The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1149: Little selfishness


read2();   The big day is rising, and the earth is sprinkled, and the vast land of China, which has just awakened in the early morning, is once again because of the magistrates and officials who rushed through the cities and towns of the 36 states. In the boundless boiling.

The countless people who had just gotten out of bed, before they even had time for breakfast, were pulled directly to the nearest notice board by their neighbors and relatives, and then raised their heads to look at the bright red notice in front of them, and subconsciously opened their mouths and exclaimed. :

   "She Ji has a legacy, God bless Daxia!"

Compared with the cities and towns on other continents that are more remote from the White Emperor’s Palace, the people of the gods who knew about the royal addition yesterday morning focused their attention on the names of the two little guys. Mr. Yu, an erudite person, found something unusual in this name.

   "This time, the names chosen by your Majesty for the little prince and the little princess in the Palace of Emperor Huangji are different."

   On the middle street of Shenjingcheng, among the crowds, a voice with a little thought came out of the mouth of the old man Yu, and then the young man who followed him, bent over to the old man, and asked loudly:

   "What's the difference, I hope my father will enlighten me."

"Boy, we storytellers, if you really want to be Daxia’s voice mouthpiece just like you just said, that’s not to say that you can go to the folks to listen to a few weird stories, and then you can do it. Yes, the key is that you have to understand."

   At this point, Mr. Yu's old eyes looked at the young man who was listening in front of him, and continued to speak:

"As for what you need to understand, the old man believes that you need to know a little bit in all aspects, because you can only say it if you know enough. At the same time, as you said before, we also rely on these people to eat, and the guys who live on must be proficient in things. It is.

"Take the name chosen by your majesty for the two royal heirs this time as an example. The name of the little majesty is naturally magnificent, containing imperial prestige, hao, greatness, and also the meaning of light, so in addition to the power of luck The emperor, the rest of us ordinary people can't control it at all, we must die early, because heaven and earth forbid."

After the lord of the great summer, the Zhao family autonomously ruled the vast land of China, they have always been tolerant and unruly. In addition to avoiding the name of the emperor by themselves, there are no stricter regulations, so Father Yu can directly call the young emperor just born. The little guy’s name was taboo, and after his voice fell, the question of the young man on the side continued:

   "So according to the old man, is the little princess's name different from before?"

"Exactly, since our Majesty Taizu, our Daxia royal family has laid down unwritten rules. The names of children have always been given priority to single names. Therefore, in accordance with this principle, the bachelors of the Academy are among the names given to your majesty. , It should be a single name, and there is definitely no reason for duplication.

   When the old man Yu said this, the eyes of the young man next to him moved slightly, and he spoke in amazement:

   "That is to say, in the Palace of Emperor Huangji today, your Majesty rejected the name chosen by the scholar of the Academy of Sciences for the little princess, and he directly ordered one?

   "To be precise, your Majesty had already thought of a name for the little princess in his heart. The degree of your Majesty's love for the little princess is evident. The richness of this holy family is beyond everyone's imagination."

   After the old man responded, he squinted his eyes and looked at the avenue of Shenjingcheng where people came and went, and continued to mutter:

   "Weiyang, not yet finished, your majesty wants to express that his love for the little princess is endless and will never end, and Weiyang still has no disaster, peace and joy. This is also your majesty's expectation of the little princess!"

After Father Yu’s words fell, the entire Shenjing City, and even the scholars after seeing the notice in Daxia, all felt their deep love for the little princess Weiyang from Zhao Yu’s exceptional name, and they couldn’t help but sigh. Sweat for this emperor Zhao Hao, who had been left out of the cold just after he was born.

   "Your Majesty, your partiality is too obvious, Sima Annan can't stand it anymore."

In the small world of floating islands, on the road next to the Radiant Army station, Sima Annan’s clear voice lingers among the lush trees, and then this young man who is still dressed in white flutters faster, stepping forward and following him. The young emperor with a steady pace, the voice continued:

"Changle Weiyang, the name that your Majesty personally gave to the little princess is what an ordinary father expects of his daughter. The minister still remembers that when his Majesty rejected the name submitted by the Bachelor's Palace and said the word Weiyang, the eighteenth The incredible expression of an old bachelor almost couldn't even hold the brocade cloth in his hand."

After    finished speaking, Sima Annan shook the folding fan in his hand and continued to smile and said:

   "Your Majesty's move will inevitably stir up some waves among the people. After all, there is no peace for the emperor and the little princess."

"It is against the ancestral system that I made an exception for Xiao Weiyang's name without authorization. If Hao'er's name is also determined, Xiao Su and the entire Academy will definitely not agree, saying that I must not invite my hidden teacher to come forward. Advise me to change my mind."

After    came out of Zhao Yu's mouth with a little helpless voice, Zhao Yu turned his head and glanced at the smiling Sima Annan beside him, his lips lightened, and the voice continued:

"But as the saying goes, a man should be tempered by himself, otherwise he will be arrogant. I have suffered from childhood. Sima Annan, you should be very clear about what you need to go through to be a qualified heir to Daxia. As for the baby Daughter, it is natural to be rich, because I can't bear it."

The words of the young emperor not only caused Sima Annan to cover his head and sigh of partiality, but the Radiant Army and the Taboo of the Night Dire Division who followed them all smiled, and suddenly they felt that they were getting further and further away. The distance between the young emperor and them suddenly narrowed.

It turns out that this Taishan collapsed, still facing the Pinghu Emperor Fuyao, when he became a father for the first time, he would be like all ordinary folks, with a little selfishness of his own, and wanted to personally help his children. A name that is full of blessings will also have the heart to let his baby daughter suffer a little bit, but wants his son to experience more hardship.

   It is true that Zhao Yu, who became a father for the first time, rarely expressed his inner joy, excitement and anxiety to those close to him. So many emotions are intertwined in one place, making the young emperor’s heart difficult to calm for a long time.

The Master once spent ten years, taking him to every place in the 36 states of Daxia, to teach Zhao Yu how to be a Daxia emperor. However, for Zhao Yu at this time, But no one taught him how to be a father.

   He wants to learn to be a good father by himself.


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