sight in front, and the giant that overwhelms the entire sky with momentum is The facts created by man are more shocking than the news of the rebirth of ancient giants.

   "It should be the legendary King Jinhai!"

The three princes had always had extremely calm eyes. When looking at the giants of heaven and earth, they were no longer indifferent, and then accompanied by the rapid flight of Tianma to the front, the whole body exuded the appearance of the dazzling golden light. People's eyes gradually become clear.

   I saw an ordinary young man sitting cross-legged on the shoulders of Great Master Jin Hai.

   Then this young man with ordinary appearance and ordinary figure, wearing ordinary cloth, opened his mouth and said in a very ordinary voice:

   "Great Lord, can we sense the position of Great Lord Yinshan?"

   "Very vague, very faint, and very far away."

After    Jinhai Great Lord’s response fell, the urn sound of the former was in the ears of the young man Xuan, but the loud voice continued to sound like a bell:

   "But one thing I can be sure of, it must be in the north!"

   "It seems that this trip to the North Sea, the Great Master may be able to get what he wants."

   After the faint voice fell, Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the shoulders of Great Senior Jin Hai, closed his eyes again.

   At the same time, in the small world of Shenzhou Haotu Floating Island not knowing how many miles away, the Great Lord Yinshan sitting on the ground slowly opened his eyes.

The moment Yinshan opened his eyes, the main island of the entire floating island world suddenly sank down, followed by crackling and crackling sounds of void tearing. This is a small world whose laws are not perfect enough to carry the Great Lord Yinshan. The space collapse caused by self power after awakening.

  It was like a small pond, suddenly stuffed into an ancient angry dragon, which was directly broken by the vast power of the latter, so this small world of floating island was in a fragmented state in the blink of an eye.

The void trembled, and the entire void above the main island began to show a large number of dense, dark cracks like wounds, but none of the civil and military officials standing in front of the silver mountain showed a panic, because in front of them stood the emperor. A young emperor with a shaky robe, upright as a pine.

   Although I don't know why this huge giant of Reliance on Heaven suddenly wakes up, everyone knows that all this must be related to the young Lord of Great Summer before him.

   "Your Majesty, if this Great Silver Mountain can be fully awakened and used by Daxia, then this surprise is really too big."

Behind Zhao Yu, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng spoke with amazement and excitement. Then the old man watched the momentum in front of him and rushed straight up at a violent speed, from nothing to the infinite universe, and continued to speak. :

   "The strength of this great silver mountain is already difficult to measure by realm. Perhaps it will be one of our most important cards in Daxia."

   "It is indeed very strong, and just after awakening, it is strong enough to tear the entire small world into the void. If it is fully restored to its heyday strength, it may even easily shred the more solid space above the vast land of China with bare hands."

Sima Annan’s next voice was also filled with excitement. At this moment, he even had the urge to use the Three-Life Method to calculate the behemoth in front of him, and then his rationality let him dispel this extremely crazy idea, because of this As far as existence is concerned, rash calculation is simply an active search for death.

   But Sima Annan, who was still curiosity in his heart, raised his hand to Zhao Yu and paid a respect, and continued to ask:

"Weichen is curious about how your Majesty can reawaken such a puppet that has been silent for tens of thousands of years. You must know that our Shenzhou Haotu is not very knowledgeable in puppetry. We want to restore the Great Lord Yinshan completely. , It is almost impossible.

"In the beginning, the Military Aircraft Department did not count this puppet of heaven and earth in the overall planning of Daxia's strength. I have to say that your Majesty really gave us a big surprise, and at the same time gave us a happy worry, because it means I am waiting to overthrow the previous preparations and start planning again."

After Sima Annan's voice fell, everyone around him raised their mouths and smiled. Then Zhao Yu, who was also smiling, raised his right hand and waved forward. The entire space around him was filled with pure silver light, beginning to resemble water waves. Generally spread outward.

   Wherever the silver ripples reach, including the Silver Mountain Grand Lord billowing up into the sky, they were directly moved out of the small world, and Zhao Yu’s response sounded outward:

   "The great roads come to the same destination by different routes. The silence of the Great Lord Silver Mountain is because of the loss of his heart, so I tailored it to the fastest heart in the world."

   Zhao Yu's words fell, and the scene of everyone around them had changed drastically. It was no longer the tree-lined appearance in the small world of the floating island, but a vast expanse of wild land with countless tall stone statue towers.

The sky of this ancient land is mysterious and mysterious, and pure and mysterious silver. At the same time, every inch of the world is filled with unspeakable ancient taboo atmosphere, and then the roar of ancient creatures resounds one after another. By the ears of officials.

   This is a world that everyone finds incredible.

Although the world is extremely ancient, the earth is not desolate. Numerous lush trees grow lushly, especially in the center of this world. The core altar exuding silver light soars out, and waves of intense waves flow out. Vitality.

  Vitality struck like a tsunami, Zhao Yu, who was standing in front of everyone, slowly turned around, facing the hundred officials with a calm and majestic look, and then the young emperor spoke, and the steady emperor sound pierced everyone's ears:

   "Welcome to my world."

   The sound of the emperor was rolling, behind Zhao Yu, originally sitting cross-legged on the Great Silver Mountain, stood up directly, his upright body made half of the silver sky shrouded in its huge shadow.

   At the next breath, the Great Lord Silver Mountain directly knelt down on one knee directly to Zhao Yu, with his head hanging down. This intrepid giant of heaven and earth expressed his surrender to Zhao Yu and Da Xia with practical actions.

The giant kneeled to the ground, and the hundreds of officials in front of the young Daxia lord also knelt and bowed their heads, and the eyes raised from the crowd looked forward. For some reason, the young emperor's less burly body in front of him was more grounded than the Yitian behind him. The Silver Mountain is taller and more stalwart.

   Harmony with the sun and the moon, should be the universe!

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