The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1147: Name of choice

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read2();   "Early morning, hundreds of officials enter the hall!"

  The morning light was faint, the sky was faintly bright, and in the center of the capital city, in the Great Hall of the White Emperor's Palace, a penetrating sound that belonged to the old **** came out and resounded across the sky.

After the voice was over, the nine huge scarlet gates of the entire Huangji Hall were slowly opened inward under the impetus of the imperial guards, and then the officials, who had already been divided into civil and military formations, stepped forward together. Lined up into the emperor's great hall with a huge area.

Even if it is still early at this time, the autumn sun has not reached out to the head, but the entire Huangji Hall is not dim, but extremely bright, because above the main hall, that huge flame phoenix turns into a streamer to fly back and forth, exuding outward dispersal Dark light.

Under the flying of a phoenix and a mysterious bird on the top of the hall, civil and military officials wearing meticulous official uniforms lined up neatly in the hall, but at this time, every official in the hall was smiling and the atmosphere was relaxed, waiting for the big The Lord of Xia came.

   After a few dozen breaths, Liang Pona's burly body like a little giant appeared in front of the hall, and after nodding to the old eunuch, the latter took a deep breath and opened his mouth:

   "Hundred officials kneel and welcome your majesty!"

  As soon as this remark came out, all officials looked upright, kneeling all together, and the whole uniform greeting came out:

   "The ministers welcome your majesty, long live your majesty!"

Under the tsunami-like sound of greetings from the mountain, a young figure in a dark golden imperial robe slowly stepped into the hall, and then Zhao Yu stepped onto the high platform of the Emperor Hall, turned and sat on the throne, looking around below, Huang Huang Emperor Sound is completely empty:

   "All the love is flat."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After    finished speaking, the officials in the palace of Huangji stood up together, and then Zhao Yu’s majestic and vast emperor’s voice sounded in his ears again:

   "Xiao Su, can you arrange the name selection?"

   "Return to your Majesty, before the birth of the little majesty and the little princess, the Ministry of Ritual and the entire Bachelor's House have already begun screening. Now that the nine characters have been selected, please make your final decision."

   In the queue, Xiao Su, a scholar with white beard and hair, took a step forward, bowed and spoke, and then Zhao Yu nodded and responded:

   "Come on and show me."

   "Comply with the purpose."

   After Xiao Su saluted Zhao Yu above, he stroked the white beard on his chest, smiled, turned and spoke loudly:

   "Please go to the palace for the bachelor of the scholarship."

   The old voice fell, and the Imperial City Guards standing at the gate of the Imperial Palace opened their mouths and let out a mid-term roar toward the outside of the Imperial Palace:

   "Xuan, the bachelors of the Academy of Sciences enter the hall!"

As soon as the roar came out, the eighteen elders in the meticulous white Confucian shirts nodded to each other as they waited below the Huangji Hall. Then, holding a piece of gold cloth with their hands up, they stepped up the Huangji white jade stairs and stepped respectfully into the grand hall. within.

   Inside the golden cloth entrusted by the old scholars, there is embroidered a name, and these names will be selected by Zhao Yu and used by the two heirs of the young emperor just born.

   At the same time, in the depths of the Summer Palace of the Baidi Palace, two half-burning candles flickered, exuding a soft light, and then the door in the deep hall was gently pushed open, and a petite figure appeared.

The hands and feet of the visitor were very light and did not even make a certain sound. After the door opened, Ruyue’s small round head poked in from the outside, and then her big eyes looked inward, her complexion changed slightly, and she hurriedly Walking quickly into the hall, at the same time the voice came out:

   "Manny, how come you wake up so early, and don't sleep much."

After   's voice fell, Ruyue came to the bed, took a soft cushion from the side and placed it behind the rouge who had already raised his upper body, and the voice continued:

   "Manny, the little guys were so troubled last night, you should really rest a lot."

After Ruyue finished speaking, with some lights in the room, Rouge could clearly see the conspicuous dark circles around the former's big eyes, indicating that Ruyue was also in a sleepless state last night, and then Rouge gently leaned against her body. On the cushion, he opened his mouth and responded:

"Kiratsuki really worked hard for you. Originally, I was sleepy because these two little guys were vying for milk. I didn't sleep well all night, but maybe it was because of habit. When I got to this point, I suddenly felt sleepy. Can't sleep anymore."

After    finished speaking, Rouge turned his gaze to the two little guys who continued to sleep beside him, raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a happy smile, and then Ruyue, who was standing aside, hesitated for a few breaths before speaking:

   "Niang Niang, in fact, the officials of the Department of Internal Affairs have found a lot of wet nurses. They can feed them at night and you can also sleep peacefully."

After    Ruyue’s questioning fell, Rouge, who was leaning on the side of the bed, did not respond, but a slightly cold voice came directly from outside:

   "Such as Yuexiu is unreasonable, there must be a reason for the mother to choose like this."

   The voice fell, Bai Zhining stepped into the hall, and saw that he was holding warm water and a washbasin for washing in his hands, his steps were light, but his hands were extremely stable and motionless.

   "My palace just wants to accompany the two children as much as possible, even if it is a little harder, as long as the two of them can grow up healthy, it is worth the hard work."

   After the soft voice came from Rouge's mouth, Bai Zhining, who was holding the plate, came to the bed and slowly said:

   "Your mother is interested, please rinse your mouth with warm water."

After    finished speaking, Bai Zhining looked at Rouge who was sitting up with the help of Juyue, continued to lift her red lips, and said:

"Niang Niang, in accordance with the customs of our Daxia royal family, on the second day of the birth of your majesty's heirs, the scholars of the Academy will submit the names chosen by the little prince and the little princess to the holy, and then announce them to the world. Envoy Xian heard that in the Huangji Hall at this moment, Your Majesty is picking it up."

  As soon as Bai Zhining said this, the eyes of Yueyue suddenly lit up, and then with a cheerful voice, he said:

   "It turns out that the names of His Royal Highness and the princess are so exquisite. This is the first time that I know Kitsuki."

   "Zhao, the lord of Great Xia, is loved by Zhong Dadao, and has illusory luck with his body, so this name should be prudent, not as casual as we ordinary people."

After    rouge's gentle voice fell, Ruyue nodded, and responded with a genuine response:

"When Ru Yue was a child, I heard from my surviving mother, that when I was just born, the moon in the sky was as big as a millstone and so round and round, so my mother named me Ru Yue. I don’t know the rest, but now my face is getting more and more serious. It's getting rounder."

As soon as Ru Yue said this, Rouge opened his mouth and gave out a chuckle. Even Bai Zhining, who was always cold, could not help but raise the corners of his mouth. The rules of the deep palace were heavy, but Ru Yue's simple mind often brought laughter to everyone around him. Her charm lies.

   "Okay, Kisaragi, you take these outside, and then ask the Imperial Dining Room to make some breakfast and deliver it."

   Bai Zhining's voice made Ruyue stick out her tongue, and then she picked up the plate and walked outside the hall. Then the little girl seemed to have thought of something, turned her head and continued to speak with a smile:

   "I went to find out what name your Majesty chose, and I will come back as soon as I have news and tell my mother."


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