
read2();   "Boom, boom, boom!"

The three morning bells that sounded from the noon gate of the Baidi Palace, accompanied by the sun slowly peeking out of the clouds, only took a few breaths and spread to the entire Shenjing Xiongcheng, putting everything still asleep. The people among them gradually wake up.

   The bell rings in the morning, and one day begins, the entire 36 states of Daxia began to usher in a brand new day.

   Then inside the palace of the Emperor Great Hall, the unique, penetrating voice from the old **** came out again:

   "Retire from the court, the hundred officials roll class!"

After this sound, the imperial city guards standing at the gate of Huangji Hall stepped forward and pushed open the nine vermilion gates of Huangji Hall. After a few breaths, the arrogant civil and military officials gathered from the Huangji Hall. Gushing out, walking down the white jade stairs.

   But if you look closely at Baiguan's face at this time, you will find that all the officials have the same expression, which is a daze with a hint of shock.

   As more and more officials walked out of the Palace of Emperor Emperor Ji, the light of the scorching sun above the sky began to pour down, from east to west, diagonally shining across the entire Shenjing Xiongcheng.

However, since the dawn of today, on the Baiyu Avenue in the middle of Shenjing City, around a notice board closest to the Baidi Palace, a large number of people who have put on thick cotton-padded clothes have rushed from all over Shenjing City. Come, and get together more and more.

   These people who waited early by the notice are both men and women, including very old people with white beard and hair, and young girls with good looks and very youthful faces. They all have a common profession.

   Daxia storyteller.

In the northwest of Daxia at the end of August, the gust of wind from the north has brought a not weak chill, so the storytellers gathered around this tall bulletin board are all shrinking and staring at the solemnity at the end of their sight. The solemn Baidi Palace door, occasionally rubbing his hands, he sighed and said the last sentence:

   "Since ancient times, it has been an overnight turn from late autumn to winter. When we talk about books in the future, we are afraid that we will have to wear more clothes."

  As soon as this remark came out, people around him nodded in agreement, and then on Zhijian Baiyu Avenue, a young storyteller rushed all the way, before arriving at the crowd, a slightly anxious voice spread out:

   "How come you guys, does this show, I shouldn't miss the crucial moment, right?"

   The voice fell, and the young man ran before the crowd, bends over and panted for breath, but because he was running too fast, there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, which made him look a little embarrassed.

   Then another middle-aged storyteller in front of the young man raised his hand, patted the former on the shoulder, and responded with a smile:

"Don't worry, the morning bell has just rang. At this moment, the hundred officials in the Huangji Hall of the White Emperor Palace have just retired. This notice will take a while to be released, but you kid can do it. I remember you live in Beicheng. Well, it's a long way from here, and you can still get here when the morning bell rings."

   "Thinking about the long distance, I left early."

   The young man who was breathless for a while stood up, and after showing a hearty smile, he continued to speak:

   "This is my majesty's blessing. I can't get here in such a short period of time by relying on my feet alone, but the shuttle bus to Shenjing City is different, so I can arrive in time."

  The young man’s voice was full of mellowness, which made those who heard it felt extremely comfortable. Then, gathered among the crowd of storytellers around the notice, someone smiled and said loudly:

   "Your boy is a good seedling of a storyteller, and he is willing to endure hardships. If you don't want to leave him, you can just accept him as an apprentice."

   As soon as this voice fell, the conversation among the surrounding storytellers suddenly stagnated, and then they all turned their heads to look at a gray-clad old man in the deepest part of the crowd.

   Then just below the notice board, the old man Yu, who was closing his eyes and rested, opened his eyes, looked at the young man who was showing a little longing not far in front, and opened his mouth:

   "Young man, what do you think is the position of a storyteller like me? Is it like most folks think, is to entertain the general public?"

In the circle of storytellers in the capital city, the prestige of Mr. Yu is extremely high. The success of a storyteller depends on how many people are willing to listen to his story, and Mr. Yu, who has been invited to tell stories in Taiping Market all the year round, undoubtedly Standing on top of the entire Daxia storyteller.

More importantly, apart from a little grandson, the grandfather with white beard and hair did not have a serious disciple. Therefore, the question of the father at this time also represents his test of the disciple. In this way, The storytellers around raised their ears, wanting to hear how the young man would answer.

   Then the handsome-looking young man thought for a while, smiled and responded:

"To ask for life is to ask for life. Otherwise, I won’t even have enough food, and I won’t mention any grand ideals. However, when I toss and turn at night, I often tell myself, maybe at a certain moment, even if it’s just a short In a short moment, those of us, perhaps the mouthpiece of the entire dynasty, are Daxia’s mouth for making a sound."

   As soon as this remark came out, it was as if a magical power of concentration was directly cast on all the storytellers around, making them stand in place with horror, unable to speak or speak.

   Then the old man Yu put away the different color in his eyes, took a deep look at the young man in front of him, and said:

   "You are very good. If you think my old man is okay, you can follow me for a while, but at this time, there are more important things."

After he finished speaking, the old man raised his hand and pointed to the gate of the White Emperor Palace not far away. Everyone turned around and looked around. Under the more and more sunlight, carriages came from the solemn and solemn White Emperor Palace Meridian Gate. Filed out from within, forming a long dragon.

   Such a situation made the eyes of the storytellers who had been waiting for a long time brighter, and then Old Man Yu stroked his beard and said:

   "According to the ancestral system of the Great Xia Zhao family, royal heirs, single names are preferred. I don't know which two names your Majesty will choose this time."

   "Does Mr. Yu know which words the bachelors of this academic institution provide to your majesty for selection?"

   "Are you an old man, these words are taboo top secret, anyone who leaks them without authorization will be sentenced to death."

The old voice came and fell from the old man's mouth. The horse-drawn carriage that the civil and military officials rode completely drove out of the Meridian Gate of the Baidi Palace, and then a line of dozens of horses leaped directly out of the palace gate, and every ride had a huge The Feng Ao Jiutian Banner was waving in the wind, and one of them was coming towards the sign where the storytellers gathered.

"I'm coming!"

At the same time, in the depths of the Summer Hall of the Baidi Palace, two Ruyues with their skirts in their hands, jogged all the way into the hall, and then, regardless of the shortness of breath, they directly spoke to Rouge who was leaning on the bedside and talking to Bai Zhining. :

   "Mother, your majesty, he has chosen the names for the little prince and the little princess."

   "What name, Kisaragi, come and listen."

   Rouge immediately stood up, her eyes lit up, and then she said:

   "Your Majesty has chosen a word for the little majesty."

   "Zhao Hao!"

After    Rouge murmured, he continued to ask:

   "Where is the daughter of the palace?"

   "Speaking of the little princess, I heard from the ministers of the early days that your Majesty did not choose any of the names submitted by the bachelor's office, but made an exception and decided on one."

   Ru Yue’s voice made the pupils of Rouge and Bai Zhining shrink slightly, then Ru Yue lit his head and continued to speak:

   "Your Majesty personally appointed one for the little princess, Wei Young."


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