The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1167: Long rivers disappear and die in this life


read2();   The upper and lower quadrants are cosmos, and the universe has always been the universe.

  The power of the three generations from ancient and modern times is the core inheritance of the Shenji Pavilion on the vast land of China. It is profound and unparalleled. It is unparalleled and cultivated to the state of transformation. Without mentioning the past life, it can completely capture the encounter in this life from the long river of time.

Mrs. Qiao’s family is an ordinary person with no cultivation skills, and the interweaving of her body and the avenue is not as dense as the high-level overhaul. Therefore, with the cultivation of Sima Annan, the red lotus karma fire is used to burn the body of the former. Karma as a guide can clearly reveal her life in the long river of time.

   A woman who married into a thousand-year-old family has a miserable life!

The beginning of the time-long river picture scroll is the lakeside of Lingbo Lake, the Pearl of Daxia. The breeze slaps the embankment with waves that are not violent. While making a clattering sound, it rolls up and down. Back.

   There are many pavilions in Chuzhou, so naturally there is a unique lake pavilion on the lake bank. Inside the lake pavilion, a girl wearing a Chu gauze skirt and a weak posture stands quietly in the wind.

The girl’s face is beautiful, her temperament is gentle, and she contains the scent of everybody’s ladylike book. It is a typical example among Chuzhou girls, but under the gentle breeze, the girl covers her heart, her eyes are deeply confused. .

   Suddenly, behind the Chuzhou Pavilion where the girl was, a young maid rushed over with her skirt and ran into the pavilion. She breathed and spoke:

"Miss, the Qiao family just sent someone over and told the lord that he has selected you as their grandma's candidate. Now within half a day, the entire Qiushui City has already heard about this news, and everyone said that Miss, you have become a branch. Phoenix, then this is the Qiao family, a thousand-year heritage, prominent in the literary world.

   "Moreover, the young master of the Qiao family is said to be equally handsome and full of wealth."

Just as the little maid looked excited in the pavilion, as Jiazhen said how perfect Qiao’s family was, what she didn’t notice was that the girl standing on the edge of the Chuzhou pavilion suddenly clenched her hand covering her heart. The color of pain also flashed away, the right foot lifted up and a light step forward, and then half of the foot was suspended on the surface of the lake.

   The long river of time in the ginkgo courtyard seemed to stop completely at this moment, and everyone in the courtyard frowned.

But in the end, perhaps because of the fear of death, or other reasons, the girl retracted her right foot, turned and walked back into the pavilion, leaving only a handkerchief flying down, crossing a tortuous route in the wind, and then fell away. On the rippling lake, drifting away.

After a long time, the pictures of Hanoi flowed again. Amidst countless blessings, the girl put on a red dress and a red hijab. Along with the roar of gongs and drums and the sound of firecrackers, she entered Joe mightily. Home door.

Qiao’s family is the premier family in Qiushui City. The eldest son of the family’s marriage to the grandmother and grandmother is naturally huge, and that very grand wedding has been talked about by the whole Qiushui City for a long time, but it has become under the red cover. The girl's swan song.

As spring passes and autumn comes, and the pictures in the long river of time come. A few years later, under the gaze of Sima Annan, Wang Jing and others, in the quaint courtyard of the Qiao family, he is only a few years old, but his face is old. A large section of the young girl lay alone on the bed in the pavilion, staring blankly at the swarms of birds flying by outside the window.

   The maid who followed her to Qiao’s house walked out of the attic room with a sad expression on her washbasin, but her complexion changed because the voices of people chatting outside the house clearly came to her ears:

"The child hasn't been saved. This is the third one. I heard from the doctor in the house secretly saying that the eldest lady will never have another child in her life, and the ancestor's meaning is also very obvious. After all, one has already given birth to the second room."

   "You wait for something nonsense, if you chew your tongue behind your back in the future, you will have to be served by family law!"

   The angry maid uttered a soft drink, and the people ran away, and after this shout entered the room, two rows of clear tears rolled down from the eyes of the woman on the bed.

  The background of this long-term Hanoi picture is extremely fixed, that is, this Qiao Mansion courtyard, which is almost unattended, and the woman who seems to have been sitting in the courtyard.

   The flowers in the yard bloomed. Thank you, thank you. The husband of the woman who has become the head of the Qiao family, has not even stepped into the courtyard for several years. The woman seems to be forgotten by everyone, only time has not forgotten her.

   As a result, she became older and weaker, and more brutal blows followed. The maid who had been with her died of illness.

   The woman was very sad, almost fainting, and then her aging speed suddenly accelerated, her complexion was pale and bloodless, she soon fell ill and was dying.

   But when he was dying, a new steward from Qiao’s mansion appeared secretly in the woman’s courtyard. Then the steward looked at the dying woman and asked a question:

   "Why did you make an appointment to throw the lake together, but take back half of your foot?"

   The woman didn't respond, but she didn't die either. With the help of the steward secretly, she miraculously came alive. For the next ten years, she also lived in the deep courtyard and never went out.

   "She is indeed a poor man."

   came out of Sima Annan's mouth with a slightly sad voice, and then watched as he was pierced with a spear through his chest and pierced on the ginkgo tree, and kept roaring. The monster-like lady continued to speak:

   "Her previous life was sad and lonely, so with this change now, it should be in the near future that my son will speed up the passage of some time."

After    finished speaking, the burning speed of the red lotus karma in Sima Annan's hand suddenly increased, and at the same time, the long river that was obscured by the big day on top of the screen was blurred and changed.

   In the blur of the picture, the time passed quickly, and the time in Long Hanoi came directly to recent years, immediately after Sima Annan raised his eyebrows, stretched out his left hand and squeezed tightly, and the river stopped instantly.

   Everyone stared attentively, and only saw the picture in the river, no longer the immutable courtyard of the Qiao Mansion, but the shore of Lingbo Lake at the beginning.

   At the same lake bank and the same Chuzhou pavilion, the woman once again stood silently in the wind, and she also stepped half of her foot to step forward, but compared with her youth, everything was already a mere fact.

   She was no longer young, and even lost everything. Under all her thoughts, she did not take her foot back this time, but jumped straight down, with resentment and sorrow, with a puff, and completely sank into the lake.

  The picture of the long river of time has completely stopped at this point, and the red lotus karma in Sima Annan's hand ignites directly, and the river of time above dissipates.

  The industry burns out, the long river disappears, and this life is dead!

   Sima Annan looked at the old lady who was still struggling under the spear of the **** of war, and let out a strange cry in astonishment:

   "This is impossible, you are already dead, what kind of existence is this now?"


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