The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1145: Have a great drink


read2();   may be the excitement of Shenjing City rising into the sky, dispelling the dark clouds covering the city, making Shenjing City after nightfall completely, there was a very bright moonlight.

The bright autumn moon hung high above the towering Sitian Pagoda in the middle of Shenjing City. The silver light pouring down like water covered one of the iconic buildings of this Shenjing City with a white layer. White yarn constitutes a spectacle that anyone passing by will stop and admire.

   The high tower refers to the moon, and the spire of the tower is as high as the moon. It makes people wonder whether they can take off the bright moon like a grinding wheel with bare hands if they stand at the top of the Sitian Tower.

   The moon is still bright tonight, but the world is full of joy!

   The nine-story Sitian Pagoda was the center of monitoring the world's information throughout Daxia. At this time, it was still brightly lit, and there were a large number of Sitian supervisors and officials who had just finished their dinner and walked into the hall with mutual greetings.

   Then these officials saluted a girl in a wheelchair in the center of the hall, and they all spoke together:

   "I have seen Mr. Si Cheng."

   "You guys have worked so hard, and I will bother you to monitor the mountain and sea maps tonight."

A cold and steady voice came from the girl's mouth, and then asked Xia to turn around under her wheelchair, revealing a pretty face that was a little more mature than before, and at the same time, the girl's eyes seemed to have a huge picture. If it is looming, there is a majesty of insight into everything unconsciously.

   Then in the hall, the officials who came to take turns on duty once again bent over and saluted:

   "I am waiting for my duty, but I dare not say hard work."

   After the neat response fell, asked a young female secretary next to Xia to bend down and ask the former:

  "Si Cheng, please, the next official will send you to your residence to rest first?"

  The question came down, but the girl in the wheelchair shook her head, opened her mouth and responded:

   "You send me directly to the seventh floor of Sitian Tower, I will wait there first."

   As soon as Xia said this, the faces of all the people around who heard the words changed slightly. Then they looked at each other, and they all saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

   The Lord of Great Xia descended on the eighth floor of Sitian Tower.

On the eighth floor of Sitian Pagoda, as before, a blue and white aurora fell straight down from above, illuminating the entire eight-story hall very brightly, but there is a difference in that the huge coffin is quietly placed in the center of the hall at this time. , No longer one, but two.

   After Zhao Yu returned from going deep into the seabed of the giant god, Da Xia owned the second supreme lock coffin, but now this second lock coffin is empty, and no one is lying in it.

   Then outside the coffin covered by the aurora of the mountains and seas, a hoarse voice sounded:

   "Father, Haier and Yuer came to see you together."

After the sound fell, the figures of Zhao Yu in the dark golden imperial robe and Huang Ting fluttering in the green shirt appeared outside the Aurora instantly, and both of them were carrying a hip flask in their hands. After they appeared, they directly sat cross-legged on the ground and set the hip flask. In front of you.

The next breath, the lock yuan coffin in the aurora of the mountain and sea map, as if sensing the arrival of the two, began to shake slightly, and at the same time, wisps of emerald green knife aura overflowed from the coffin, accompanied by bursts of piercing knife noises. Diffuse outside.

The Sitian Hall, which was originally extremely quiet, became alive because of the sudden screaming of swords, and in the ears of Zhao Yu and Huang Ting, the screaming of swords was like the one lying in the coffin. The old man snarled and asked.

   asked if he brought wine?

   Then Huang Ting, the middle-aged in the green shirt, showed a hint of helplessness on his face, patted the wine jar in front of him, and responded:

   "I brought wine, one altar per person, I promise you will have enough."

After    finished speaking, Huang Ting stretched out his hand to open the mouth of the peach blossom wine jar in front of him, and the full-bodied fragrance swept outward along with the words that he continued to speak:

"Moreover, it's the fine wine of Taoism. You can't drink it on weekdays. Not only that, your majesty also brought a jar of Xuantian wine, the two top wines in the entire Shenzhou vast land. This time I brought you all. "

As soon as Huang Ting said this, the green sword energy that overflowed in the coffin became stronger in an instant, and even the roar of sword energy in the eighth-story hall of Sitian Tower made people feel a strong excitement. The Huang Zhao in the coffin of Suo Yuan means the desire for these two jars of fine wine.

   "Grandpa is still the same, addicted to alcohol like life."

After the faint voice of the young emperor fell, Zhao Yu grabbed the Xuantian Liquor in front of him and even the entire White Emperor Palace, got up and slowly walked to the front of the mountain and sea map Aurora, and the distance was covered with a frosty lock. The Yuan coffin was only separated by a line, and then continued to speak:

   "Grandpa, today Yuer and Uncle came here with good wine because a happy event happened, a happy event worthy of everyone's joy."

After   , Zhao Yu mentioned Xuantianjiu, and Diyin continued to preach:

   "I am a father, and I am the father of two children. Grandpa, you will not be long before you can hear those two little guys call you too grandpa."

Zhao Yu’s not loud voice just fell. The howling that had reverberated throughout the eighth floor of Sitian Tower suddenly stopped. At the next breath, Zhao Yu faced the coffin lid of the lock-element coffin directly in front of the mountain and sea map aurora. One jump upward, as if the old man lying inside was trying to break out of the coffin, with a loud and deafening noise.


   Under the loud noise, the coffin lid of Suoyuan's coffin jumped violently again, and then Zhao Yu stretched out his left hand and directly penetrated into the Aurora and held down the trembling coffin lid. The voice went on:

   "Grandpa, don't be anxious, I will bring the little guys to see you another day, grandpa today, please have a good drink first."

After   Gun Gundi sound came out, the light of the mountains and seas that could almost be called the extreme cold in the world, in just a few breaths, a thick layer of ice formed on Zhao Yu's entire left hand.

Zhao Yu shook his left hand inward, and a silver light emerged, directly blasting the deep blue radiant ice into powder and scattered into a sky blue mist. Then the young emperor lifted the Xuantian wine in his hand and poured it on the lock yuan below. Above the coffin.

The amber viburnum spirits turned into a downward trajectory in the void of the eighth floor of Sitian Tower, flowing into the aurora of the mountain and sea map, and then the emerald green sword energy that could not wait in the lock yuan coffin, even in Xuantian Before the wine freezes, it gathers inward to form a lifelike deer, which opens its mouth and sucks.

Accompanied by the howling of swords that resounded through the entire void, the pot of Xuantian Wine in Zhao Yu's hand was directly sucked up by the giant deer, without any leakage. Then the deer seemed to have still not finished, and urged with a louder howling of swords. Zhao Yu quickly poured another jar of peach blossom wine.

   "Let you have a great drink today, Grandpa. If it is not enough, I will send someone to fetch all the Xuantian spirits in the palace!"

The   Gun Gundi sound came out from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then Zhao Yu opened his hand, Huang Ting next to him took over the remaining half of the peach blossom wine, and continued to pour down on the Suoyuan Coffin.

The pink syrup continued to pass through the void, and on the autumn night in August of the ninety year of the Great Xia calendar, the mellow aroma of the eighth floor of the entire Sitian Pagoda filled the whole hour, and the light came from the Baidi Palace. Secretary, eight batches came.


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