
read2();   "Xue Beichuan, didn't you just say that everyone is condemned by everyone, so what?"

The Qiao family mansion, among row upon row of pavilions, towers, and rockeries, Xue Beichuan with the figure of Qiao Yue was shuttled outwards at a very fast speed, and then the young lady Qiao Yue, who was carried by Xue Beichuan on his shoulders, spoke. After finishing, continue to speak:

"When you founded the Great Summer Academy of Qiushui City, didn't you win over all the younger generation of Qiushui City? My lady has been weak and sick for decades, and these maids will not be your opponents. Don't run away."

   "Today is different from the past. The aura on that lady's body is too weird and deeply hidden, as if it is not the power that should be possessed on the vast land of China."

   After Xue Beichuan's response fell, his footsteps kept going, and he continued to shuttle forward quickly, and his solemn voice sounded again:

   "You wait for the Qiao family to hide it so deeply, this time it will surely alarm the court, no matter what the cause and consequence are, the Qiao family will inevitably flow in blood."

   The voice that came from Xue Baichuan's mouth, with determination and coldness, made Qiao Yue, who had wanted to say something, pouted and fell directly into silence.

   In fact, for the Qiao family, this eldest lady’s heart is complicated with me, because this place is not only the home where she grew up, but also the prison she desperately wanted to escape from.

The surrounding quaint buildings kept flashing in front of him. In Qiao Yue's eyes, it was like a memory of life, which made him feel trance for a moment, but the next breath, Xue Beichuan's loud shout, pulled the former's thoughts completely Back to:

   "This battle is dangerous, hold it fast!"

The loud shout fell, Qiao Yue raised his head abruptly, and saw black shadows rushing from the front, back, left, and right. The speed was as fast as a wild beast out of the cage. It was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye. At the same time, the thick gray mist came from the shadow The upper part diffuses outward, leaving a long trace in the void.

   "What kind of monsters are these, why are there such monsters in the mansion, but I don't know anything?"

   "These are people. They are all subordinates of your Qiao Mansion. I don't know why they have become such crippled monsters."

After he finished speaking, Xue Beichuan stomped forward, carrying Qiao Yue's body straight into the sky, and after jumping up onto a rockery in twos or twos, he put down the latter, raised his hand and drew the sharp sword, and mobilized his vitality. At the peak, the black Confucian shirt bulged outwards with momentum.

   At the next breath, behind Xue Beichuan, a Taoist spirit that has almost condensed into substance emerged outwards. It was a huge brush. On top of the brush, there was still dark ink.

   "I am good at raising me, and I am upright!"

   a loud shout came from Xue Beichuan's mouth, and then the young Xue Gong, stepping on the rockery, swinging his sword forward, wrapped in the milky white awe-inspiring righteousness, directly slashed a black shadow that was coming.

The awe-inspiring aura cultivated by the original Confucian sect disciples is the most restraining of gloomy aura. Therefore, Xue Beichuan’s precise sword instantly tore the gray fog above the black figure's body, and continued forward, directly cutting down the latter The whole head.

   The head flew out and fell directly in front of Qiao Yue, who was standing next to Xue Beichuan. Then the latter's complexion changed suddenly and he blurted out:

   "Peach Red, she is Peach Red, one of the maids who originally served the lady."

"It seems that the so-called eldest lady has the evil power to turn people into such monsters, that is, I don't know how many people he has controlled. Just a Qiao Mansion alone. If the entire Qiushui City is harmed, the consequences would be unimaginable. ."

   The voice from Xue Beichuan’s mouth was extremely solemn, and at the same time his hands kept on, his left hand was sealed forward, and he let out a low cry:

   "Spring and Autumn in pen!"

   In the next second, the Daohun Chunqiu pen behind the young man suddenly turned white light, and at the same time the pitch-black ink composed of vitality swept forward, writing a big killing character in the air.

   When this word comes out, there is no limit to killing!

   Every drop of ink in this killing character is like an extremely sharp blade, which cuts the black mist silhouettes into countless pieces, and then, accompanied by billowing black air, all fall from the top of the rockery.

   However, just as Xue Beichuan finished writing about the magical powers of the Spring and Autumn Period, a number of strange shadows came from behind in the gap of the circulation of Qi and had arrived on the rockery. Then he waved his claws and grabbed directly at the back of the former head.

   The harsh air roar, accompanied by Qiao Yue's reminder, sounded at the same time:

   "Xue Beichuan, be careful behind you!"

   "The arc is straight up!"

At the moment, Xue Beichuan took a step forward, dodge the blue-gray lines, and the sharp claws like beasts, then he turned around, stabbed the sword, and a dazzling arc shining through the void, after an instant, The sword in Xue Beichuan's hand instantly pierced into the throat of the figure behind him from a mysterious and mysterious angle.

  The figure pierced in the throat is also a woman who has completely turned into a monster. She can vaguely see her beautiful face and not very old. Then Qiao Yue's voice sounded again:

   "She is Chuntao. The people who besieged us here are all servants of the mansion, and for some reason, they are all women."

Qiao Yue’s voice trembled a little, because she suddenly discovered that if Xue Beichuan hadn’t arrived in time and pulled her out of that mask, she would have become like this at this time. A terrifying monster like a female servant.

   "The mask is the weird mask in the hands of the old lady. It turns them into this."

After the trembling voice came from Qiao Yue's hands, Xue Beichuan beside him pulled out the sword in his hand from the throat of the black shadow, and then looked around for a week, looking at more and more black shadows coming here. , Junlang's face became more solemn, and he directly said:

   "This rockery is surrounded by enemies on all sides and is not in a favorable position. If these monsters are large in number, I can't protect you. I have to leave here first. I'll talk about the rest later."

After speaking, Xue Beichuan squeezed the sword in his hand, and at the same time the spirit of the Spring and Autumn Period behind him flickered even more. He raised his head and looked into the distance to search for the direction of the next walking. But the next second, his arm Qiao Yue was grasping tightly, and the latter's frightened voice came out:

   "Xue Beichuan, come to life, Chuntao comes to life!"

   As soon as he said this, he was looking at Xue Beichuan in the distance and suddenly turned his head, looking at the black figure that had been pierced in the throat and was limp on the ground, his face changed wildly.

I saw Chuntao who was already limp on the rockery, but her body began to tremble strangely and violently, her entire mouth opened and roared, and a large amount of black mist gathered towards the fatal wound on her neck, and it only took a few breaths to completely fill it up. , Restore as before.

   In the next second, Chuntao's blue-gray eyes opened again, and the whole person staggered up from the ground, suddenly violent.

   "All came alive, and those who died before stood up again!"

The shuddering voice from Qiao Yue came out again, and then centered on the rockery of Xue Beichuan and Qiao Yue, the figures who had been beheaded by the former, no matter how many were cut into pieces under the cover of black mist Cut, cut back to the same as before, roaring to stand up again.



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