
read2();  " Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, Peach Blossom Fairy under Peach Blossom Temple, Peach Blossom Fairy Planting Peach Trees, Picking Peach Blossoms and Selling Wine, Peach Blossom Forest in the depths of this palace, and other places Peach blossoms are really different, especially the peach blossom wine made with this peach blossom is truly unique in the world."

In the center of the Summer Palace, the lake is on the lake center pavilion, the great master Huang Ting, who is sitting upright in a blue shirt, sounds a little aftertaste, and on the stone table in front of him, there is a cup filled with pink jelly. At the same time, the charming and mellow wine aroma permeates the entire pavilion.

Zhao Yu and Huang Ting sat facing each other, and perhaps because there was already a glass of peach blossom wine on his stomach, the young emperor’s cheeks were a little red at this time, and the bright red flowers on the center of the eyebrows made the whole face more beautiful. In addition, there is also the infinite majesty that people dare not look directly at.

   "The ten-mile red peach forest in the depths of the Taoist Palace, I once visited once when I first returned to the capital of God. It is a realm of its own. It dyes half of the sky red in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and it is very beautiful."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yu put down the wine glass in his hand, and then the glass collided with the stone table with a slight ding sound. The pink agar paste in the glass shook slightly, leaving a thick layer on the inner wall of the glass cup. The thick pink hung on the wall, and the mellow wine aroma in the lake pavilion is even stronger.

   "I have heard that this small world named Shilihong once came from Jinghu, one of the eight forbidden places?"

   After the young emperor’s question fell, Huang Ting, who squinted in front of him and tasted peach blossom wine, nodded and responded:

"His Majesty, this Shilihong did come from Mirror Lake. The strange thing about this Mirror Lake is that once standing on the surface of this lake, there will be a phantom exactly like itself, and this phantom not only has everything. You have supernatural powers, and they are all in the realm of great achievement, which is extremely difficult to deal with."

   At this point, Huang Ting took a sip of peach blossom wine again, and his voice continued:

   "At this time, the ten-mile red peach forest of Taoist Palace was brought out by the palace owner from Jinghu Lake. It is said that it is related to the Master, but few people know the details."

   Huang Ting's words moved Zhao Yu's gaze, because the more the young emperor knew, the more he would discover that the entire development of the Great Xia Rivers and Lakes was closely related to his teachers.

   If it is said that Zao Wou-ki, the great grandfather of the Great Xia Zhao family, established the imperial temple in the troubled times, then the surviving big sects in the vast land of China today are more or less related to the master.

   Including today's largest Taoist palace, and even the organ sect that was once cut off the silver mountain by the master's sword because of the festival, all have been valued by the court because of a blessing in disguise.

Taizu Zao Wou-ki and Master Li Jisheng, like two great hands holding up the vast land of China, silently used their vision far beyond ordinary people to lay the foundation for the fast-rising Daxia now under the control of Zhao Yu. A very solid foundation.

   "I really stand on the shoulders of giants."

   Zhao Yu reached out and picked up the wine glass in front of him, sighed and clinked the glass with Huang Ting in front of him, and drank it again.

   Then, the middle-aged man in the green shirt rose slightly from the stimulus of the peach blossom wine with the power of the cyan origin, showing a heartfelt smile, and responded:

"Your Majesty, whether it is the lord of Great Xia, Zhao, plus the relatives of the minister, Huang, and the descendants of the fourteenth clan with the winning surname, the number of people is not more than this second-hand number. There are two more today. It's really gratifying, and it's a confession."

   "It is also the first time I have discovered that being a father is such an experience."

   Zhao Yu put down the wine glass, leaned his whole body back, squinted his eyes and continued to speak:

"My shoulders were originally weighed by the weight of countless people, but the moment I saw the children, I felt a heavy responsibility. This sense of responsibility is different from the rest and it is difficult to use. Specific words to describe specifically."

   After the voice of the young emperor fell, Huang Ting, who was thin in front of him, smiled and shook his head, and responded:

   "What your majesty said, the ministers have also realized that our old Huang family has these two single seedlings, so even if my Huang Ting tries my best, I have to protect the thoroughness of these two little babies."

   "Why does uncle never want to marry a wife and have children?"

   Zhao Yu’s sudden question caused the middle-aged man in Qingshan to fall into a little silence, but Huang Ting did not respond directly, but after taking a sip of wine, he spoke:

   "It is the duty of the minister to guard your majesty, and the love of children is put to the end."

   "Uncle should know that even if the vast land of Shenzhou is officially born in the land of Taixuan, I don't need uncle to carry it with him all the time."

   Zhao Yu’s domineering voice fell, and Huang Ting raised his head, his eyes covered with blueness were full of firmness and sharpness, and then he spoke word by word:

   "When I failed to protect my father and sister, I swear I must protect your majesty. This is also my sword."

Huang Ting held the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Sword, which finally cut off the Heavenly Graft of the Great Master of Life and Death Realm. The Tao contained in it is actually not killing, but guarding. Take protection as the way.

   Inside the pavilion of the summer palace lake, several orange lights flickered, exuding a soft light, and the autumn breeze blowing in the distance blew the gauze weft outside the pavilion, shaking like a stream of water.

Under the flying cloth, Zhao Yu, who was sitting behind the stone table, had a calm face. He stretched out his hand to lift the flask in front of him. After filling the glass in front of him, he gently pushed towards the middle-aged man in the green shirt in front of him, while a solemn voice was heard Debut:

   "Since my uncle takes protection as his way, my two little guys are in danger from now on, so there will be Uncle Lao."

The young emperor used the simplest but most primitive language to invite Huang Ting in front of him. At this moment, he did not order Huang Ting as an emperor, but as a father for his own children. Looking for a guardian.

  In the history of the vast land of China, people who are guarded like Huang Ting have a special name.


Summer Palace Lake Heart Pavilion fell into a brief silence after Zhao Yu opened his mouth to send out an invitation to protect the road, and then Huang Ting, with the same solemn expression, stretched out his cocooned left hand and held the glass of peach blossom in front of him. Not to mention, he drank it straight up.

it is more than words!

   Then Huang Ting got up and bowed to Zhao Yu, when his voice came out:

   "Your Majesty, please give this unfinished peach blossom wine to the minister."

  As soon as this statement came out, the young emperor nodded and raised his hand with a wave. Numerous silver lights shot out from the entire body, the void trembled, and the steady emperor's voice came out:

   "Let's go together. Grandpa is addicted to alcohol. A pot of peach blossom wine may not be enough. I also prepared another pot of spirits with its name, Xuantian."


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