The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1151: What is it and who is it?


read2();  Floating Island Small World, located in a small gathering place halfway up the mountain, with long grass and warblers flying, the air is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, it smells extremely comfortable and refreshing.

Under the breeze, this area with four houses, a very inaccessible gathering place on weekdays, ushered in the most lively moment in history. Officials in big summer official uniforms lined up outside the gathering place, bowing their hands. Li Li, while staring at the door of a room in front of him, a little thoughtful while respecting.

   Among these gazes, the one from the girl red bean, contains more emotions.

These are the three brothers and sisters who came here by mistake from the Taixuan Land. They saw the young emperor for the second time after half a year, but they were still shocked by the former's youth. After all, they were split in the Taixuan Land. Optics Valley, at the age of Zhao Yu, is still receiving the teachings of the elders.

   Under the small world not dazzling sunlight, before the very simple door of the house, Zhao Yu sat opposite the same young Shanzi, and neither of them spoke for a long time.

Zhao Yu’s blood was flowing in Zhao Yu, the lord of Great Xia, and the mountain in front of him, although his life experience was rough, but by this time, the blood that originally belonged to the Wangjiang clan of Bei’an had all disappeared. The blood is flowing in the body, and even the fine dragon scales are manifested.

   In other words, these two young people have the most noble blood in the vast land of China for tens of thousands of years.

   Although Daxia, which was fully developed at this time, did not occupy the absolute dominance, the pure bloodline of Zhao Ying and the two families sitting in peace and opposite each other like this is still the first step across history.

One is the remnants of the former dynasty that has fallen apart and completely disappeared, and the other is the absolute ruler of Daxia today, Emperor Fuyao. The two young people can clearly represent the entire Shenzhou vast land. This is long and long, short and short. change.

   At this time, all the officials on the scene were Zhao Yu's staff and ministers. They knew Shanzi's ups and downs. Therefore, the gaze of the young man with dragon scales ahead was full of complexity, compassion, and admiration.

   "Shanzi, how does it feel to come back from the dead?"

   After a steady voice came out of Zhao Yu’s mouth, he looked at the handsome and majestic young emperor in front of him, Shanzi’s golden vertical pupils were a little tranced, then he recovered, lowered his head, and responded:

"My Majesty, after the death, people are actually sinking directly into the darker and colder bottom of the sea, and the depth of the bottom of the sea is endless, making people unable to feel the end, and I am sinking Half of the time, he was swallowed by an unimaginable huge mouth, and when he spit it out again, he had already returned to the world."

After    finished speaking, Shanzi paused, then continued to speak:

   "This is an indescribable experience, just like passing by the eternal darkness, and I have lingering fears when I think of it now."

   "As the saying goes, there is a big horror between life and death, not to mention, like you, I walked in Jiuyou."

   After Zhao Yu finished speaking, he gently waved his hand, and Liang Po directly stepped forward to place a small square table between the two, and then lifted the teapot to fill the two cups on the square table with tea.

   The smoky smoke diffused outward along with the rich tea fragrance, and then Zhao Yu reached out and took a sip of the teacup in front of him, and the voice continued:

"Shanzi, you may be the only human race on the vast land of China that has successfully resurrected from the dead. At the same time, I also admire Guan Zhengqing. I can use my own power to not only return you from the netherworld, but also make your body forward. Chaoying's bloodline awakened thoroughly.

   "On the other hand, if I hadn't stepped on that Arctic city for the last time, you should have appeared in that mysterious and unpredictable place."

As soon as the words    Tai Xuan Land came out, the expression in Shanzi's eyes suddenly began to fluctuate violently, and then opened his mouth and said:

"I have met Guan Zhengqing a few times, but I admire him, and at the same time feel sad for him. He was supposed to shine in a place where he really belongs, and is respected by countless people, but he is shackled by fate, for me, for The Win clan, who has been lingering, is really not worth it."

After    Shanzi finished speaking, Zhao Yu in front of him raised his hand to signal the former to drink tea, and then his ebony eyes were as steady as a flat lake, and the voice came out:

"Since ancient times, there is a dilemma between loyalty and filial piety. Guan Zhengqing does not want to hurt me and the entire Daxia people, so he chose to pry open the northern boundary city in an attempt to send you to the land of Taixuan, so that for him, it is both right and flowing. The mission of the bloodline also minimized the damage to Daxia.

"In a sense, this is the best choice he can make. Even the billions of Yin Soldiers of the previous dynasty chose to release them in the inaccessible Arctic, and by the way, they took over half of the snowmen in Liuli City for Daxia. Death is the boundless killing of evil, so I said before that if the land of the profound mystery is not too important for Daxia, I will let you go."

   "Everyone, whether it is Guan Zhengqing or Your Majesty, you think I want to leave."

   After Zhao Yu’s emperor’s voice fell, Shanzi’s response followed, and then Shanzi did not raise his hand to hold the steaming tea cup in front of him, but clenched his fists densely covered with golden dragon scales, and continued to speak:

   "But no one has ever asked my own wishes, what I really want, what I want to do, except my mother."

The mother in the mouth of Shanzi is naturally not his biological mother, but the middle-aged woman in the city of Shenjing who has been suffering for a lifetime, and this fateful woman had a bowl with her husband, Daguo Shi, Shan Wenbai in her kitchen. Face, died in that stormy night.

Therefore, after Shanzi uttered these two words, the expressions of the officials around who knew the inside story changed slightly, paying close attention to the changes in the eyes of the mountain in front of him, even the celestial army behind the young emperor and the taboos of Night Dire. The body suddenly tightened, and the murderous intention locked in front.

  The higher the cultivation level, the more the energy contained in the body of the young man in front of Zhao Yu can be felt, just like a bottomless violent volcano, which may erupt completely in the next moment.

  The most important thing is that the energy level contained in Shanzi's body is even higher than the power of the source, and it is more hot and tyrannical.

Shanzi’s entire face was covered by dragon scales, so he couldn’t see much expression, but in his dragon eyes, Zhao Yu could clearly see the deep and extremely sad color, and then Shanzi took away the pain. The voice continued to spread:

"I don’t want to sit on the throne, nor do I want to restore the so-called glory of the Ying family. I don’t even know anything about the so-called former dynasty. My mother told me that I was born in a snowy night. My comrades told me I, I am an elite scout of the Yulongguan Dark Assassin Army of Daxia Infinite Mountain. I have cut off the heads of nearly a hundred foreign races in my hand."

   The sound from Shanzi's mouth became louder and louder, and then he bowed to Zhao Yu in front of him, and continued to speak loudly:

   "Your Majesty, please tell me what the **** am I and who is it?"


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