The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1163: Xue Kitagawa


read2();   "The Qiao family of Chuzhou, with a long heritage of more than a thousand years, is the leader of the literati in Chuzhou and the entire Daxia hinterland, and has a deep prestige."

   The main hall on the first floor of Sitian Tower in the capital city of God, the explanation from the commander-in-chief of the Sitian Supervisor Chuzhou, who hurriedly came from Qiushui City, echoed throughout the hall.

   Then the tired face of the middle-aged monk looked at Sima Annan who was listening in front of him, and the three figures in the robes of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

   "It's a serious matter, but it doesn't matter if you say it."

   After Sima Annan’s voice fell, the commander of Sita Supervisor Chuzhou nodded, opened his lips, and continued to speak:

"People in the entire Qiushui City know that this Qiao family has an extraordinary relationship with the royal family in the Baidi Palace. They said that their ancestors were equal to the Queen Mother from Xianqu when they were young, so even we waited for the Tianjian. , Will give three points of courtesy."

   "It's just the clinging generation who put gold on their faces."

   Sima Annan, who was sitting down in the hall on the first floor of Sitian Tower, was looking down at the Qiao family dossier without looking up. After the voice came out, he stretched out his fingers and pressed a line on the dossier in front of him, and continued to speak:

"Qiao Family of Qiu Shui Thousand Years, in the previous dynasty, there were more than a dozen champions, and there are countless people who entered the dynasty as officials, so they have a deep background, but this family does not know why, after we opened the dynasty in Daxia, it seemed to be dug out. , Only made a few achievements among the people. Today, the largest official in the clan is also a vacant post of Chuzhou prefect counselor."

   After Sima Annan finished speaking, he closed the file and stood up, and the clear voice continued:

"The bones of writing have been lost. For the continuation of the family, I can only use my brains. It is said that when your Majesty accompanied the Empress Dowager back to Lingbo Lake's hometown, this Qiao family came uninvited and even wanted to send women from the clan to the palace. At that time, it was revealed that this clan had a past relationship with our emperor family.

   "Your Majesty is kind, you don't care about the love of the Empress Dowager, but now you are getting worse, and you are plotting wrongdoing, that is, seeking death!"

Sima Annan’s words contained an extremely strong murderous aura. This young staff member, who threw himself on the matter of the Supreme Profound Land in front of him, did not expect that his backyard would have caught fire, and it might even spread and burn. The hard-to-extinguish raging flames made him equally angry.

   "Master Sima, the ancestor of the Qiao family fell into a critical illness after the new year, will it also be related to this matter?"

Inside the Sitian Pagoda, the voice of the commander from the middle-aged Chuzhou Sitian Supervisor continued to sound. Then Sima Annan shook his head, put his hand into his arms, took out half of the tiger symbol depicting the mysterious bird totem, and solemnly handed it to the person beside him. Wang Jing, a cold voice sounded directly:

"With this half of the Tiger Talisman, mobilize the Weiyang army to surround the entire Qiushui City. No matter what the connection is, before the sun goes down tomorrow, all the news about the Insomnia Sect in Qiushui City must be revealed, otherwise I will just find a stone and hit it to death. ."

As soon as Sima Annan’s words fell, everyone’s heads were firmly locked on the map of the mountains and seas of Qiao’s family on the west side of Qiushui City, and a strong black light appeared in an instant, and when this black light appeared, all the officials in the Sitian Tower suddenly broke out. There was an exclamation.

   Then, under the interweaving of eyes, Sima Annan clenched his fists, and a solemn voice came out:

   "The power of the Outland, really **** it, all those who prepare will come to Qiushui City immediately!"

At the same time, just as Sima Annan's howling sounded through the entire Sitian Pagoda, a mask made up of weird black light was constantly enlarged in the eyes of Qiao Yue, Miss Qiao's family, and this mask carried a breathtaking breath. The power of death almost swallowed the soul of the latter, and at the same time a painful roar continued to echo in his mind:

   "In the embrace of death, you can become a sleepless person!"

In the Qiao family ginkgo courtyard, with the grin of the eldest lady, the mask in her hand is getting closer and closer to Qiao Yue's face, and the color of confusion in the latter's eyes is getting stronger, even the pain on his face All disappeared completely, and at this moment, the eldest lady of the Qiao family didn’t know where she was, and she recovered her mind for a moment, and shouted loudly:

   "Don't come and save this lady, Xue Beichuan, do you really want to watch me become a monster?"

As soon as Qiao Yue's cry for help came out, the next breath, just as the mask was about to be placed on Qiao Yue's face, a creamy white sword energy cut directly from top to bottom, across the void, and the light in this courtyard suddenly brightened. .

   At the same time, the sound of this sword aura is not the shrill whistling that tears the void, but the loud reading of countless disciples!

The milky white sword aura was like a rainbow, and the mighty might made the ginkgo leaves falling in the sky tremble to both sides to avoid and disperse. In a blink of an eye, the sword aura slashed directly at the lady's right hand holding the mask without any fancy. Above.

The sound of Lang Lang's reading resounded to the peak at this moment, and the pure awe-inspiring sword aura flashed through the void, and directly cut off the eldest lady's right wrist, and then the latter stepped back abruptly and let out a terribly painful scream. Screaming, at the same time the weird black light mask fell on the ground along with the severed hand, also emitting a sharp and unwilling roar.

   "Under the bright universe, there are ghosts and ghosts. Cholera harms the people, and everyone gets it!"

   A young and upright voice passed from above, and on the high wall of the courtyard, a young man wearing a black Confucian shirt appeared tall and tall, holding a sword under the floating ginkgo leaves.

The man’s sword eyebrows were soaring, and the heroic features and the golden ginkgo flying around, gave people a sense of being descended from the earth. Then, the aura of soaring aura rolled in all directions, together with Xinhao, and was called the twin stars of the Confucianism Xue Beichuan of one, once again raised his sword forward, stabbing three times in a row.

   This time, the milky white sword energy that crossed the void was not one, but six!

Six sword auras whizzed forward, dropping the courtyard onto the ground, pouring out from the inside of the mask, and continuing to pounce on Qiao Yue's black light and black aura into pieces. At the same time, Xue Beichuan stepped forward, his figure It appeared behind Qiao Yue like a falcon, grabbing the latter's placket with his hand, and retreating back, blinking and exiting the door.

After Xue Beichuan retreated with Qiao Yue, a strong black air emerged from the body of the old lady who was holding his right hand, and as the black air rolled, the old lady's face instantly became bloodless, as if she had lost everything. The life breath was stiff, and dense gray-blue lines appeared on the whole body.

After    three breaths, the tumbling gray air converged on the severed left hand of the elder lady, forming a left hand again, and then an extremely harsh roar came out:

   "Chasing, catching these two people back, digging bones and cramping, they can't escape from Qiao's Mansion!"

This harsh sound was accompanied by a mysterious ripple spreading outwards. In the entire Qiao Mansion, a large number of maids showed blue and white lines one after another, screaming silently up to the sky, and their eyes were also creepy blue. gray.


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