The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1168: True shadow of soul


read2();   On the winter afternoon at the beginning of the ninety-first day of the Great Xia calendar, with the order of Zhao Yu, the originally quiet, peaceful, busy and cool Qiu Shui City instantly became deadly, with three huge gates. Slowly falling, after hitting the ground, a loud noise resounded across the sky.

The fall of the city gate in the daytime indicates a critical moment like wartime, and the sound of drums resounding throughout the city of Qiushui, as well as the Sitian monks and soldiers lined up and down the streets and lanes, let countless people of Qiushui City. It exploded in an instant.

   It is true that Qiushui City, located in the core hinterland of Daxia, has the imperial capital Shenjing in the north to suppress the northwest gateway, and the deserted city in the south of Ximan Wangfu is also solid, and the geographical environment is extremely safe.

   Therefore, since the opening of the Great Xia Dynasty, even if it was the most critical moment when foreign soldiers came to Shenjing City more than a decade ago, the three walls of Qiushui City have not been put down in daylight, so it is enough to see how amazed the people of Qiushui City at this time.

   Qiushui Lakeside Wharf was originally very lively, and the Chamber of Commerce personnel who were rushing to buy crabs in the late autumn, listened to the sound of war drums in their ears, and completely lost the thought of continuing to purchase. They gathered together and looked at each other.

   Then a young man from the Chamber of Commerce who ran to inquire about the news quickly ran from a distance. Before reaching the crowd, the people's inquiries rushed out:

   "War drum, lockdown, what's the situation? It's making all of us panic."

   "Yes, in such a critical situation, is it possible that the land of the profound mystery has entered?"

   When a series of inquiries sounded, the young man who ran back with all his might, bent down and took a breath. Before he could respond, the urging voices of the people around him continued to sound:

   "Boy, don't be too close, just say it, is it going to fight?"

   "I will take a sigh of relief."

After   's response fell, the young man who had managed to straighten out his breath continued to speak:

"It's not a war, but the Qiao family. The Qiao family didn't know what they did to anger the court and your majesty, so that Si Tianjian and our Chuzhou garrison were dispatched to encircle Qiao's mansion, and even some people were still on the city wall. I saw that outside Qiushui City, the giant puppet of Weiyang Army appeared."

   As soon as the young man said this, the people around him became more upset, and then someone came out with an incredible voice:

   "The Weiyang army you mentioned, but the new army named after your little princess a year ago, is said to be composed of huge puppets. It is not only the moving wall of my Daxia, but also the torrent of thunder?"

   "Apart from this extremely mysterious new army that has not yet officially revealed its edge, do we still have an army called Weiyang Army in Daxia?"

   The young man's determined questioning, once again startled everyone around him with an exclamation, and then immediately someone stepped forward and ran out, his expression full of excitement.

   "Where are you going, Qiao's Mansion is already surrounded by the hand-defense corps. It's better not to join in the fun."

   "I'm not going to Qiao's Mansion, I'll look at the city wall and see the majestic appearance of Weiyang Army!"

  As soon as this statement came out, several people immediately followed suit and followed quickly. For the people in Qiushui City, the appearance of the Weiyang Army outside the city may be more attractive than the imminent destruction of the thousand-year-old Qiao family.

   This is the essential difference between a big country and a small family!

In the middle of Qiushui City, the entire large Qiao family became silent after a large number of monks in Sitian Supervisor threw in. Almost all Qiao family related personnel in the mansion were controlled, and Xue Beichuan and Qiao Yue outside the Ginkgo courtyard were not able to enter. In the courtyard, because the monk wearing a large robe reached out and stopped the two.

   But even so, the two of them can still see through the gap in the courtyard that was blasted out by the God of War Spear.

I saw that the atmosphere in this huge ginkgo courtyard was almost frozen. The top Radiant Army and Night Dire Taboo of the Great Xia, along with Emperor Fuyao’s most trusted staff, Sima Annan, fell under the huge ginkgo tree. In deep thinking.

  The golden ginkgo leaves are floating in the sky like rain, but the angry roar from the monster-like doctor population, piercing the eardrum, not only destroys the aesthetic mood of the ginkgo courtyard, but also makes people feel creepy.

   The God of War Swift Spear thrown by Peng Mu has an unimaginable power. The flame of the God of War on it suppressed the force of Death Outland in the lady's body, and at the same time gave the latter extreme pain.

Under this circumstance, the eldest lady's claws, like a beast, firmly grasped the spear on her chest and tried to pull it out, but it was difficult to move a bit of it. Then, under the ginkgo tree, cross-legged thinking, staring at the lady in front of her. Sima Annan's lips opened slightly, and the voice came out:

   "I thought that under the heaven and the earth, yin and yang oppose each other, and life and death occupy both ends of the balance, but I never thought that I could see the existence between life and death on the vast land of China."

After   's words fell, Sima Annan stood up, stepped forward and approached the lady on the ginkgo tree, and continued to speak to him:

"According to the scene of the long river of time and the feedback from the Three Generations Xiangfa, you, Mrs. Qiao Mansion, should have died, and even those zombies who had just been walking, after the power of death broke out, they became nothing. The dead thing of thinking, but you still have saneness, which is incredible.

   "In other words, your life form at this time can be said to be alive but not alive, dead but not dead, half a life and half dead, this is really contrary to common sense."

   "Er et al. know nothing about this world!"

   Before Sima Annan's words fell, the roar from the big lady directly resounded throughout the ginkgo courtyard.

  As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the courtyard changed their complexions, and then the older lady who had more and more blue-gray lines on her face continued to let out a harsh roar:

   "Between life and death, there is no sleep, I have no sleep, immortality, you can't kill me, I will only return to the Chaos Sea!"

As soon as the three words "Chaotic Sea" came out, whether it was Sima Annan, Wang Jing and others, their earth-shaking aura rose to the sky, because the three words "Chaotic Sea" are familiar to many people. They appeared in Taixuanzhi. In the intelligence of the land.

   "Are you really related to the Taixuan Land?"

   The voice from Sima Annan’s mouth was colder than ever before, and then he raised his right hand again and grabbed it towards the lady, the voice continued to spread out:

   "Although you are between life and death at this time, one thing is certain, you are definitely not the pure lady of the Qiao Mansion, then let me see what kind of monster you are!"

Sima Annan’s voice grew louder and louder, and then two lines of blood poured out from his eye sockets, and the void in the entire ginkgo courtyard shook violently. A mysterious and mysterious power of time suddenly poured out of Sima Annan’s body. It turned into a billowing wave and rushed forward.

   At the next breath, the wave of time impacted on the body of the eldest lady, and instantly penetrated, and in the void behind the ginkgo tree, a scoured soul reflection appeared.

   "Three generations, the true shadow of the soul!"

   A loud shout came from Sima Annan's mouth, and then the true shadow of the washed soul became clearer and clearer, and gradually appeared like a lady, but the face of her soul was still blurred and could not be seen clearly.

   "Come out to my son!"

   Sima Annan's face was pouring more and more blood, and the force of the three-life phase magic that rushed forward exploded again. After three breaths, the true shadow of the old lady's soul suddenly became clear.

   A lacquered black mask appeared directly, on top of the mask, it was covered with interlaced gray and blue lines, like a tortoise shell!


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