The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1170: Beihai Shenao


read2();   "My lord, what a monster is this?"

Among the dense forest outside Qiushui City, one after another huge catapult puppets lined up, and these ferocious puppets formally entered into the battlefield, the formidable thunder artillery on their backs all rushed toward the sky, aiming at the void in front of you. , Stepping on the emptiness giant above the city guard.

Inside the catapult puppet at the front, Xiao Pangdun Zhou Fan, the former disciple of the organ sect, who is now Daxia Weiyang Military Academy Lieutenant, stretched out his hand and touched the sweat bead on his forehead, staring at him who had never even dreamed of it. In the shocking scene, facing the commander of the Weiyang army beside him, he spoke again:

   "My lord, although this golden moat has not been stepped on at this time, but under such immense power, it is precarious, shall I act?"

The commander of the Weiyang Army next to Zhou Fan is a dark-skinned, middle-aged general with a rich resume. In the early years, he not only led the Jade Dragon Guan Shield Armour, but later commanded the famous Da Xia Zhongqi to stand on the battlefield. contribution.

The Weiyang Army is a brand new service that Zhao Yu and the entire Daxia Department of Arms have high hopes for. It is also one of the main combat forces in the battle against the Taixuan Land. The ability to be appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Weiyang Army also illustrates this from the side. The ability of a dark-skinned middle-aged general is superb.

   In fact, because of the geographical location, the people in Qiushui City and Sergeant Weiyang outside the city see and feel completely different scenes.

At this time, in the eyes of the commander-in-chief of Weiyang's army outside the city, above the city of Qiushui, the light of the runes kept flashing with a large array of golden light. Although it was still tenacious and strong, the extremely exaggerated arc that was stepped down made people unavoidably cruel. Ruthlessly pull.

   And the overall shape of this arc, when viewed from a distance, is like an Optimus Pillar falling from the sky, connecting the heaven and the earth.

   "The whole army is ready, thunder guns and crossbows are ready, and the target is over Qiushui City. If the first rune breaks in the great formation of Qiushui City, the guns and crossbows will be fired, turning the sky above into a thunder pool for Lao Zi!"

The roaring roar came from the mouth of the commander of the Weiyang army, resounding everywhere, and then the dense runes on the catapult puppets directly lit one after another, and at the same time, on the artillery and crossbow, the ear-piercing sound of ten thousand birds rang out. After coming out, the thunder suddenly appeared, and the vast murderous intent poured into the sky over Qiushui City.

At the same time, all the people in the entire Qiushui City felt that the hairs on their bodies were counted down, even if they could not see the specific appearance of the feet of the sky, but the feeling of destroying the sky and destroying the earth was still People can't help feeling tingling all over.

   Ordinary people are even like this, not to mention the monks who are closer to the whole world, so the monks in the city have mobilized their vitality and closely watched the changes in the large formation above.

Fortunately, the power of the mountain and sea map is beyond imagination. Under the situation that Sitian Tower continuously mobilizes the power of the mountain and sea map to gather, the runes on the large array are getting brighter and brighter, and then it is like a flexible spider web. , The rate of sinking slowed down.

   "The power of the mountain and sea map is much more than that. The reason why it sinks so badly is because it is constantly unloading its strength. By this time, this force has been relieved almost, and the big array is about to rise."

In the Ginkgo Courtyard of Qiao's Mansion in Qiushui City, Sima Annan, who looked up at the sky, reached out to stop Peng Mu who was about to rush towards the sky with his shield. There was a voice that was not serious or serious. As expected, after Sima Annan's voice fell, the entire Qiushui City suddenly broke out. There was a fierce cheer.

Under the deafening cheers, the golden runes on the sunken array suddenly shined, and there was even a very loud bowstring pulling apart between the sky and the earth, and then the large array supported the invisible one. His feet continued to rise, almost completely overturning the latter.

   "Everyone, the reason why I guess the foot of nothingness that is stepped on from the sky is a big Ao, because of the following reasons."

   Inside the ginkgo courtyard, Sima Annan’s voice continued to sound, and then he stretched out his right hand and snapped a finger to the front. Then a vague mask appeared directly, and the young man’s voice continued to speak:

   "This is the little causal power that I have just grabbed from that strange mask. Although it is extremely weak, it can still be observed."

After    finished speaking, Sima Annan stretched out his finger, pointed at the tortoise-shell pattern on the mask, and continued to speak:

"Ancient Daao, there is a dome on the Aojia, eight spine plates in the middle row, five spine shields on the upper cover, eight pairs of ribs on each side, and growth lines on the scutellums. , The more lines there are, all these features are consistent with this tortoise mask.

"And the second point, as everyone knows, I waited for the vast land of Shenzhou to be a fairy mountain above the North Sea, the land of Taixuan, and in order to stabilize the figure, there was a big ao on the top of the sky, so when it sank back then, there was an ao to follow. , Can also be explained."

   Sima Annan's words fell, and Wang Jing, frowning beside him, calmed down and asked:

   "Then how do you explain why Daao has never appeared on the vast land of Shenzhou for so many years, and the origin of this insomnia?"

   "My son guessed the secret in this, maybe it is hidden in Lingbo Lake on the bank of this autumn water city!"

As soon as Sima Annan’s response sounded, the expressions of everyone in the Ginkgo courtyard changed again, because the large moat formation that had bounced above it suddenly stagnated, and then began to tremble violently, a loud noise followed, and the large array again Once you sink down, it's like another Optimus Prime smashed down.

   Above the void, there was a tyrannical roar, accompanied by the roar of the great defense formation, and the huge power that suddenly descended, even the entire Qiushui city shook slightly!

   Outside Qiushui City, the middle-aged general of the Weiyang Army Commander-in-Chief directly uttered a roar:

   "Thunderbolt, let go!"

Before the roar fell, the louder thunderous roar of thousands of birds directly tore the entire world, and the backs of the huge puppets of the Weiyang army, the thunder ballistas that had been ready to go madly towards the top of Qiushui City The sky is launched.

   Roads of blazing white thunder light flashed across the void and pierced the sky. The light above Lingbo Lake suddenly brightened up, because there was a thunderstorm.

In the eyes of Sergeant Weiyang, this is an unforgettable picture. The ballista Thunder, which carried the pinnacle of the Daxia Ministry of Industry and the artisans, tore the entire sky and turned into a whole piece over the city of Qiushui. Thunder sea.

   The sky became a sea of ​​thunder, and all the clouds were torn apart and annihilated without fancy. Then, under everyone's gaze, the outline of a giant appeared in the sea of ​​thunder, occupying the entire sky.

   Dragon head, turtle body, unicorn tail!

   Beihai Shenao!


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