The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1153: Sun and moon


read2();   When passing by without staying, the sun and the moon are weaving like a shuttle.

   The ninety-year winter of the Great Xia calendar is coming as scheduled. For some reason, the winter of this year, especially in the northwest of Great Xia, is particularly cold.

   The cold north wind gently hid the sunset glow. Amidst the heavy snow of goose feathers, Daxia ushered in the second New Year after Zhao Yu ascended the throne.

The importance of the New Year's Day to the people of Daxia is self-evident. It is the most important festival in the vast land of China. Therefore, it is naturally lively and extraordinary. The celebrations held in various places are unprecedentedly grand. The thirty-six states are full of lights and colorful firecrackers. Sounds, laughter, and blessings surround the starry sky. Under the vast starry sky of the vast land of China, it is a peaceful and prosperous era of unprecedented prosperity, a great country in its heyday.

  Under the heaven and the earth, the four seasons rotate, and after the New Year, spring is.

The apricot blossoms are full of branches, and the clouds slowly melt under the rising temperature, and then turn into drizzle and fall down. In this continuous spring rain, a message is announced by the court. Suddenly swept the entire 36 states of the vast land of Shenzhou, and it took only half a day to completely detonate all the people of Daxia.

   Tai Xuan Land!

The spring of the 91st year of the Great Xia calendar is destined to be recorded in the annals of history. All the people, because the news of the Taixuan Land is all boiling, setting off a violent wave like a mountain whistling and a tsunami, followed by the well-prepared Guanyou Division. , Transmission Department, Daxia Academy and other personnel all dispatched, began to popularize lobbying in the big cities of villages and towns, alleviating panic.

At the same time, Daxia’s various armies, which had been training for a long time in Daxia, began to mobilize together. According to the arrangements of the Military Aircraft Department and the Ministry of War, they were directly deployed in the key locations of the 36 states, and they were so murderous under the continuous spring rain. The substance generally tilts outwards, unreservedly showing Daxia's toughness to everyone.

Under the will of the young emperor, after several years of war-free and peaceful Daxia, he entered a state of combat readiness in an instant, like a great bow against the heavens, slowly pulled the bowstring outwards The earth-shaking edge gradually poured out.

The ruthlessness of    Avenue is that no matter how everything changes in the world, whether it is peaceful development or emergency preparedness, the time between heaven and earth will flow forward at the same speed, like a rushing river that never returns.

As time passed, the hot summer went northward with the south wind, and the once migrating birds once again returned to the northern Xinjiang where the temperature was rising. As they chirped, the violent boiling of the Taixuan Land for a whole spring gradually eased. It also means that most of the people in the vast land of China have accepted the existence of the Great Profound Land.

It is worth mentioning that when the various ministries of the Great Xia court tried their best to stabilize the emotions of the people, a force belonging to the people suddenly emerged and played an important role in it, that is, Mr. Yu. Daxia storyteller headed by.

The tens of thousands of storytellers in Daxia live by telling, and in Daxia folk where entertainment activities are scarce, they have an extremely large audience and foundation. Therefore, these storytellers are responsible for the rise and fall of the world in the words of Mr. Yu. They all responded and began to play the role of Daxia's mouthpiece to appease the folk mood.

   Time passed for a few more months. Summer passed and autumn arrived. The original noisy cicadas disappeared completely. Hoarfrost replaced Zhizhi and covered the branches. The temperature dropped sharply, and the flying snow whitened the entire capital city.

The Shenjing City under the heavy snow can be described as beautiful and thrilling. Whether it is the towering Sitian Pagoda, Xuantianmu and Phoenix Terrace, or the solemn and solemn Baidi Palace, they are all covered with a thick layer of silver clothes to dilute. In addition to the majesty of the weekdays, Ping Tim is a bit elegant and gentle.

The city of Shenjing is still very lively. In the Ruins of Taiping, the people who transmitted from all over the 36 prefectures and walked out of Shenjing Station one after another. Apparently these people living in the warmer south underestimated the gods of the Northwest. The low temperature of the capital.

The territory of Daxia is really too wide, but fortunately, the Taiping Ruins where the Shenjing Station is located is the most prosperous gathering place in Shenjing City. There are countless chambers of commerce and market places, and all kinds of goods are available. Buying a few pieces of cotton clothes is naturally Not to mention.

In the middle of noon, the plum blossom-like snow in the sky was flying around, and then inside the huge arched gate of Shenjing Station, old and young figures slowly walked out with the crowd, and then there were some old voices from the old man. Out:

   "The snow in the southern thin shirt and the northern snow is really too big for our big summer. Fortunately, the old man has the foresight and put on the thick cotton coat early so that he won't be shivering like the person next to him."

Although the old man’s voice was clear and strong, it was hoarse. At the same time, because he spoke too much in the south, Mr. Yu’s face was a little haggard. He looked at the silver-clad plain and lively Taiping Ruins ahead. , Continue to speak:

"Jin Fu, the two of us traveled from the capital city to Qiushui City, Chuzhou for more than half a month. Father, I haven't seen my grandson for more than half a month. I really have a hard time thinking, but I don’t know if this little guy Pengfei has followed the master during this time. Knife."

Standing beside him, a young man named Jinfu whose surname was Fan, had worshipped him as his teacher a year ago. At this time, the handsome face of the young man had matured a lot, especially his two eyes, shining brightly, and then he spoke. Responded:

   "Teacher, Pengfei's master is extraordinary, and he can definitely urge him to practice."

After   's words fell, the young man Jin Fu's eyes under his sword eyebrows were slightly narrowed. After staring at the front for a few breaths, he continued to speak:

   "But teacher, this trip to Chuzhou, there are some places that make my disciples feel very unusual."

After   's voice fell, Yu Lao Ye Zi, who was beside the young man, raised his brows and nodded, his voice came out:

"You feel it too, right? Chuzhou is one of the most prosperous states in Daxia, and it has the strongest literary spirit. With the combination of rich and literary, it’s not as good as other places to have their own ideas about the land of the profound. For it, but just feel that there is an undercurrent surging under the entire Qiushui City.

   "Then the old man, I found an old friend when I was young, and knocked on the side, and finally asked a hint before I left."

   After Father Yu’s voice fell, both he and the young people beside him showed a solemn look. Then, Father Yu took the lead to step forward, without holding an umbrella, and directly stepped into the flying snow.

   Snow fell on the old man’s gray hair, almost indifferent to each other, and then the young man’s question sounded in his ears:

   "Teacher, where am I waiting for this trip?"

   After the sound of the inquiry fell, Mr. Yu looked up at the front, stretched out his hand to hold an envelope tightly in his arms, and responded:

   "The change of Qiushui City in Chuzhou should have been noticed by the means of the court. Let's find the master of the old man and grandson Pengfei."

   The voice fell, following the old man's gaze, it was the White Emperor Palace in the center of the capital.


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