The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1165: God of War Spear


read2();   "I don't believe in the so-called immortality!"

   Above the void on the west side of Qiushui City in Chuzhou, the voice from Sima Annan sounded, and then together with the figures flying in large robes behind him, he lowered his head to stare at the dark mansion below, like a gloomy ghost, and continued to speak:

   "Heaven and earth have their own destiny, even the terrestrial gods and even stronger ones will be killed, not to mention these ordinary servants who had no cultivation skills and were suddenly turned into monsters."

"This black mist from outside the territories has a very high level, far surpassing the power inherent in the vast land of China. It contains pure and incomparable power of death. As the saying goes, whether it is extremely calm or not, and the death energy is strong to a certain extent, it can also form stiffness. Maybe it has something to do with it."

After Sima Annan’s voice fell, the response that followed came from the washing red dust on the nightmare robe. At this time, behind Sima Annan [笔趣阁], besides washing the red dust, he also There is Peng Mu who stares down here without saying a word.

For these taboos who stand in the air and have a supreme cultivation base, the stiff shadows below Xue Beichuan and Qiao Yue are certainly surprising, but it is more important to explore whether there is a place of mystery. The monk's trail appeared.

   Therefore, wave after wave of intrepid spirits pounced from above the void like a tide, and began to sweep the entire Autumn Water City, especially the huge Qiao Mansion, without letting go of a single bit.

   The divine consciousness is like a torrent, but it is extremely hidden, ordinary people and even monks can't even notice it. However, the more probing, the faces of Sima Annan and others become more solemn, and then the cold voice spread:

   "There are a lot of people who have been exposed to this deadly black air in their bodies, especially in the Qiao Mansion below. Almost half of the female family members are surrounded by black air. What a courage!"

   "The most critical question now is how did this strange extraterritorial power appear in Qiushui City, and who has it controlled?"

   After Sima Annan finished saying this, he did not look down at the Qiao Mansion below, but raised his head to look at the Lingbo Lake, which was not far away and occupies the entire line of sight in the distance.

Sima Annan clearly knew that in the depths of Lingbo Lake on the shore of Chuzhou, there lived a great existence. As the saying goes, no one can snoring on the side of the couch, but Qiushui City has undergone such an abnormal change, so under careful consideration , Sima Annan suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

   Then Sima Annan, who thought about it, stepped forward and said in a sharp voice:

   "Have Wang Jing returned?"

   "I'm back. The entire sergeant stationed near Chuzhou has been mobilized. At the same time, the four hundred Weiyang Army's thunder guns and crossbows have been locked here to ensure that a mosquito can't fly out."

   responded, Wang Jing's well-proportioned and straight body appeared beside Sima Annan, then lowered his head and continued to speak:

   "The situation of the two people below is not very good. There is a gentleman who is still in the Great Summer Academy. Your Majesty is still waiting for my reply. Time is limited. Let's just start acting."

   Wang Jing's voice fell, and the burly Peng Mu nodded, and also took a step forward. The whole body fell like a mountain.

   At the same time, as Wang Jing said, on a rockery in the Qiao Mansion, Xue Beichuan, who wields a sword to protect Qiao Yue, is not optimistic, and can even be described as critical.

The black shadows rushing from all directions, as well as these incomparably stiff and sharp claws and fangs, caused the vigorous reserves of vitality and the power of righteousness in the young man's body to be consumed at an astonishing speed, especially these whole bodies. The gray zombie also has the characteristic of being unable to kill, which put Xue Beichuan into a critical situation of being attacked by the enemy.

   "Xue Beichuan, you are injured and bleeding!"

The eldest Miss Qiao Yue, who was tightly guarded by Xue Beichuan, bit her lip, even if she was extremely frightened, she tried not to make a sound to distract the former, but then watched more and more scars on Xue Beichuan's body. , The girl still couldn't help but trembling to remind her.

   "What I cultivate is Haoran righteousness, this kind of gloomy spirit will not affect me, it is just some skin injuries, please pay attention to your surroundings and don't run around me!"

The voice that came from Xue Beichuan’s mouth was still calm, just like what he had always practiced in his daily life. When he was in danger, he continued to swing his sharp sword. The sword was wrapped in a white rainbow-like righteous spirit, and it was extremely accurate. The lines on the line froze one by one.

   After Xue Beichuan cut the few animals in front of him, he didn't pause at all. He turned around, stabbed his sword, and exploded his vitality, pouring his sharp edge towards his back without any reservation, making it all in one go.

   But at the next breath, the young Mr. Xuegong frowned, because the long sword in his hand, under Qiao Yue's exclamation, uttered an overwhelmed mourn, and then broke into several pieces.

Such a change caused Xue Beichuan’s defensive formation to open in an instant, and the black fog behind him directly broke through the original dense defense. Several claws that tore through the void, grabbed Qiao Yue with lightning speed. Throat.

   Between the electric light and flint, Xue Beichuan took a step straight to the side, and directly blocked the girl in front of the girl with his body, and stretched out his hands to hold the attacking claws, while making a muffled snort.

   Because of the two claws covered with blue-gray patterns, they tore off two pieces of flesh and blood directly on Xue Beichuan's shoulders, and the strong **** smell immediately diffused outward, and then Qiao Yue's crying voice suddenly sounded:

   "Xue Beichuan, hurry up and go. This is my Qiao family's business. I will bear it myself. If you don't take me, you can leave. You don't need to accompany me to death in vain."

   "Then you are wrong, Miss Qiao, when these monsters appear, it is not only a matter for your Qiao family, but a matter for the entire court and the world."

Words by words came from Xue Beichuan’s mouth, and then the spirit of the Spring and Autumn Period behind him burst out in an instant, drop after drop of vitality ink, like a desperate fight, rushing towards the gray-blue stiff. Pouring crazily.

   This brush-and-ink supernatural power that has gathered Xue Beichuan's last explosive power is extremely powerful, and it makes a loud noise that tears the air. It sifts the gangsters in front of him and even clears a large vacuum area.

Drops of sweat dripped down from Xue Beichuan’s forehead, and at the same time, his body was panting because of the overdraft of vitality. In this case, even Qiao Yue, who was not a strong cultivation base, knew that the young man had already In a state of decompression, he hurriedly reached out to help.

The surrounding area of ​​the rockery fell into silence, but the terrifying black smoke still rises upwards, and the gray scorpions that have been killed by Xue Beichuan dozens of times also gradually recovered under the smoke, and stood up again. .

   "They can't die, they can't die!"

The murmured words came out from Qiao Yue's mouth, and then he shielded Xue Beichuan with a petite body, even if his face was pale and trembling with fear, Qiao Yue remained motionless, just like a young man just standing in front of her. Like.

   "Xue Beichuan, I owe you Qiao Yue this time!"

In the next second, when the two of them were already in despair, in front of Qiao Yue, a burly figure flying in a robe suddenly appeared. This figure was so abrupt and silent that even Qiao Yue thought she had hallucinations. .

   Then Qiao Yue shook her head and continued to look around, only to see this mountain-like figure still standing, and what was even more striking was the war spear held by the figure.

   This is not only a spear of the **** of war, but also a torch burning with iron and blood, exuding suffocating power.

   Then under the incredible gazes of Xue Beichuan and Qiao Yue, Peng Mu raised his spear and threw it violently forward.

   Between the sky and the earth, a red line that cuts the void appeared.

   "Ancient taboo magical powers. God of War Swift Spear!"


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