
read2();   Shenjing, the first majestic city in the summer, after the sound of nine bells and the sound of the young emperor’s Emperor Huanghuang sound throughout the city, it has completely turned into a sea of ​​jubilation. By the time the sun sets, the enthusiasm of the entire Shenjing City, which is in a boiling state, remains undiminished, but even more high.

   When the night falls, after every household lights up the lights, the huge capital city is completely transformed into a starry sky on earth, with countless lights and sparks shining on it, forming a continuous film, a dazzling night scene.

From time to time until dinner, infinite smoke and fire in all parts of the city of God, accompanied by the shouts of the people, rose into the sky. The extremely warm atmosphere almost tore the thick clouds above Xiongcheng, and today because The royal family was born with fresh blood, and the major restaurants and chambers of commerce in the entire Shenjing City have launched a large number of preferential activities.

The most noteworthy among them is that all the drinks and dishes in the Crescent City in Shenjing City are all half price. As soon as this news came out, a large number of people directly dragged their homes and quickly flocked to the nearest Crescent Restaurant to try. Try the most authentic hot pot in Daxia.

   In fact, not only the Crescent Moon Restaurant, but even the closed official market in the Taiping Ruins, is also at the huge gate with a giant sign that represents the halving of the market price.

   Tonight’s Shenjing City is destined to sleepless, and in the next few days, the hundreds of millions of people in the 36 states of Daxia will use their boundless enthusiasm to welcome the birth of the two new lives of the Zhao family.

   The Summer Palace of the Baidi Palace, with candles, is brighter than before.

Although the Department of Internal Affairs of the Harem also distributed royal dividends to all the maids and maids because of the smooth birth of the rouge, the maids who knew the joy of the Zhao clan still hid joy and joy in their hearts, facing this After Zhao Yu and Yanzhi's Xiadian worshipped far away, they continued to work lightly.

   In the back hall of the Summer Palace, Zhao Yu, who accompanied Rouge and the two children after dinner, sat quietly on the edge of the bed, watching with a gentle gaze at the first and second children lying on the bed.

After experiencing the womb of fertility, Rouge has added a lot of life origin in the cocoon of life, but at this time it still fell into a deep sleep, and the two newly born children are naturally introverted and quiet little boys. The head is tightly nestled against Rouge's face, her eyes are also closed, except for the little girl whose eyebrows and Fengzhi Lingyu twinkling, instead of not having the slightest sleepiness, her eyes are open and the boss looks at Zhao Yu.

When the father and daughter looked at each other, they could see their reflection clearly from each other’s ebony eyes, and then Zhao Yu reached out and picked up the baby girl, stretched out his fingers and gently scraped the latter’s white cheeks, softly. Open the mouth:

   "I was so energetic when I was born. I think I must be a vigorous little guy in the future. Don't burn my White Emperor's Palace in the future."

After the words of the young emperor fell, the baby girl in her arms seemed to understand what Zhao Yu's mouth meant. When her small mouth was tilted, she started crying, and Zhao Yu hurriedly coaxed, and the latter smiled again with big eyes. Flickering and flickering, besides appearing very happy, it also has full spirituality.

   "You little guy is too naughty."

   Zhao Yu smiled and shaved the little girl’s cheeks, then hugged it back to Rouge’s pillow, and continued to speak gently:

   "Father is going to be busy, so you can rest by your mother's side obediently, don't make trouble, it is not good for your brother and your mother to rest, they are very tired, and very hard."

After the young emperor finished speaking, the very sensible little girl put away the smile on her face. After yawning, she gradually narrowed her eyes, and then Zhao Yu glanced at the mother and son in front of him again, and she was aside. Under the courtesy's delivery, she turned and walked slowly towards the outer hall.

   At the entrance of the outer hall of the Summer Palace, Liang Po's burly body stood motionless in the light. Then he saw Zhao Yu's figure walking out and took the lead. Then a mellow voice came out:

   "Your Majesty, it is ready according to your instructions, right in the lake pavilion of Summer Palace Great Lake."

After the voice fell, Zhao Yu nodded and continued to take a steady pace, leading Liang Po through the lights emitted by the burning oil lamps, and finally walked out of the gate of the Xiadian that had been opened by the maids in advance, and plunged into the capital of God. In the boundless autumn night.

The autumn wind blew the treetops, forming a mottled and swaying shadow on the ground. After that, Zhao Yu, who did not go far, stopped, raised his head, and directly faced the empty void in front of him, speaking loudly. Road:

   "Uncle, come out, I know you want to meet those two little guys."

The voice of the young emperor lingered back and forth in the void outside the summer palace. A violent autumn wind blew in, and countless leaves flew in succession. At the next breath, among the falling leaves, a tall and thin figure slowly appeared in front of Zhao Yu. on.

The autumn wind blew a blue shirt on this person, and in the feeling of the rest of the people, the dancing figure of this blue shirt was like a knife, with an indescribable edge, and he was indeed A sharp knife in the world.

  The Great Master of Dao Dao, Huang Ting.

   After Huang Ting appeared, he stepped to Zhao Yu's body, and after a salute, he said loudly:

   "Huang Ting, congratulations to your majesty!"

There was a little tremor in the middle-aged man’s words, indicating that his heart was not as plain as it seemed on the surface. Zhao Yu is the child of his sister, and now he has not married a wife and had children in his life. How can you not be happy after your uncle?

   "It's all a family, uncle, what kind of words do you say."

   Zhao Yu's response fell, and Huang Ting stood upright, with a smile on his slashed face, and said directly:

   "As your Majesty said, I can't wait to meet those two newly born little guys."

   "Today is too late, the little guys are asleep."

   After Zhao Yu finished speaking, he continued to walk towards the Great Lake of Summer Palace, and then waved his hand, and a rather heroic voice rolled outwards:

   "I will let my uncle see you tomorrow morning, but I am happy tonight, do you want to drink him and stay drunk?"

   As soon as he said this, the eyes of the middle-aged in the blue shirt who was already good at drinking suddenly lit up. He strode behind Zhao Yu, who was shaking in the emperor robe, and said in response:

   "With the amount of your majesty's alcohol, you get drunk immediately after three glasses of spirits."

   "How dare you look down on me, I have already asked Liang Po to put wine, peach blossom wine, in the lake pavilion of the Summer Palace."

   As soon as the three words for peach blossom wine came out, Huang Ting's eyes became even more intense, and even subconsciously added his own lips, and then sounded with unfinished words:

   "Your Majesty still thought of it thoughtfully. The peach blossom wine is moderately strong and has an endless aftertaste. I haven't drank it for a long time, so I really miss it."

   "I have to go to the morning court tomorrow, so naturally I can't really get drunk, or I will be buried by the cabinet's veterans."

   The Summer Palace of the White Emperor Palace, in the chilly autumn breeze, the voice of the young emperor rang from the wind, with a little helplessness, but also awe-inspiring.


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