
read2();   southwest of Daxia, old and luxuriant trees grow lushly and continuously, forming a dense and huge southern wilderness.

   If there is an area above the vast land of China that contains the richest vitality, it is none other than the southern barren jungle. Some people even call it the lung of the vast land of China.

After the valley of the giants was completely opened to the people, this huge barren forest, which was originally inaccessible and only belonged to all kinds of savage beasts, together with several male cities on the border of Leizhou in the southwest, gradually became more and more lively and crowded. Soaring, and even chambers of commerce from all over Daxia continue to station in the deserted town and the stronghold of Dongwang, preparing to develop and explore this ancient jungle.

   Just as the king of Ximan screamed to the world, this Nanban jungle is a veritable treasure, and it was not the civil chamber of commerce that first developed and utilized it, but the Daxia military.

For this pristine land where crisis and opportunity coexist, the Daxia Military Department, which is now growing at an extremely alarming speed, will naturally not turn a blind eye. It has arranged a large number of soldiers to experience in the jungle, and at the same time protect the officials of the other departments against the jungle. Explore.

  The people living in the southwest all understand a truth, the larger the jungle, the stronger the repairing power for their own injuries.

Therefore, in the depths of the Nanban, around the towering sacred tree where the original barbarian ancestral court was located, the large amount of vegetation destroyed by the violent fighting a year ago, and the exposed dark brown earth, have once again been completely covered by dense dark green branches and leaves. There was a fierce life-and-death battle between the ancestors of the barbaric races.

   But in spite of this, most of the damaged branches on the huge barbarian sacred tree body, as well as a large number of clearly visible barbarian tree house ruins, are silently recounting that there was a heart-stirring and regrettable past here.

   But as the saying goes, the new will not come, and the old will not go. Now this towering sacred tree that has completely lost its vitality and cannot continue to protect the barbarians has a new identity.

   The base camp of the Great Summer Army in the wild forest of the Southwest!

   On a branch near the top of the towering sacred tree, a small platform was opened, and on the platform, there were a group of beautiful figures wearing Bai Yi sitting side by side, closing their eyes and concentrating, meditating in concentration.

   In the entire Great Xia Army, those in white clothes have a name that makes everyone awe-inspiring.

  Military Medical Health!

At this time, there are a lot of military doctors on the platform. There are two hundred people on the platform, and they are separated by a certain distance. They all mobilize the cultivation base and absorb the thickerness of the southern jungle than the rest of Daxia. A lot of vitality.

   For the military doctors who use the law of life to save the dead and heal the wounded, the depths of the Nanban jungle is one of the most perfect training places, and under the endless vitality environment, it can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

Then a huge funnel-shaped vortex gradually appeared under the towering sacred wood platform, under the energies of hundreds of military doctors and soldiers, and then the rich vitality entrapped in this vortex, poured straight down, like a long dragon sucking water from far away It looks very spectacular.

  Actually, there are a large number of sergeants training on the trunks of this towering sacred tree. Most of them are military medics sitting on a platform, and scouts trained in the dense forest.

  Southern jungle, the climate is fickle, the sun is always shining in the first second, and the next second is heavy rain like a pillar, and even extremely violent hail.

Therefore, when the scorching sun in the east rose to mid-air, the sky above the barbarian sacred tree was originally extremely clear, and suddenly dark clouds were covered with layers of black clouds like billowing thick smoke, completely shielding the sun above the sky. , Causing the entire Shenmu surrounding area to suddenly become extremely dim.

Under the pressure of the black clouds, the atmosphere became extremely depressing, but the Daxia Sergeant who had been cultivating in this jungle for a long time had long been used to it. Then, in front of the medics and soldiers who meditated on the branch platform, a white face and temperament The female school lieutenant Chuchen opened her eyes and opened her mouth to issue a command:

   "The weather has changed suddenly, and the morning rain is approaching. This is the end of the early repairs today. You should go to the tree house on the side to avoid the heavy rain."

After    the female school lieutenant's voice fell, all the military doctors and guards sitting there opened their eyes together, saluted, and responded loudly:


After shouting loudly, the girls of the military medics got up and quickly moved to a huge tree house not far away. Although the two standard military medics were both female classmates, the voices of response that Qiqi shouted were full of support. A sonorous color, and when everyone entered the tree house, the big raindrops smashed directly from the sky, and in a blink of an eye they covered the entire area, forming a rain curtain like a dense bead curtain.

The heavy rain fell on the sturdy tree trunk of the sacred tree of the barbarian, making a rhythmic noise, and then inside the tree house, a girl who appeared to be small, stepped to the female school lieutenant standing at the door of the tree house. Said pretty lively:

   "Sister Furong, the heavy rain this morning is coming later than before. It was about half a stick of incense in the morning before."

The talking girl has an extremely cute baby face and a quite petite figure. Her big eyes flickered as she spoke, exuding a strong youthful atmosphere. She was the former female disciple of the Linglong Sect of Canglan City, Lihua, and in front of her, was The female disciple who has been promoted to the school lieutenant, Furong.

After    Pear Flower's voice fell, the girl Furong turned slightly and looked at the former's mature face, showing a little smile, and then she explained:

   "In fact, since the valley of the giants in the depths of Nanban was completely opened before the eyes of the world, some of the secrets of the entire Nanban jungle have also been gradually discovered, such as the unusually changeable climate in the jungle."

After    finished speaking, Furong regained her gaze at the rain curtain in front of her, her red lips lightly opened, and she continued to speak:

  "The most important reason why the Nanban jungle where we are at this time often has heavy rains and suddenly falls, but the most important reason is the cold current that rushes out from time to time in the Valley of the Giants.

"This violent cold current comes from the west, and the hot air that belongs to the southwest moves from east to west under the influence of the wind. After the two violently collided over the southern jungle, they directly formed lightning, thunder, and storm. The extreme weather, and why today’s morning torrential rain is longer than before in the evening, it should be our summer season. After autumn, the heat flow in the east is not so violent."

   After the words fell, Furong's eyes suddenly condensed, as if a thunder flashed in her whole mind, she hurriedly asked Ewha in front of her:

   "Ewha, what day is it today?"

   "Cultivation in the Southern Barbarian jungle can be called sunless, but I asked about it earlier. Today is exactly the first day of August."

After   's response fell, Ewha's round face showed doubts, and she continued to ask:

   "Sister Furong, what did you ask about the date?"

   "August, it's August now."

   The muttering voice came from Furong's mouth, then he pursed his lips and continued to speak:

   "The August of the 20th year of the Great Summer Calendar is a month destined to be remembered by history."

As soon as Furong’s smiling voice fell, amidst the pillar-like rain outside the tree house, one figure after another appeared, and then a monk wearing a Sitianjian robe slowly stepped forward, staring at a few rooms in front of him. Hundreds of military doctors and guards gathered up and opened their mouths and let out a roar:

   "According to the order of the White Emperor's Palace, all military doctors including Er will be enlisted into the palace immediately, together with the Taiyuan Hospital, to ensure the safe birth of your majesty's children!"


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