The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1152: Scout Shanzi


read2();  Among all the young people whom Zhao Yu knew, Sima Annan's free and easy appearance, emphasizing love and righteousness, and meticulous thoughts.

   Li Yi, Jiang Yue and so on, the taboos of the Radiant Army Night Dire Division have their own characteristics far beyond ordinary people, or perseverance, calmness, indomitable, bold and so on.

As the saying goes, heroes come out of troubled times. Whenever the fortune between the whole world and the earth is boiling and rich, countless talents will spring up like bamboo shoots after the rain, like the time when the heroes compete in the Dingding Ding, or they are about to come to the land of Taixuan now. New era.

After the vigorous development after the founding of Daxia, and the spring of the monks founded by the master, the entire Daxia monks inheritance has gradually passed through the trauma of fighting for hegemony and returned to the top. Then Zhao Yu was born and directly Daxia's cultivation level and cultivation penetration rate have been pushed to an unimaginable level.

   The era is different, and the people in this era will naturally change. It can be said that the strength of the younger generation who has risen to fame today is several points stronger than the Tianjiao in the Dingding era.

Among these proud sons, what made Zhao Yu and the officials who knew the inside story most sigh, except for Guan Zhengqing, who fell like a meteor, was the young man Shanzi who fell down in front of Zhao Yu for a long time and did not want to get up. .

   Shanzi's body is flowing with the most noble Ying's blood, but he has a life experience and experience that is more bumpy than too many people. Fate and providence seem to tightly confine him to his shackles, and he can't break free anyway.

   So at this moment, he knelt down in front of Zhao Yu and shouted out who I am, which is also a roar and questioning of fate.

   Too many people told him, to let him become who, he also wants to know who he is!

  The small lawn in the small world of the floating island, the sound of the whole world seems to have stopped at this moment, and even the wind that is blowing in the distance, disappears in an instant.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu lowered his head and looked at the slightly trembling body of the young man in front of him. Although the young emperor’s expression remained unchanged, the red blood on his eyebrows indicated that his heart was not at ease. Then Zhao Yu opened his lips and spoke. :

"Under the avenue, there are countless creatures. They are like floating people. They can't have the slightest autonomy to follow the waves. And I am the spirit human race of all things. Fortunately, I can decide my life to a certain extent. Although I am a great summer Lord, but he cannot decide who you are, because what you want to be depends entirely on yourself.

"Some people want you to restore the glory of the former Yingshi, some people want you to stay away from the vast land of Shenzhou, so as to preserve this last trace of Yingshi blood, and some just want to be an ordinary citizen of Shenjing, peaceful and safe. Big, but all these are what others think."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yu gently placed the cup in his hand on the small wooden table in front of him, and then tapped three times with his fingers on the table in front of him, making three clear sounds, but these three sounds The sound that was not loud, but seemed to have a magical power, clearly resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness of everyone around.

Especially for the Shanzi in front of Zhao Yu, it is no less than three trembling thunders, and roared back and forth in his mind, then Shanzi raised his head and stared closely at Zhao Yu’s unangered, bright red road. Bloody face.

"You have to ask your own heart, what kind of person you want to be, and this will also determine how I treat you. If you want to restore the glory of the Ying clan dynasty in the past, then I will not let you live, because it is about Zhao’s Jiangshan Sheji, if you want to be an ordinary citizen of the capital city, then you have to live here for a while, at least until you fully control the true dragon bloodline in your body."

The voice of Zhao Yu continued to sound with the same emperor’s majesty as before, and this majesty made it clear to all those around who heard it. The emperor’s words are like sayings that follow the law, and there is no falsehood. After the sound fell, Shanzi lowered his head again and kowtowed Zhao Yuzhong in front of him, falling into a silence of dozens of breaths.

  Perhaps for the Daxia officials around, these dozens of breaths are fleeting, but for Shanzi, the time to torture his heart is extremely long.

   After dozens of breaths, Shanzi's response sounded in front of the young emperor, every word, almost gritted his teeth:

   "Your Majesty, I, I just want to be a scout!"

  As soon as this statement came out, all the surrounding officials changed their faces one after another, and some even let out an exclamation. They had no idea that Shanzi still had such original intentions after experiencing so many changes.

But for young people with pure Ying's blood, such a small request has an unimaginable obstacle, because after experiencing the battle of the northern snowfields, the entire remnants of the previous dynasty that have been lingering for nearly a hundred years except for the last pure Except for the blood descendants, the rest were all extinct.

In other words, for Daxia and Zhao Yu, the existence of Shanzi is the last threat of the previous dynasty, and once it is eliminated, the matter of the previous dynasty will be completely resolved once and for all, so Shanzi said After finishing this request, a lot of eyes turned to Zhao Yu who was in front of him.

  The young emperor's back was straight as loose as he was sitting, looking at the gaze ahead, with the immense power of the emperor, then he opened his mouth, and a voice of inquiry rolled out:

   "The past is like a smoke. After a lot of time, do you still remember the glory of Daxia?"

   "I dare not forget to die!"

After    Shanzi's solemn voice fell, the voice of the young emperor continued to sound:

   "You have the blood of the former royal family in your body. How can you be willing to be a little scout?"

   "I only have one mother, she is just an ordinary woman in the capital city, there is no such thing as the blood of the previous dynasty wins the dynasty, so as a son, I also have ordinary blood in my body."

   "Do you know where your former partner Xue Dao is at this time?"

   After the question fell, Shanzi suddenly raised his head, and an urgent color appeared in the golden pupils. Then Zhao Yu did not sell Guanzi, but directly spoke:

   "He went to the land of the profound mystery."

After    finished speaking, Zhao Yu stretched out his hand and waved forward, a delicate wooden box with countless runes appeared directly in his hand, and then the young emperor placed the wooden box on the wooden table, got up slowly, and walked away.

   When the young emperor moved, the surrounding sergeants and officials all moved along, and the entire extremely remote gathering place suddenly became full of vitality, and a large number of figures began to circulate.

   Then he stared at the wooden box in front of Shanzi's ears, Zhao Yu's voice sounded again:

"There is still a year and a half. Under the arrangement of fate, our entire Shenzhou vast land may directly float out of the Taixuan land. Before that, we will merge the Dao soul in the wooden box, grasp the power in it, and then go In response to Xue Dao, the young Daxia scout."

After   , the Shanzi, whose whole body was shaking with dragon scales, bowed again to Zhao Yu's leaving back, choked and said:

   "Scout Shanzi, thank you Majesty!"


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