
read2();   Ninety years of the Great Xia calendar, August, after one night in autumn, the chill is getting worse.

Recently, the temperature in Shenjing City, located in the southwest of the vast land of Shenzhou, has dropped sharply, as if in an instant. The originally extremely scorching heat was all extinguished by the cold waves from the north, and then the patter of autumn rain, accompanied by coldness, enveloped this large The first Xiongcheng in Xia.

An autumn rain and a cold, so early this morning, after the morning bell above the Meridian Gate of the Baidi Palace rang, the people who got up in Shenjingcheng all put on warm cotton clothes, and then hurriedly pushed aside the house. The door seemed to have thought of something, ignoring the light rain in the sky, came into the courtyard in three steps in two steps, and enthusiastically asked the lady in the kitchen:

   "Lady, did a major event happen in the White Emperor's Palace last night?"

   After the sound of inquiry fell, in the kitchen on the other side of the yard, a middle-aged woman who also put on thick clothes poked her head out, shook her head and responded:

   "I went outside to inquire about it early in the morning. The palace was still very peaceful last night, and after the end of the morning this morning, there was no ceremonial and musical sonatas, indicating that our little master of Daxia has not yet been born."

   After finishing speaking, the middle-aged woman frowned and retracted her head into the kitchen to continue having breakfast. At the same time, a slightly confused voice continued to sound:

   "It's really weird. I remember that even though it was a few days late when I gave birth to Xiaobao, I still didn't respond at all for half a month."

In fact, this question has been lingering in the minds of all the gods and even the people of Daxia in recent days. After all, most of this August has passed. The good news in the White Emperor’s Palace has not yet come. Such an abnormal situation inevitably makes Everyone squeezed a sweat.

A few years after Zhao Yu ascended the throne, the sparsely populated Zhao clan in the White Emperor’s Palace, including the gentle and virtuous Queen Empress Rouge, became more and more loved by the people, so everyone looked forward to the entire powerful country. , A new successor appears.

   Although there is a slight tension in the Shenjing City, the Baidi Palace in the center of the Xiongcheng City, under the dangling rain, the overall atmosphere is fairly peaceful.

   But the location of the Tai Hospital located on the side of the Baidi Palace, the densely packed figures, like ants rushing in and out, indicates that the power center of Daxia is now in a state of loosening outside and inside.

   The hospital in the Baidi Palace, the huge gate of the pavilion, the officials wearing light blue robes, and the white-clothed military doctors and guards dispatched from various places and also stationed here merged with each other, and they hurried out.

   Then a figure of an elderly man in a blue robe with white beard and hair appeared in everyone's eyes. As soon as this person appeared, all the officials of the Taiyuan Hospital bent over and saluted, and said:

   "I have seen Ji Yuan Cheng."

After the neat greetings fell, the very old hospital senator waved his hand and signaled the officials of the hospital to get up. Then he opened the umbrella and stepped into the rain, his face slightly anxiously facing the person beside him An official said:

   "Can the Linglong Sect Master of Canglan City be here?"

   "Returning to the courtyard, I have already invited, accompanied by the disciples of Linglong Sect, waiting in the courtyard."

   "Then what are you waiting for, don't hurry up with the old man."

After    the old courtyard yelled loudly and eagerly, the middle-aged official beside him hurriedly made a straight face, raised his hand and said, saying:

   "Master Yuan, please come with me."

The area of ​​the Tai Hospital in the Baidi Palace is actually not small. In addition to the houses where the officials live and the main hall of the attic, the largest area is a medicinal garden. These medicinal gardens are carefully planted. , There are many kinds of precious and unusual medicinal materials.

There is even a saying in the palace that Cheng Jixiang of Taiyuan Hospital, who cherishes medicinal materials like his life, once asked the young Emperor Fuyao for a small place in the imperial garden to plant a precious medicinal material. Planting and caring.

However, in the precarious autumn rain today, I passed by Ji Lao Yuan Cheng in a medicine garden under an umbrella. Instead of going in to check it out, he walked faster and faster. Then he came directly to a side courtyard and reached out and knocked quickly. After three blows, he pushed the door forward.

As soon as the door opened, the scene of the hospital appeared directly in front of the officials of the Zhongtai Hospital outside the door. The small courtyard in front of him was completely filled with an open umbrella. Under the umbrella, there were a large number of A disciple of Linglong School headed by a white-haired old woman.

   "Sovereign Haitang, don't come for a few years, don't come here unscathed?"

After   , Ji Yuancheng outside the courtyard did not step in, but after saluting from a distance, he raised his hand to the side, and continued to speak loudly:

   "Nowadays, there is no sign of the queen's birth, so I am sorry for the inconvenience.

   "It should be so."

   The ruddy face and gray-haired Sect Master nodded in the courtyard, and then he stepped forward, his voice continued to be heard:

   "The Baidi Palace is an extremely important place for the emperor. The disciples waited in this courtyard and were not allowed to go out. Furong and Lihua followed the old man to see the empress."

After the words fell, the three members of Linglongzong walked out of the hospital, and together with the old hospital of Taiyuan Hospital, they boarded a large carriage that had been parked on the side, and then, under the leadership of the imperial city guards, moved towards the harem of the White Emperor's Palace. gallop.

   Since the autumn rain that fell in the middle of the night last night, the wide and flat roads in the Baidi Palace have been wetted, and then inside the carriage driving towards the Xiadian, the somewhat old voice of Linglong Sect Master Haitang sounded:

   "Ji Yuancheng, the general situation has already been heard from Furong and Ewha, but I still have to carefully confirm how many days have passed since the birth of the empress?"

   The white-haired old woman's question fell, and the old courtyard Cheng sitting opposite her frowned deeply, and then spoke very solemnly:

   "Counting today, it has been twenty and one day long."

   "That is indeed unusual. As far as the old man knows, it is normal for the people of Daxia to spend a few days or even seven days at night, but these 21 days are really weird."

   "Yes, if it weren't for the experienced midwifes in the entire Shenjing city and even in Daxia, I would not be able to ask you for help."

   Jiin Cheng's old face in the carriage was full of helplessness, and then one of them stroked the white beard on his chest and continued to speak:

   "Sect Master Haitang, you also understand that there is a specialization in the art industry, and the old man himself is not good at this issue of childbirth, and he is not even as good as the nurses of the Department of Internal Affairs, so I can only place hope on your old friend."

   "The old are doing their best."

   Linglong Sect Master Haitang smiled, then seemed to think of something, and then spoke:

   "Dare to ask Ji Yuancheng, what is the state of the Queen Empress at this time, is she lying in bed?"

   When I asked this question, it was not just Ji Yuancheng who had white beard and hair, but also Furong and Ewha, both of them showed very strange expressions. Then Ji Yuancheng's eyes jumped suddenly, and he responded:

   "The mother is in a good state at this time, but she is a little bit more lively and eats more."


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